Thriller Science Fiction Friendship

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Will it be him

              The sounds of tapping coming from the window draw my attention. It is raining pretty hard today. Beautiful Weather to travel I thought as a grin slid on my face. Zoning out. I quickly got back to work. I was overlooking the latest model we put out. Looking at the rain again. “Darn,I forgot my umbrella.” I spoke to myself or at least I thought. “I knew you would say that.”Said brad holding two black umbrellas. He came from the open doorway and sat on the reddish-brownish couch I had in the middle of my office. “For a CEO you're pretty forgetful.” I told you yesterday it was going to rain.said brad picking up report pages on the table. “I need to speak with you that I why I called.” You seem so serious about calling me from downtown. I honestly did have a meeting I canceled.” “ A new proposal a new device?’ brad teased. My body tensed. Brad faced me noticing. He look me in eye. “What is it? I asked as a long-time brother and friend.”brad asked with worry. I sigh. “ too many eyes and ears.  how is your mother? She call the other day and I missed it.”

              Brad's face drops And I eye the door and back. He turns to see my assistant Sher in the doorway she stood there as he talked. Brad cleared his throat. “Come in Sher.” I spoke. “Im so sorry these were the last reports of the day and I was told to bring them straight to you.” Sher spoke. Sher was about 5`6 brown-skin eyes were dark brown she wore a black skirt with a tan blouse and black heels. “That's all.” I replied . “Yes.” sher assured. Walking pass brad and to my desk handing the files over. “Thank you. You may clock out and go home,” I said as i took a look at the documents. She was lovely. It is so hard to be normal when she is in the room. I clear my throat and look up from my seat. she was more stunning up close we made eye contact for seconds then quickly I look back at my desk. Sher spoke softly “I could look them over and finish the rest of the reports if you like.” Sher offered her kindness but” No that fine you may go home.” I said closing the paperwork. Brad chuckled and I sent him a look. She turn around and left. I watched her until she left the room.”What is that about brad said grinnin?”I ignored his teasing again. “Couldnt even look her in the eyes for three seconds he whispers.” “Shut up” I said glaring. Well, hand me some reports i'll help you look them over. He said walking to my desk. Then he lowers his tone. “Let us get a drink?”he said grabbing the folder and sitting back on the couch. He started looking over the pages of reports. I sat back in my chair and review the recent pages I was studying. About an hour or two reviewing until I was finished. I rose from my desk ready I said looking out the window it was clearly still raining and it was dark already. I check my watch it was seven thirty-five.  

               “Model g and c are moving slower in sales and production taxes are taking a toll but other than that your sales are booming. Just as expected you have a great business Rod.” Brad said grabbing his coat. He only spoke the harsh truth. Brad did not give compliments easily. “Thank you,” I said grabbing my coat and computer bag. I folded my computer on my desk and logged off the pcs. I grab my computer and put it in the bag. “Where would you like these to go?” Brad said as he neatly grab all the papers on the table and organzine them. “You can put them here.” pointing to my desk.Brad walked over placing them on my desk as I rose up ready to depart. I have to tell him today. It is ready for the testing stage. Human testing. He only has one trust. “How about a drink?” Said grabbing the umbrella from brad in the door way as we exit my office heading down the hall. “Did you drive or uber?” I asked. “No,I ubered brad responded.” “My car is.” I said as we step onto the elevator. The doors closed. “Eyes on us," I said looking at brad the camera in the elevator. He looked as if he want to continue speaking of the situation early. He looked at the camera and his face fell still. He must be processing how serious it is. We reach the basement and the elevator ding. The doors opened and we exit were only a few spaces down. Brad spoke when we reached the car. “This is big isn't?” He asked I nodded.His eyes widen like a child when getting a new toy. “It world changing now get in the car,” I said. We both enter the car. I press the start button and the engine roared to life.I put my seat belt on and my stuff in the back seat. I grip the wheel and press down on the gas peddle. Turning out of the garage the heavy rain fell on the as turn into street stopping at the red light. Looking around the street was busy as usual. The light swiftly turn green and just like that, I was off.The radio played soft jazz and the car felt a little warm. “How long have you been working on this rod?” “My whole life.” I responded with a quick glance. I could see brad's face full of wonder and confusion. It was well hidden after the incident back home. I could tell him then it was too dangerous it still is. I don't want to ruin my best friend's life, but I could also make it better. After a few more mins we arrived at the bar next to my storage. I park and turn off the car. We exit the vehicle. I lead brad into the 2 story bar. “Welcome in rod. Oh, you got a friend with ya. I'll be right up!”

      Shawn said waving. We walked up the black stairs circling around til we got to the top it was empty perfected. We sat at the bar waiting for Shawn, I to begin talking. “Sorry to call on short notice and throw you through loops. You are the only one i can trust with something like this.” Shawn walkup from the other side of the bar. “What are we drinking today guys?” “Can we get two whiskeys on ice, please? I said to the bartender. “I do want to talk to you about something serious though.” I continue. “Remember when we were in high school?” I ask “yea I do remember being a brainiac and getting bullied.” brad smirk “I also remember the first time I saw you fight back. I walk home and like always those 3 dumbasses had you corner but I saw something different in your eyes. I saw a will to fight.” I chuckled a will to fight huh? I said Slightly smiling at the thought of the important work in that journal. “And when the biggest one ripped it down the middle and threw it all over the sidewalk i think it was raining the day before so it was still a bit muddy. He continue and just like that you took a pen and stab the big one leg and the  other two stood scared and shocked as you took two other pencils and stab him in the foot and arm.At that time I ran to the scene grabbing your papers that were wet and muddy. The bigger one cried like a baby and the other two help him limped home with their tails between their legs.” He took a sip of his whiskey. I began speaking. “Yes I recall you begging to be friends and standing there tonight talking about how sick it was I started stabbing him with a pencil and helping me gather my notes.” I chuckled. “We stayed there for almost three hours.” Brad spoke “yea til almost dark.My mom was so worried until I told her I made a new friend then she wanted me to invite you over the next day.” I smiled taking a sip and another. My Smile fell. I needed every page.I was so persistent then and now.I thought. I sat up Looking brad in the eye. “Would believe me if I said that it was connected to the work I'm doing now? I spoke. Because of those notes and guidelines, I was able to create a way for people to instantly get the medical attention they need. For cops to instantly appear when a person calls for help. What if i had wireless transportation devices someone could die bleeding out waiting for a ambulance to drive 20 to 30mins to get to and die on the scene and then drive to the emergency room. Where my device transports the doctors instantly that are on standby and could easily save that person's life.” I pause studying brad's face as he processes what I said. I continue talking “ what if your mom fell and broke her leg at the old age she is it could be fatal and she calls you brad. “We would have to call 911 for her because she stays at least two states away from us in texas.” “That hundreds and thousands of miles away.” I spoke “what if there was a device that could instantly to your mom's house and you could help your mother yourself? Safely drive your mother to the hospital or port there again.” Port? brad says. “Oh well, I think that could be the name of the device port. I continue What if your business shipping is late you could instantly ship those goods over with port?” Brad spoke. “It sound as if you are pitching a device to a chairman of a technology company.” “I told my best friend my brother that I just made a device that would help the world become a better place.” Brad leaned forward. “So you have a world-changing device called a port cable of saving thousands even millions of people. A way for mail and goods heavy machinery and diamonds cash to reach the reserve.” “How is that possible?” Brad's question.”Frequencies” I whisper across. Eyeing the bartender who was oddly listening to us talk. “What do mean Frequencies brad said a bit too loud.” “Not here” I said . “Lets move.” We exit the bar. I lead brad down an alleyway. “Put your phone here.” I place mine in I metal box.we walked two more blocks. I watch brad put his phone in the box but was hesitant. I frowned at that thought. “So brad said Is all your paperwork in this building? "  He looked around “..and the notes guidelines for certain frequencies to change the channels when traveling.” “ How do you know where you landing? Are they side effects after using the device? Could you reach outer space?” I pause those questions started to sound odd. I haven't gone through it yet I have only been able to create a small portal. Space? I thought why is he thinking about space? “What about the ocean have tried porting there?”And now the ocean I thought. I backed away. He couldn't have. He was my bestfriend no way. I didnt want to believe it. My brother. Brad met my eyes he sigh. “Open the door," he said. More of a demand. Thought race in my head betrayal all across my heart. “What gave it away?” Brad said. Words use to sting but those words burn deep. I was so stupid. The reality was I could trust no one. Brad reached into his coat pulling out a gun. “Open the door," Brad said calmly aiming the gun at my head. How did I miss the signs? I turn in shock facing the door. I knew a day would come I just didn't believe it would be brad. Move in now I heard brad speak No! He was wearing a wire.Just then i heard tires screeching and engines roaring. We were being followed this whole time. I raised my hand over the palm button. Should I the world a be a better place right? But falling into the wrong hands could destroy us all. “I don't have time for this” brad said clicking the gun. “How did it come to this. I said looking brad i the eyes, You was the only person i could just trust.” I was left with two choices dying and my work stolen from me or die and destroy what I spent my life creating. My hands hover the pad shaking What will it be?

February 11, 2023 03:24

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