Kids Drama Friendship

Every Single Day I get bullied by the same girls, I like to call them the Mean Girls. I either get bullied for being too tall, too shy, or too smart. I don’t even know how they are bullying me for being too smart, they are just jealous that I ace every single test and quiz I take. The fact that when they play Truth or Dare outside and get dared to walk up to me or even worse talk to me is sickening. I also sit alone at lunch every day. Sometimes I wish I was homeschooled so I don’t have to interact with anyone and I can just work on my school, but unfortunately, I can’t because my mom works 12 hours a day (she is a doctor), and my dad is in prison but I won’t get into that.

As you can see I am a wreck and school starts in 1 week. I always beg my mom in her free time to take me shopping but all she says is

“I can’t take you shopping. I have to go help your grandpa get groceries.”

I called my Aunt to see if she could take me, no luck. I hung up the phone with her and stood in our small messy kitchen and thought to myself, “What am I going to do now.” I have to take matters into my own hands. I grabbed my wallet and ran to the garage. I hopped on my bike and rode 2 miles there and back to the mall. I looked for so long until I found things I liked. I stopped and stared as I realized that all the mean girls owned all the clothes I had picked out. They basically own every single piece of clothing on Earth. I can’t get any of those things because I will get bullied even more than before. I got all my clothes that the mean girls did not have and they were so ugly. I ran up to the cash register, all of the hangers were banging together. I put them on the table and one by one.

 I hear



She looked up and said 

“Your total will be $277.74”

I gulped and reached into my wallet and pulled out the money. I pushed it on the counter and she counted the money. The lady handed me back a $20 bill. I wiped my hand on my forehead in relief when putting my money back. I biked back as hard and fast I could because I had to be home by the time the street light went on or else I would be in a lot of trouble.

It’s now the first day of school and I feel great, my hair is good, my clothes are good so I should be fine. I walk into the wide-open doors of the school and I can feel the sun beating on my back. 

I was so confused, why was I not getting a

“Hi Olivia” or a 

“How was your Summer”

After all, I knew this year would be so miserable, besides I have my loyal imaginary friend to keep me company. It's almost like no one cares about me except for my imaginary Mya, it was my old friend's name who dropped me in 2nd grade but she was the only one who understood me.

I slammed the creaky doors closed as if I was entering a prison. Ever since my dad got arrested for theft and possession of illegal substances 7 years ago I never want to feel like I am in prison again. Besides, I don’t even go visit him because of my anxiety. I will just break down.

Something about this school makes me wanna throw up. I don’t know if it’s the 2,000 gallons of perfume the girls wear or the stench the boys give off, but whatever it is my nose hairs have burnt off from last year. I was walking through the hallways of the 7th-grade hall when all of a sudden The Mean Girls were standing right in front of me. They talked about how since I was in all of their classes this year, they would make fun of me every day for the rest of my life. I was scared, but they let me off with a warning. That could have been bad, and especially on the first day of school.

The worst thing about the first week of school is that one of the mean girls, Mia to be exact her birthday is on the same day as mine, September 13. My birthday is always the most miserable day of the year because whenever I invite people to my birthday, not even my friends because I don't have some since they dropped me in 2nd grade. all the people who I invite to my Birthday go to Mia’s b-day party because she is rich and can afford all the cool places to go like ziplining or to NYC. This year we both picked the same place to have our Birthday Parties. The trampoline park is the best place on Earth. There is always something to do.

When I arrived at the Trampoline Place I waited, and waited, and waited a whole 30 minutes after my Party started until Mia Arrives IN A PARTY BUS. with all of the people I invited to my party. They walked down the stairs staring at me while I was just sitting on the bench.

After they checked in, instead of walking away they walked up to me

“What are you doing here looser,” Brooke said to me


All of the sudden there was a big clap and bursting into tears was Brooke. Did Mia really just slap her best friend? Wow, I thought to myself and walked away.

“Um, Olivia,” Mia said

“Would you like to come to my birthday party?” she said. (Did I really just get asked to hang out with them? EEEEKKKK I can't wait)

“Yes I would love to,” I said.

I didn’t know if her mom told her to ask me or if she wanted to ask me and be friends with me but now I feel Popular. :)

The lesson I learned today is to never give up on your dreams. I realized that I was putting myself down so often that I pushed people away that were trying to help me and pick me back up. I also realized that when the Mean girls (or should I say, Brooke, Kylie, And Mia since they are now my friends.) tried to talk to me they really wanted to try and be friends but since I was being so rude to them they automatically wanted to be mean to me because I was being mean. 

May 28, 2021 17:09

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