
My parents kicked me out. Why? I think they ate something bad because I am simply a fifteen year-old. I was sleeping comfortably on the couch when they had the audacity to tell me to go buy milk. 

That is the equivalent of kicking me out. I stared at them and they stared 

at me. Me being the nice person smiled and sarcastically said, "Milk. The one used for breakfast things and comes from cows. The one that people go buy at stores?"  What a tragedy that I had to say the word store and lower myself to such standards. I had no choice but to control the disgust forming on my face. I couldn’t oppose them but instead I waited and hoped that they forgot this milk situation. 

I was wrong because my dear old dad scolded me and threw money at me like some beggar. He yelled “Stop being lazy do something for once!” he might as well have been saying “YOU USELESS SCUMBAG!” 

I was deeply hurt but me being the bigger person nodded politely and replied, “I’ll be changing at this moment.” My father took offense saying that I was despicable for talking back. What is even talking back. I was lost. 

So I changed. Headed to the door, stood there trying to get parents attention. Did they even look at me? Nope they were too busy cooking. I sighed, a terrible one at that and took my first step into the outside.

That is how I ended up here in this moment. I am currently in a useless convenience for milk. I felt the prying eyes of people and the bacteria on the floor. I couldn't and wouldn’t look up and ended up crashing into a thing. I looked up and froze. Then I ran outside and stood there until my heart calmed. I took breathe once more and encouraged myself to enter the store once more and ask someone where the milk was. 

I entered and looked and looked but didn’t find my milk. It was my only redemption at this point for getting a home in return. I had to ask for help. Did I want to? No because I don’t talking to common and so called posh independent ones either. They are all confusing. Now I have come to a wall that I cannot possibly climb. I almost broke down into tears. I have never done anything on my own. You see I am not physically strong and I have spent most my life cooped up a home but recently I have started to feel better. My parents have longed for me to breathe in air and interane no intefine no the word they used was to interact with people. Yes, interact with people by going to public school. I don’t know if I could care less because home was all I needed. 

I mustered all the courage my tiny frame could muster, turned and said, “Wher is ta bilk?” I looked up and saw that I was talking to thin air but then I heard laughter behind me. 

“Wher is ta bilk?” a masculine voice mocked. I looked at him and smiled widely. “Yes, do you know where the milk is!” I shouted and spat on his face. I mean he insulted me. It was true that I hadn’t really said the phrase “where is the milk?” In my defense I have never spoken to anyone besides my parents and my doctor and the nutritionists.

“Watch it crazy!” he said. 

“SO, WHERE IS THE MILK?” I shouted once more just for the sake of comedy. I live at home so yeah I would watch everything there is to watch so one can say I have an amazing sense of humor. 

He stares at me and he smiled. A genuine smile. I would say my heart fluttered but it didn’t it just made me wonder how many sad people I would encounter in the world. I noticed that he was tall but he was chubby and had horrible acne. Although the actual first thing I noticed about him were his eyes. His eyes looked tired and defeated. I don’t know how people introduce themselves so I bowed dramatically and said “I present you with Jaime, the outcast on mission for milk!” He amused by my act did the same, “I present to you the overweight Angel, on a mission to lose weight.” 

“Are people always this honest?’ I ask

“Not all but it seems that you don't play by the rules” he responds in a defeated tone.

“Hey! I don’t know about anything but this encounter had taught me that you have to make things comical and be brave! Now where the milk?” I finish.

I had my first conversation with another human being besides the characters in my books and the people on t.v. I completed my mission successfully obtaining a gallon of milk not to be confused with bilk. I stopped right before my house and breathed in the polluted air. I smiled. I made a friend today, Angel. After our short encounter I told him I would be wary of him as I don’t talk to strangers. I said I may see him if i go to a public school soon. Oh how he laughed at me, he said it was a public school and not a pubic school.

December 15, 2019 01:27

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