Horror Mystery Thriller

There was a couple (Zak and Hannah) who just got married and the wife was a millionaire, and the husband was a billion air so they would think that this mansion would be perfect to start their new life. As they walked in it was a little eerie at first but it's a mansion what do you expect. As they were unpacking, they were hearing strange noises. Zak and Hannah thought it was nothing at first and thought it was just the creaky floorboards. But Hannah heard something coming from their closet, so she opened the closet door. And there was a doll. Just a doll Zak and Hannah were extremely. They didn't pick it up Tho because they thought it be too big of a risk to do. So they shut the door and moved and a few months later Hannah got Pregent and the couple were excited and extremely happy. They couldn't wait to meet their little bundle of joy. AS months went on the Zak and Hannah started to realize that the activity around the house has gotten a bit out of Wack. Footsteps have been herd and things have been moved around by themselves. And wherever the objects end up the doll is sitting there. Hannah recommended they get a investigator to check out the house. As much as Zak didn't want to get an investigator involved. He knew it was the only way to find answers. (Few days later) Once Zak and Hannah got answer they were told that there were a demonic spirit attached to the doll. Is there anything we can do to get rid of it Zak asked. Investigators told them it could take a while. Hannah was still worried but was glad there was still a possibility of getting rid of the demonic spirit. (9 months later) Say why are your pants soaked in the crouch area Zak asked. Hannah looks and panics. WE NEED TO GET TO THE HOSTPITAL Hannah told Zak. So they rushed to the hospital and 1 hour after being there. There little baby girl is here. They chose to name her Anna because she looked so similar to her mother. Once they got back home and opened the door a vase came flying at them luckily, they dodged it. It did wake up the baby tho so Anna started to cry and while anna was trying to calm Anna down Zak went to go check to see where the vase could have come from. It came to Zaks attention that the baby being in the house has made it worst. But they don't know where to go or where to live. Zak asked Hannah if she was 100% positive she still wanted to live in this mansion. And Hannah sat there speechless still not knowing if they should move out or not. Lets try getting rid of the doll and see what happens the Hannah replied. Zak aggraded. So Zak grabbed the doll and buried it outside in a 10 ft deep grave. Ever since then everything's been normal. No footsteps. No flying objects. Just peace. Until while Hannah was doing the laundry she saw the doll laying there in the laundry basket. Hannah dropped the laundry and screamed. Zak came storming in with the baby also in his arms. What's. wrong Hannah Zak asked. The doll the doll is in the basket Zak looked in the basket and there the doll was staring at back him. They were confused Zak buried the doll deep into the ground. It eventually reached to the point where they were worrying about Anna safety. So, they packed up and left to stay at a hotel. Because they couldn't take it anymore. (1 year later) Zak decided to visit the mansion where the doll remained. But when Zak arrived at the location the Mansion wasn't there. He was confused but someone came up to and said that the house was torn down. For safety purposes. Zak was happy to hear that and went on with his day. (Quick note I made my own version of this prompt and i know it makes no sense but i like the story and that's all that matters) Now here is an extra story if you want to read:

There once was a couple and their names were Zak and Hannah with their 3 year old daughter Anna. They moved into a new house near the woods, the house also had 3 acres of land. They thought that this was going to be a perfect place to raise their daughter. Little do they know they were wrong. They didn’t know what was lurking in the woods.  

It was a bright and sunny morning Zak and Hannah were doing yard work. While Anna was playing nearby. That’s until Zak and Hannah started hearing Anna crying really loud. Zak and Hannah stopped what they were doing and went to check on Anna. When they got to her they saw tears running down her face. Hannah asked her what’s wrong Anna pointed into the woods while gripping her parents’ arms. They looked up and were confused because nothing was there. They asked her what she saw. Anna explained saying she saw a big black creature with red glowing eyes. Zak and Hannah were confused because they didn’t know any creature with red glowing eyes.  

A week passed and the incident had been forgotten about and everything had been normal. That’s until while Zak was getting ready to go in the woods to hunt for a few deer. But while Zak was getting his guns ready he saw something walk by. Thinking that it is just all in his head and that he’s just seeing things. So Zak goes back to what he was doing before.  

Hannah was washing the dishes but all of a sudden, she sees red glowing eyes in the woods. She rushes outside and calls for Zak to come back into the house. Zak was a little confused, but he didn’t question it and came back inside. Zak asked Hannah what the hell is going on. Zak finally thinks that they should move away from the house and go back to city life. Because the life they thought would be nice is starting to turn into more of a nightmare. As much as Hannah wanted to say no to the suggestion, she knew they had to leave for Anna’s safety. So the next day they started packing up all there stuff and left. Since then they didn’t go back and still have no idea what the creature was with red glowing eyes. 

September 26, 2023 16:17

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