
It was 9:58 pm when Ronald sat on the edge of his bed, drenched in sweat while his sweaty hands gripping the edge of the wooden framework. His heavy breathing was audible to the shadowy figure at the other end of the dimly lit bedroom in his small apartment. they had been waiting for about quite some time now, every single ‘tick’ and ‘tock’ of the clock felt like the passing of a year. Ronald was losing his patience, he had ordered it some time ago, after going to the trouble of thinking it over for a whole day , then convincing three other people to meet him Ronald wasn’t very friendly looking blond; his eyebrows were always furrowed together like he was angry at something and his steely grey eyes didn’t make him appear any warmer.

“So, Ronald, I thought you said it would be here before we arrived?” a bold voice, apparently a female’s, came from the corner.

The chilly grey eyes found their way up to the corner, Ronald bit his lip in anticipation before wiping the sweat off of his forehead, “I swear to god It was supposed to, I’m going to kill them if it is not here by 10”

“Mhm, well see about that, Ron , well see about that ” came another sassy voice as a dark-skinned woman emerged from the shadows.She had rich black locks and mystifying hazel eyes that blended well with highlight on her cheeks .

Clearly, there were three people in the room, all of them looking like they were straight out of a thriller movie and neither of them seemed happy about the delay. Ronald sighed and got up, muttering something as he paced back and forth in the room. A few minutes passed in silence before the doorbell rang, their eyes met each other’s at once, three pairs of feet rushing to open the door. There stood another male, less intimidating than the three of them, he was about 5’8’ when he looked up from his phone and smiled, the three sighed and went back inside to resume their positions,”Come in John”

John, the newcomer looked around weirdly, his lips pressing together in suspicion,” What exactly are you guys doing? Uhm, look I can explain why I’m late, there was a lot of traf-”

The female emerged from her shadows; her small lips closed together in a pout “shush, not everything’s about you, we’ll tell you later.”

“Rude but sure, Peggy, sure”

The trio sat down in the silence, while Ronald began pacing back and forth yet again.” Why is it taking so long?”

Their prayers were finally answered as the clock struck 10:01. This time Ronald was the first to open the door and frantically grab the 2 white boxes out of an apparently frightened man’s hand. He shoved the money his hands, shared a brief smile, and then slammed the door.

Everyone gathered around the dining table as the boxes were placed down on the table. “now to check if the contents are full and correct ..”Peggy and Ronald took a deep breath and reached forward to start opening the boxes slowly when The lights were suddenly switched on by John. When the logo on top of the boxes became crystal clear, the four groaned and slouched in the chairs.

John gave them a weird look “ You guys were waiting for pizza?”

“ YES! We were waiting for pizza and you ruined it! “the sassy voice which belonged to a 22-year-old Brianna sounded in the quiet room.

“You guys are weird.” he sat down and took a slice of the pizza, beginning to eat as he looked around at them, demanding an explanation.

Ronald was the first to laugh, followed by Peggy and Brianna. He began to explain,” Lemme just tell you the whole thing before this gets any weirder, I invited Peggy and Briana over to hang out with us, It’s the perfect double date. While you were off stuck in traffic, this lovely couple had an idea,”he pointed towards Brianna and Peggy , both of whom were smiling goofily.

Peggy interrupted him suddenly “Hey! The idea was yours !”

Peggy and Ronald continued to argue while Brianna took a slice, her eyes rolling in amusement and began eating along with john, watching the whole bickering between the two best friends unfold.

"Remind me again , when did we start dating adorable weirdos?"

A laugh escaped Johns lips as he shrugged but the pair continued to argue.

When Ronald finally calmed down, he let Peggy narrate the rest.

“ Ok so as I was saying, it was Ronald’s dumb idea to pretend like we were a bunch of mobsters waiting for something valuable. It did get a little out of hand when he turned on the heater in the middle of JULY! And then switched off the lights. “

John burst out laughing, shaking his head in amusement,” you guys are insane! I was so confused.“

Peggy and Ronald picked up slices of the pizza as John continued laughing.

“ Freaking Pizza! Pizza mobsters, Pizza-steers, pizza mob, Th Pizza Gang ?”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“ Legend has it that the Pizza Gang went on to haunt pizza companies which eventually lead them to be banned from dominoes’, the pizza isn’t too good anyway, the four soon became feared in the pizza business. often rumored to be Italians on the journey to correct pizza culture, Peggy went on to become an insider at a pizza delivery chain, a delivery girl to be precise. Ronald’s undying love for pizzas lead him to open his own restaurant much later, where Brianna worked as the manager and Peggy as her wife. It is said that they had long lives and some of their kids continued their legacy while some believed that their parents were just weirdos, it worked out in the end for the Pizza Gang .”


“ Pizza seriously, are you

really, really sure about this? ?”


“ Think it over .This could be a chilly thriller for god's sake !! “


July 05, 2020 22:44

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Deleted Account
00:10 Jul 16, 2020

Good story!


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NJ Van Vugt
23:19 Jul 11, 2020

Great premise.


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