
That Smell

Howard Small waited for the rumbling bus as it chugged down the street. It reminded the octogenarian of himself, slow, steady and making all kinds of noise. The vehicle eased onto the stop and the big doors opened. It took some effort, but he managed to climb the steps and waved his pass.

He didn’t have to because the driver was very familiar with him. It was Wednesday, around three-thirty and Harold was going grocery shopping. This was a weekly ritual.

He shuffled along and there didn’t seem to be any empty seats. He found a spot in the middle and gripped the bar with his athletic hands. Before the bus even managed to take off, there was a tap on the shoulder. Howard turned around and some young guy was standing, smiling.

“Please take my seat.”

“Thank you, young man.”

“I lost my grandfather last year so it is important to me to be kind to older people.”

“Well, your grandfather helped raised you properly.”  

Howard sat down.

“So, are you a student or a working man?”

“Both. I go to school full-time and work part-time to pay for stuff.”

“Paying your dues, I see.” Howard smiled.

“Yeah, paying my dues,” I guess.

At the next stop, the young man got off but not before taping Howard on the shoulder.

“Take care of yourself.”

“You too, and good luck in school and at the job.”

“THank you.”

Howard had sat down next to a very attractive young woman and her five year old daughter. The child was beautiful with large blue eyes and dark curly hair. They exchanged momentary glances and then looked away.

“Hey, mister, do you want to smell my perfume?”

Howard did and a strong look came over him.

“That is very interesting perfume.”

It was August 1942, and the war was in full range. Howard had attempted to join the effort but was rejected because he had flat feet. Instead, he took a job in an airplane factory and put in twelve hour days six days a week. This was his contribution.

A lot of the workers were female. There was one in particular, Doris, who was a nice lady but a little too old for him. However, they ate lunch together and took breaks in the back smoking a cigarette or two.

One day, they were having the usual conversation.

“Harold you seem like a really nice guy.”

“Thanks, Doris, but you are married.”

“Harold, will you play nice?”

“I thought that was nice.”

“Sure, you would think that is nice. Anyway, my niece Betty is coming down for a visit and I was wondering if you would like to meet her?”

“This smells like a set up to me.”

“It is. You’re too nice a guy to be single.”

“Okay, set me up with Betsy.”

“Her name is Betty.”

“Isn’t that what I said?”

So they went out to the local spaghetti place and it was nice.

Betty was an attractive lady and she had her perfume on that night. She was polite and came from a middle class family and had middle class values.

Howard was smitten.

“So you work with my aunt at the factory?”

“Yes, I tried to join the army but they wouldn’t take me because of flat feet.”

“That is too bad in a way.”

“It is. I wanted to contribute to the war effort and I guess building planes is the way.”

“I think it is noble that you are doing that flat feet and all.”

She smiled and he smiled back.

“I really like your perfume. What is it?”

“Oh, thanks, it’s not every day a girl gets complemented on her perfume.”

“Well, it has a very distinct smell. I like it.”

“I am glad you like it.”

The evening rolled along. They left the restaurant and walked. He was taking her back to Doris’ place where she was staying.

“Isn’t this war just crazy?”

“It is, but we didn’t have much choice in the matter. Hitler was a very evil man and he needed to be stopped.”

“I agree. What are your plans for after the war?”

“Well, I wouldn’t mind staying where I am at. The pay is decent and there are certain perks.”

“When the war is over, I am going to be out of a job.”

“That is not good.”

“No, but it is understandable. It would be nice to settle down with a nice guy and have a family.”

“A guy out here or back at your place?”

“Wherever the nice guy is living.”

“Well, here you are.”

“This is the place. It was very nice meeting you, Howard and I hope that you have a nice life.”

“Thanks, I hope that you have a nice life.”

They parted but could not forget about one another.

At work, Howard and Doris were at lunch.

“So you had a good time on your date with my niece?”

“I did. When is she coming back to this area?”

Doris smiled.  

“What if she moved here and came to work in the plant?”

“That would be great. Don’t say anything, but I think I am in love.”

Doris was giddy because over the phone her niece had admitted the same feelings for Howard.

About two months later, Betty moved in with Doris temporarily and started at the plant.  

It wasn’t long after that Howard and Betty started to seriously date. A year later, they were married. At the wedding, she wore that perfume that he first was attracted to and always would be.

They had fifty-seven years together mostly happy. They had four children and a month after she died, the two daughters came over and removed all of their mother’s clothes and belongings.  

But, he retained a bottle of that perfume. When he got lonely for his wife, he would take a whiff of it and return to the best years of his life.

Howard smiled at the little girl and there was kindness in his eyes.

The mother and the little girl got off a couple of stops before he did.

Howard went home and to the cupboard and held the bottle of perfume in his hand. He wept, but they were not sad tears, but tears of joy.

October 02, 2020 22:30

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