Submitted to: Contest #43

Ava and Daisy

Written in response to: "Write a story about an unlikely friendship."


I pet her side one more time and then started to walk back up to my house. I heard her whinny.

"Daisy! I can't stay. I'm sorry, I have to get to school. I'll come see you once I get back, okay?"I asked. Daisy closed her eyes as I pet her side one more time, and then I walked all the way up to my house. I walked in through the sliding glass door, to be greeted by an annoying boy.

"You know Mom doesn't want you going to see that-that-that creature,"Alex snarled. I narrowed my eyes at him, and I could tell that he knew I was upset.

"She is not a creature. Her name is Daisy. And I don't care what Joy says, I will see her no matter what. Dad can deal with Joy when she complains about me to him,"I snapped back. Alex rolled his eyes and walked away, into his bedroom. I knew he would be skipping school again.

I grabbed my backpack and my phone, then walked back out of the house and got into my car. I drove for about ten minutes before getting stuck in traffic.

"Frick! I'm going to be late for school. Keep it moving, come on!"I yelled. I wasn't allowed to swear, and Dad had a camera in my car, so I knew that if I swore I would be grounded. Finally, after twenty minutes, I was going again. I ended up being five minutes late for home room, and I got a detention for it.


After getting home, putting my bag away, grabbing apples and a brush, I was walking out of the house and into the field. Once I saw Daisy, I started running and Daisy let out a neigh. When I got to her, I started to pet her.

I just stood there and pet her for a while, before pulling out one apple of many that was in my pocket. I held it out in my hand and she ate it right up. I gave her another, and then started to brush her.

We had done this routine for three weeks at that point, and I could tell that it would still take another few weeks before I would be able to ride her.

"Two weeks? Yeah. Two weeks and then we'll be riding all over town together, okay?"I asked. I smiled as Daisy rubbed her head against my arm. I sat down and started to brush her legs.

"Oh, girl. You need your hooves trimmed. Aunt Holly can probably clip them for you. Maybe she'll be able to come over Saturday. She'll know how to trim your tail and mane, too. Daisy, do you think Joy will ever let me keep keep you?"I asked. Daisy pawed the ground and I forced a smile.

"I have dance practice. I'll try to come see you tonight while everyone else is sleeping. There's a first time for everything, right? Yeah. See you tonight,"I stated. Daisy whinnied, and I pet her one more time before walked back up to my house. I walked up the steps to the deck and slipped in through the side door that went into the laundry room. Dad was in there, which was what I was hoping for.

"How much money did you spend this time, Joy?"Dad asked. I was confused, and then realized that he was on the phone. I slid behind the laundry basket where he couldn't see me.

"I don't care! You shouldn't be gambling! No, I'm not going to support you! Why would I support a gambler? We'll talk about this another time. Bye,"Dad said. My eyes widened, and I didn't want Dad to know that I heard his conversation, so I hid behind the laundry basket until he left. When he did, I got out and shook my whole body to get rid of the negative vibes. I opened the door and then closed it to seem like I just walked in, and then actually walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Creature,"Alex greeted.

"Oh, hey, School Skipper,"I said. I looked at Dad to see his "Is that awful thing true?" face.

"Alex, is there something that you need to tell me?"Dad asked. I knew I didn't want to hear what was going to come next, so I walked into my bedroom to get ready for my dance practice.


I heard Dad and Joy go to bed, and I knew that was my chance. I changed into my sweatpants and sweatshirt, plus my Cabela's hat. I put on my muck boots and quietly walked from my bedroom to the sliding glass door. I opened it and stepped out onto the deck, closing it again.

I clicked my tongue to then hear stomping of hooves and a neigh. I smiled and continued, following her noise. It was a full moon, so once I got close enough, I could see Daisy.

"Hey, girl. I called Aunt Holly and she said she would come over on Saturday. She said that she would help me train you, too, so I can ride on you. That will be fun. I just don't know what to do about Joy. She doesn't like me, you, or Aunt Holly. I guess I'll just have to deal with her,"I said. I pet Daisy's white striped face, and her milk chocolate colored side.

She was beautiful, her coat still amazing even though she was technically a stray. Most likely because I brushed her almost every day. I gave her all of my love, and I was the only who did.

I was sitting up against her legs, still petting her, when I heard a noise. I looked up at my house, and saw the sliding glass door open. I couldn't see very well, but I could tell that they were too tall to be Alex. Why would he be out here anyway?

"Ava? Are you out there, kid?" It was Dad, he must've had to tell me something, and then saw that I wasn't in bed. I didn't want to get in trouble, but I didn't want Dad to think I was missing. So, I had to respond.

"Yeah, I'm here, Dad,"I replied. I got up and started to walk towards the deck, but stopped.

"How did you know I was out here?"I asked. Dad closed the sliding glass door and walked to me.

"Because. I know how much you love that horse. Even though I think it's an odd and unlikely relationship, I also understand it. I talked to Aunt Holly, she's coming tomorrow to start training Daisy,"Dad stated. I started crying, and smiling. I never knew that Dad knew about Daisy and I.

"Come on, let's go inside. You need your sleep for school tomorrow,"Dad stated. He grabbed my hand, and I smiled as I looked back at Daisy. She gave me a neigh.

Posted May 22, 2020

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41 likes 25 comments

Noor Ahmed
14:32 Jun 04, 2020

love it!


14:56 Jun 04, 2020

Thank you so much!
Stay safe!


David Lastinger
00:46 Jun 04, 2020

I loved this story. Gotta hand it to Ava for sticking with her best friend. Keep up the good work.


00:54 Jun 04, 2020

Thank you so much, David! Stay safe and healthy! :)


Evelyn ⭐️
17:06 May 25, 2020

This story is perfect for the prompt! It's so sweet and cute! I really loved it! Keep writing and stay safe!!!!


01:15 May 26, 2020

Thank you so much, Evelyn! Stay safe as well! -Brooke
P.S. Do you know when you're getting your puppy?


Evelyn ⭐️
12:46 May 26, 2020

Actually we are supposed to pick her up over this weekend! We have to wear masks though!


00:54 May 27, 2020

Yay! I'm so happy for you! What name did you decide on for her?


Evelyn ⭐️
12:22 May 27, 2020

Kiwi! I love it! They sent us picture's of her and she looks so cute! I just can't wait!!


01:42 May 28, 2020

Awww, that was the one I voted for! :)
I can definitely tell that Kiwi is adorable from your profile pic!
I wouldn't be able to wait, either.
Every year (if you're still on Reedsy), you should change your profile pic of what Kiwi looks like now. Just a suggestion. :))


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