
Submitted into Contest #33 in response to: Write a story about a character who can't make up their mind about something.... view prompt



 Suddenly she woke up to a face and it was her roommate Ria staring at her which scared the hell out of her. 'Again you were dreaming? Who was it this time, the guy from florist shop or the one whom you had played hide and seek in bus last week? ' she asked. Myra just slipped out of her bed ignoring her sarcasm. They both knew all about each other which was good sometimes and bad most of the times. Sitting in on WC you always have most amazing ideas and thoughts which actually kind of gets flushed away when you get out. It feels like you have enlightened in a moment and its gone in another. She thinks is this love seeing her reflection in mirror when her inner voice ‘Do your shit and get the hell out of here' snaps on her like waking her up from dream, she shakes her head and walks out where she sees her roommate still blabbering roaming around room picking up clothes when I just put up a kettle on quietly. I hear her saying your are not in your teens that your looking for soulmate and love at first sight. That’s when I decided to interrupt her and talk on behalf of myself ' Love is not meant for only teens, and in actual what we feel in teens are the hormonal hype that’s all. About love you actually find out when you know yourself better and understand with what kind of person you want to spend your life with, that one person to whom you would like to wake up to. Not to that face which I woke up today.' Myra bit her lip after saying that last line and regretted for it but it was too late. Ria was almost in tears. She apologized for her rude behaviour and comment. 'I worry for you, I don't want you see you break down after every break up, it's me who suffers whenever your relationships end. The way you melt away with every person that leaves you and that’s when you say your not loveable enough, it's me who always make you realize your worth and for all that I get this.' She shouts. Myra listen to her patiently this time watching out for her words. She goes to her with cup of coffee and hugs from her behind. 'I am sorry, don't worry I am not letting myself go with flow this time. Its not soulmates who saves you always, sometimes soul sister like you have pulled me out of dark and I am thankful for that.' Ria smiles and hugs Myra back, they both sit on chair sipping coffee in silence. ' I am making bread omelette, what you want for breakfast?' Asks Ria, she just nods lost in thoughts. 'I am afraid I’ll never find the one, after all these relationships I feel like love is myth.' Breaking eggs in a bowl Ria just continues with her breakfast making thing as she had heard this more then hundred times. Then suddenly Myra turns to her and says ' Hey you remember that mallu guy? ' 'You mean that keralite, with whom you had online relationship?' 'Yeah Vihaan, he was the one yaar, he made me feel alive, he sung for me and translated a song from Malayalam. He told he was never romantic but he was perfect or me.' 'Ya he was married too, very perfect ' comment Ria as usual with her sarcasm. Getting up from table washing her coffee cup 'But he was so adorable, we did connect instantly.' 'Then he left you instantly blocking you from all his contacts.' Ria said, those words did hit Myra hard. She sighed ' Yes leaving me in life long pain, he said he’ll never hurt me, but now its waiting forever' wiping a tear from corner of her eye. Ria stopped what she was doing and approached her saying ' It's useless you know better he'll never come to you.' Toaster beeps and bread pops up, Myra picks up a plate to serve herself and Ria breakfast. They both eat their food in silence. 'I think your gay' Ria comments on a lighter note and winks. Both laugh out loud. 'You know better, after reading Norwegian Wood we did try getting in relationship with each other, on top of that we tried sleeping naked too.' Ria made a disgusting face and said 'Yuck!!! That was horrifying, I jumped out of bed in a second ' Myra smiled. 'I knew I was straight when I was attracted to that guy who was younger then me, Pranay. I use to feel so hot around him, wherever we got chance we would start kissing and all, ufff that was one gala time I had, I felt like teen fucking around, though he was very bad at bed.' ' You know I had told Vihaan about Pranay and he use to get jealous all time whenever I spoke about what all we did. I even told him the bus incident. ' 'No way, you told Vihaan about that, really???' Myra nodded with a naughty smile. 'Your one kind of weirdo babe' Ria says shaking her heading. 'We don't end up with our soulmates, Vihaan was not my soulmate but he was just like me I could share anything with him without filters like I do with you but he's gone.' 'Still I am not gonnu give up on love, it might put me down how much ever time it want but I am gonnu find one because I feel alive when I am in love, so my search is on.' Myra says looking up in mirror trying to motivate herself. Ria chuckles and says something under breath which annoys Myra. ‘Why is that you always have to be so judgmental about everything?’ In anger she just storms out of kitchen. Ria goes behind her, Myra is in her bed swiping her phone. ‘See these tinder guys your up with, did you find any love in their? Still you waste hours swiping left and right on it.’ Myra tries to ignore, Ria still she doesn’t give up ‘It would be better you be with that guy who always replies to your texts once a week and who always goes in woods every weekend. What’s his name pork ass na?’ Now Myra turns and smiles leaving her phone ‘He did introduce himself so, his name is Prakash, he is the most busy person in the world, he doesn’t have time for love and all.’ ‘It’s good, you always ask space in your relationships, this will be perfect as you’ll have most of time for yourself, in weekends you both can enjoy and then back to work.’ says Ria ‘I don’t want that kind of relation, in which no emotions no commitment. ‘ ‘Your so confused, Raj was committed to you for 13years but you let him go because you needed space, you didn’t want to commit, now your saying you need a guy who want to commit.’ Ria walks out of room shouting. Myra swipes on her phone looking pictures of hers and Raj's, they both were childhood friends and she had best time of her life with him but somehow they both grew out of love. As they matured they both were clear that they are not meant for each other. Still he was her best friend, they are still friends. He is married and Myra is very happy for him as he got what he wanted which was family. Ria is on phone talking to her boyfriend, Myra walks in and picks up water from fridge and pours in glass and sit on dinning table. ‘Raj wanted to settled down and make babies and all, you know I am not up for family and all. I want to travel and write stories.’ ‘I get it' they both sigh. ‘You know what I’ll go with the one who always want to be my submissive.’ as Myra say, Ria spits out water with laugh. ‘Like Fifty shades of Grey, what did think of himself?’ Ria raises her eyebrows. ‘When I see these guys on tinder who are always up for sexting and one night stand, I really wonder about finding love, I want a guy who is emotional, concerned about me and be bit sensitive about the choices which I make in my life, like for example traveling, I do travel because I am passionate about it not just a vacation. Nobody gets it.’ Myra says thoughtfully ‘Not in one guy your gonnu find it all. You pick up guys with one qualities each, try and balance your relation between them all. ‘saying this chuckles Ria. Myra gives a straight face ‘Is this a joke?’ ‘I was trying to lighten the mood babe.’ And hugs her ‘You'll find the one don’t worry, till then you continue with your dream, by the way who was it this time?’ Asks Ria, Myra smiles ‘The florist guy, I was kissing him at the beach during sunset, it was so romantic, that’s when I woke up to your stupid face.’ ‘What’s up with you and kissing huh?’ ask Ria confused ‘With kiss you get to know, like he's the one.’ Winks Myra ‘So is he the one?’ ‘Nope, I'll try the bus guy in today’s dream.’ They both laugh out loud rolling on floor. Love is not just a word it’s a feeling, when it’s right you’ll always know it.     

March 20, 2020 10:58

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Corné Lamprecht
17:45 Mar 27, 2020

I struggled to read through the story. There are a lot of grammar issues. Some of the sentences are very lengthy that makes it very hard to read. There is a lot of unnecessary/irrelevant mentioning. I am also not convinced that the story and the topic correlates. The character might not be successful in her relationships. But she knows what she wants. She didn't find it yet.


Sneha Kalmath
19:12 Mar 27, 2020

Thank you so much for your sincere reply..i'll work on it...thanks for reading..😊


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Fred Aiken
13:45 Mar 26, 2020

Aside from grammatical and the general composition of the story, which in and of themselves made the flow a bit confusing, it was really confusing to follow along with what events were proceeding. I didn’t really understand what sort of conflict the main characters were going through, and I’m not entirely sure who was saying what at any given time. The other issues with the story are just around the sentimental components that make it really cliched and dreary to go through.


Sneha Kalmath
19:13 Mar 27, 2020

Thank you so much for reading and feedback..i'll work on my flaws..😊


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