Fantasy Fiction Science Fiction

I am Sara Paxton, Lieutenant, Junior Grade. I was both very excited, and nervous. This was my first solo mission after leaving Star Fleet Academy last year. It had been a tough three years. I was not taken seriously by my peers. It didn't help that I looked about twelve years old either. All that had changed when I received my orders. My mission was to seek out new planets that might sustain the people of Earth. It was not a very difficult mission, but it would be many years before I returned.

I was in the hydroponic lab when the ship started to shudder. I found I was floating, so there was no artificial gravity Grasping onto any handhold I could I was quickly on the flight deck. It was at that point I found I had lost my connection to ground control. Before I lost more functions, I was forced to crash-land my craft. I felt very relieved that I did so without it sustaining too much damage. 

I have started a diagnostic check, but that might take a few hours. I had already checked the atmosphere of this planet, and I was astounded to find it was not only breathable but clean and clear. I would have to analyse soil samples and put a drone up to scan the planet for indigenous flora and fauna. If necessary, should getting my craft space worthy prove to be a longer task, I had onboard O2 generators and an inflatable habitat. 

Because there was nothing more I could achieve at that moment, I walked onto a vast plain of gently waving tall wheat-like plants. All were coloured a light lilac. Not too surprising as I could now see the soil was a dark purple, not the black I had first thought it to be. Up to this point, there did not appear to be anything that might prove dangerous. I allowed myself a few minutes to look in awe at what was above me. There were explosions of colours from three competing suns. All fought for mastery over the amazing alien sky.

I should be on the route laid down to approach Mars. However, there was a certain lee way built into my orders that allowed a quick recognisance if I received data that was close to the parameters of a livable planet. Which this had been, although I had not expected to land on it. Any new planets were of great interest to our scientists. We had to find new worlds and colonise them. Unfortunately, I was quite sure we'd ruin them as we had our planet. Still, I couldn't question my orders, even though I was sure that all on Earth were in danger. It may well have come from within. Living in close proximity, the smallest thing could explode into violence in seconds. To add fuel to the flame, all commodities were being used up. It has been said we are only three missed meals away from total anarchy. 

My home being on the brink of disaster was the reason I volunteered for this mission. No matter how dangerous or lonely these next few years might become, I was doing something towards a solution, no matter how nebulous that future might be. Deep in thought, I walk on the parched ground. The scrunch of my footsteps was the only sound, silence prevailed. I think the most difficult aspect of Earth to cope with was the constant noise. All day, all night, always, there was noise. I was already breathing slower and deeper. The air was clear, and the climate comfortably warm. 

My proximity alarm abruptly shattered the peace My entire body was on alert, muscles tight, ready. Then, amazingly, I was surrounded by thousands of tiny buzzing fairy-like entities, with huge smiles. As they darted in and out of my mind, I heard happy, curious shrill voices, and thoughts.” WHO, WHY, WHERE?” I answered with my mind, allowing the creatures to access my memories of the earth I’ve left behind. As one, each tiny spark withdrew. I felt their revulsion. This happy, integrated, loving community were appalled and afraid. This was not surprising, given what they must have gleaned from my memories. I must also look like an odd giant creature to the delicate inhabitants of this orb.

I collapse, leaning against a rock, allowing the sweet Buzzies, as I’d named them, to come and go through my thoughts. It was not in any way uncomfortable. Earth and its people fascinated them. So many questions. As the sky started to darken, I felt anxiety from the Buzzies, and a clear message. “You must lock yourself in your craft. Do not look out of, or open any window. Keep everything locked, for your safety. We will join you again tomorrow morning.” With that, they flew swiftly away.

I did not hesitate, but ran into my ship, and battened down the hatches, an old Nautical saying. For a few hours, whilst I worked on repairs, I heard odd noises outside, something scratching on the hull, something else walking around the ship.

I did as I had been told to, and didn't try to investigate. Eventually, all was silence, so I managed a few hours of much-needed sleep.

As promised, the Buzzies appeared at the rising of the suns. I spent another wonderful day basking in the gentle warmth that radiated from them. They did not mention the night before, and I did not ask. If I had, I think I might have felt very afraid of the answers given. The day ended in the same way as I entered my craft and locked myself in. As before, I heard noises outside, but all was quiet far quicker than the night before. I had also finished the repairs at last.

Finally, I had to think about leaving. I should be able to contact ground control when I got out of this planet's gravity field. There was a flutter of unease from the Buzzies when that thought appeared. I was able to reassure them that I would not tell anyone about their planet, nor allow my people to plunder and destroy them and their way of life. Even though they asked me, I could not stay either. There was always the danger that another craft could be sent out to find me.

Sadly I stowed everything safely away and sent my goodbye message to the most civilised entities I had ever met. Before I could change my mind, I flew off again, heading ever onward, but taking the warm and caring thoughts of the Buzzies with me.

April 26, 2024 00:45

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