The Strange Door In The Wall

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about someone who finds a secret passageway in their house.... view prompt



I flipped to the next page, while reading, it was really windy outside and all I could hear was the tree moving like they were dancing. I heard a sound coming from downstairs and I thought that I was gonna be the only one home today. So I ignored the sound and looked back at my book but I was still wondering what made that sound. I finally made myself believe that it was just the old house that I was living in. Plus the wind was unbelieveable today like I never had this much wind before and I was starting to wonder if the power would go out.

After around 10 minutes of me staring at the same page of the book, I heard the same noise again, but this time I finally got a hold of myself and went downstairs quietly, just incase if someone was in the house.

Each step on stairs was making noises under me, which freaked me out even more. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I looked around and it was quiet again, weird. I still thought that I should look around just incase, you know?

There was the sound again but louder, it was like heavy breathing..?

I quickly made my way to were I thought I heard the sound, but when I reached the kitchen nothing was there and I felt stupid..Maybe I was starting to hear things and I was going crazy?

I looked around the kitchen again just incase and I bumped into the side of the counter, making a cup fall. I reached down for the cup and realized that the sound happened again and it was really close and it was someone breathing but a little low this time.

I looked around at where I was, I was by the fridge on the ground, I thought I heard the sound again coming from behind the fridge? But why would something be behind the fridge, I thought. I kicked the cup away and moved the fridge a little and seen that there was some type of hole in the wall, that looked like it could be a door. I moved the fridge more so I could get behind it.

I was nervous but I was also curious, I pushed the door thing and it didn't move at first I thought I was going crazy until it pushed towards me and opened and I looked inside and it was dark. I quickly grabbed my phone from the counter and turned on the flash and it was a little room and there was someone sitting in the corner of the room, and I said "Hey! What are you doing here?"

The person or animal? Didn't move abit and I moved closer to them. I touched their shoulder and turned them around and it was an older guy with a knife in his hand and he had scars all on his face and next thing I know my flashlight on my phone turned off, and I tried running to the way I came in, but it closed right away and I screamed but you couldn't hear anything cause of the rain and wind outside and nobody was home anyways. I thought my life was over, next thing I knew. The man ran over to me and I quickly moved out of the way, but some how the man still was able to grab my wrist and pull me towards him with the knife and I screamed louder as the man stabbed me, mutiple times.

Few days later

Missing person

Name: Ivy Evans

Age: 18

After a couple years

There was around maybe 10 that moved into the household but whenever someone moved in, they never seemed to move out..?

Missing people cases were more then popluar now, around 19 cases have been not solved and it been 2 years, and 18 days.

I wanted to find the reason why people kept disappearing, like they randomly just get up and move away without bring anything and not telling anyone? It was mostly girls going missing and most of the girls in the town were freaking out, like how you could not freak out when missing people cases are kept unsolved, and a mystery.

The police would give up on the case after about 2 weeks of working on it, since they knew they weren't getting any closer.

I was looking at the missing people cases, and looking at houses to see if anyone moved out whenever someone went missing, and to my suprise, there was always this one house that would be on sale after someone went missing. I told the polices that they should check the place out, and they actually listened me.

After the polices came back to the station, they had some old guy with them. I looked confused.

"Skylar, This guy was hiding in the wall with all the missing people dead on the ground beside him." One of the cops said.

I was suprised, how did I actually do something like that?

When they were putting the man into the jail, he said "this isn't the end, it's just beginning."

I was confused on what he meant and then he looked me dead in the eye and said "don't you worry, little lady." and turned around

A few days passed and nothing happened but that's until, missing people cases started happening more often now, and like maybe 2 in one day..? How could this many people go missing in such short time, then I rememeberd that the old guy said that it was just beginning.

Missing person

Name: Skylar Kube

Age: 23

Nobody ever found out what happened with the other missing people but more and more kept going missing and nobody knew how all that was happening so quick.

After around 1 years passed over 100 people went missing.

Soon the town was ghost, nobody lived there anymore and all that was left there was the souls of the missing people, But nobody catched the person that started making missing people happen faster. So he could be out there right now, looking for someone new to kidnap next, maybe it's you? But you'll never know until it happens.

March 21, 2020 00:19

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