
  “Butterfly fly away”

It was the period of early dawn when the sun was about to rise in the lovely morn but it’s rays had almost gleamed the sky and that his blissful blaze had glowed each and everything that lied down in the colorful terrain. It was the spring season with greenery to be beheld all around. Drained by the river Kaveri, the entire valley of the Vindhyas was filled up with rich vegetative cover as well as possessed a divine landscape being surrounded by the glorious blue mountains towards the southern most region of India. Amidst the blue mountains and the holy river of Kaveri there lied a small town known for it’s age old customs and traditions which are indeed remarkable. Like the fact that everything has got it’s pros and cons likewise, even though the village was known for it’s rich cultural traditions an important aspect was unknown to the world. This fact is that regarding the situation of the girls there and that how the girls have to fight for their fundamental rights. It was only if they can prove their worth that they were allowed to stay at home otherwise they had only one option i.e. to get married and go to another household with or without their consent.

This story revolves around the life of a girl who resided in the same hamlet along with her parents and a younger brother. Right from her childhood, she was quite a talented young girl who never argued for the unfair behavior of that of her parents but instead carried out her chore with full confidence. It was that wonderful dawn of the month of April that the girl known by the name of Ellora was the first to rise up and after completing all of her household tasks ran all the way to the temple to offer her prayers. It was a special day for her and that on her way towards the temple she was all thoughtful and therefore kept on talking with her shadow as she moved on. She called out in her soft voice, “Oh! Lord of the Universe please help me today, cause today is the crucial day of my life and that it can change the entire shade of my very existence if it happens that today on this day I pass my college exams with flying colors. You know my father, Lord he will not listen to any of my word today and if you don’t help me today I shall not be able to fulfill my dreams which I had dreamt of, and about which you are also aware of. Please lord Narayan bless me so that I can break the shackles of injustice of which I have been a great victim of since my childhood. I want to fly like that of the colorful butterflies who can fly far and wide unto the horizon.” With her hands all folded she bowed down before the altar and after offering her prayers she ran back home with the hope that she will surely gain a victory today.

The results were out by 10’o clock in the morning with the students assembled in the college auditorium where the students would be awarded scholarships according to their grades so as to pursue further education. Ellora was also present in that ceremony along with her parents who sat beside her with her mother whispering something in her ears,” Ellora, you clearly know what I am about to tell you. If your results does not satisfy us then you will be given no other chance and you will have to get married and free us from this burden.” Ellora could not utter a word but her mind and soul was all calling out the name of the almighty lord, who is the one and only shelter of her at that period of her life. The principal of the college started announcing the winners of the scholarships which were both fully funded national and international scholarships to be presented only to that of the brilliant students who actually are all rounders in their own lives excelling in each and every field provided. The announcement was done in an ascending manner and therefore after every announcement Ellora would become very much nervous, but even though she was scared she did not show it, instead she kept a positive smile on her face. 

Finally, the moment arrived when the principal called out her name stating those words,” Today on this very auspicious day I am very much glad to announce the topper of this batch who has not only broken the record of this college by securing the highest marks but also has become a source of inspiration for the upcoming generation who can learn a lot from this girl. Coming from a middle class conservative family her life was not that easy, but today she proved that if there is a strong will in one’s mind then surely that strong will shall pave a way for that person to achieve their goals. Hearing all these words of praise for her from that of her principal Ellora could not stop her tears and started to weep while she praised the lord for his wonderful grace that he had showered upon her. She received her first ever fully funded International scholarship that she had dreamt of. She was filled with pride and happiness as she is successful in breaking every sort of shackles which acted as barriers in her path. Her parents stood tight-lipped after they listened to such brilliant results of that of their daughter that they had never thought of. But, it was confirmed now that she would carry out her further studies and shall not get married until and unless she wished for it. 

Thus, after a month later it was time to say goodbye to her family as she was all set to take her next journey of her life which is that of studying abroad in a reputed University. Hence, her dream of flying like that of the butterfly soon turned to a reality as today she is independent and has got wings to fly like that of the colorful butterflies.  



December 20, 2019 18:16

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