Adventure Crime Mystery

I stood in front of two black glass doors. My kidnapper told me to choose between the two doors. Whatever one I chose would decide my fate. I started at the two identical doors. Why was I kidnapped in the first place? I was just an insignificant average person. I opened the heavy black door knob on the left and entered. The door slammed behind me as soon as I entered. It was completely pitch black. I could not see anything. I felt for the door knob. It was locked. I was trapped and had nowhere else to go. I started walking forward. My footsteps echoed throughout wherever I was. My brown hunting boots slammed on the ground heavily with every step I took. I felt something slimy wrap around my leg. I screamed in terror. I tried to kick it off of me but it wrapped around my leg tighter. I fell down as the slimy creature squeezed my leg hard. Bright lights turned on. It took me a few minutes to adjust my eyes. I am sitting on a soft red carpet. Chomp! It was a snake on my leg and it just bit me. I held my leg and pain. I hate snakes. They should have never existed. The snake went to whiter off but I grabbed it by its head before it could. I choked it till its last breath. I threw the dead green snake body on the ground. I looked ahead of me to see an endless hallway. I walked on limping on my injured leg. I hoped the snake was not poisonous. After what seemed forever of walking the hallway ended. There was a room with a tile floor. At the end was a wooden brown door. I took a step into the room. Fire blazed right above me. I quickly took a step back getting away from the unbearable heat. If I was just an inch taller I would be dead right now. I took a step into the room once again, this time ducking as low as possiable to avoid the fire. I took my next step onto the tile. It immediately opened downwards and before I knew it I was falling. I screamed in surprise. I hugged myself tightly while falling down this dark tunnel. Was this the end? Was I falling to my death? I winced in pain as I fell down on a bed of nails. I rolled and hit the floor. I was lying on my stomach. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes. No, I would not cry. I fought against the tears that started to form up in my eyes. The nail bed went down into the ground. The whole back side of my body was in unbearable pain. I screamed in agony. I layed there for what seemed like an hour. I was still in a lot of pain but it was no longer unbearable. I forced myself to get up. I was in a room full of mirrors. It seemed to be a maze. I started back at myself. My green eyes lost their sparkle. They were dull. My long brown hair was all out of place. My dark simple green dress was torn. Each and every step I took was tourture but I pushed myself on. I felt the mirrors trying to find a way out. I finally made it to a red-brownish wooden door. I opened the door to find the room I had first started in. There stood the two black glass doors. I jumped as someone touched me on my shoulder. I turned around to see a young boy around the age of 12. His blue eyes looked at me helpless and pleading. ¨Help me! Please,¨ the boy said, begging. He had a deep red cut on his face. He ran his hands through his red sweaty hair. I collapsed on the ground. ¨How am I supposed to help you?¨ I asked him. ¨Help me escape the master¨ he pleaded. ¨Who is the master?¨ I asked. ¨We are not supposed to say his name. He forces us to play these dangerous games¨ he said in a whisper. I thought back to the man who had kidnapped me. His predatory crazy red eyes looking at me and his raven black hair. He wore a long red trench coat. ¨If we do not escape we will be slaves for the master forever¨ the boy added in a soft voice. ¨I will help. Follow me. I think I know how to get out of here¨ I said. I got up as quickly as possible. I tried to run but stopped feeling the pain from my previous bruises. My eyes lit up as I saw the exit door. I looked back to make sure the boy was still behind me. He was right at my heels. Right as I had my hand on the door handle a big booming voice said ¨Stop it right there¨. I froze. It's the kidnapper. The master as he called himself. The boy looked at me for directions on what to do. His blue eyes are full of fear. I opened the door and told the boy to run. ¨Do not look back. Go to the nearest police station¨ I said, ushering him out the door. As soon as he went out I closed the door. I would have to hold the kidnapper back so the boy had time to get away. He looked at me in anger. He tried to push me away from the door but I would not budge. He got a gun and held it to my head. ¨This is your last warning. Move¨ he said sternly. Hopefully the boy made it far away from here and he would not find him. I slowly moved out of the way. He rushed out and locked the door behind him. I tried to break down the door but could not do it. The man came back an hour later. The boy was not with him. He must have escaped. ¨There will be consequences for your actions¨ the man said. He pulled out a knife and stabbed me. Then he pulled the knife back out. I could not hold it in. Tears came streaming down my face as I collapsed on the floor. All of the sudden I felt the wound closing back together and the pain going away. My tears were the color of gold and fell on to the wound somehow healing it. The man looked at me in shock and ran away. I wiped my tears and spread them on my back. All the wounds on my back were healed. I could not believe it. My tears were usually normal. I had no idea what happened. I ran out the door with a new refueled energy. I ran to the nearest police station. ¨Did a little boy with red hair and blue eyes come by here?¨ I asked the first police officer. Her long wavy blond hair hung over her shoulders. She looked at me suspiciously with her hazel eyes. ¨Why do you ask?¨ she said. I told her the whole story of what happened except for the part about my tears and bruises. She asked me a few questions and wrote down some notes. I was given a medical exam. ¨The boy's name is Kaiser. He came here an hour and a half ago. He told us his story similar to yours¨ she said. The next thing she said I was not prepared for. ¨His parents came to get him. He was running towards his parents when a shot came out of nowhere and hit him in the head. There was nothing we could do. He is gone. We suspect the kidnapper did this¨ she said. An overwhelming sadness overcame me. I only knew the little boy for a little bit but for some reason I felt close to him. He reminded me of my little brother. I looked around the room and saw a stretcher. I could see Kaiser´s red hair sticking out from underneath a white cloth. I ran to his side. I pulled back the white cloth revealing his face. I burst into tears and closed my eyes tightly. One minute later I felt warm arms give me a hug. I opened my eyes to see Kaiser. What? He was alive. I jumped for joy and hugged him back. ¨Your golden tears saved me. How did you do that?¨ he asked. ¨I have no idea. I am just glad you are alive¨ I said. The officers looked in shock. ¨How is he alive? He was dead. How do we explain this to his parents?¨ they all asked one another. The chief told everyone to hush. He called the Kaiser´´s parents. ¨Mam and sir, your son is alive. I do not know how. It is a miracle¨ he told them. They talked a little bit more about the possibilities of what could have happened. ¨We need to keep it a secret just between me and you what happen with my tears, ok¨ I told Kaiser. ¨Why¨ he asked. ¨It will just be easier that way. If we tell anyone they think we're crazy¨ I said. ¨Alright, I will keep it between us¨ he said. His parents came in rushing to see him. It was nice to see them reunited. A couple of days later the police caught the kidnapper. Life went on back to normal. When I cried my tears were normal. I would always remember the Kaiser and the priceless golden tears I once spilled. 

May 26, 2021 15:21

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