I'm not one of them

Submitted into Contest #88 in response to: Write a fairy tale about an outsider trying to fit in.... view prompt


Sad Romance

Dear Diary,

Mother and father are sending me away to a far away place. They said it was better for me and that I could have friends, but that is probably not true because 1. I don't know how to make friends and 2. I never fit in. No matter where I went I was an outsider my whole family are outsiders. That is because we are humans, but me, I am a human yes, but I also can turn into animals and other objects, I was always the person people would call a rare breed. That is why I can never fit in, people think i'm cursed or a bad omen so I don't have any friends and I don't talk to people I have always been home schooled so mother and father are sending me to my Aunt Maggie and told me to start a new life where I make friends and go to school, can't be that bad right?

It was January 11th when I first got on the train. I sat by a window and say my mother waving and my dad walking away as the train started to leave the platform, mother was always caring, sometimes to caring, as my father had put. My father was really strict and I had no life what so ever, had no friends never went outside unless I had to, that is because I, Karma Margret Dixon am a human that can shape shift into anything huge shock right? not really, my father always told me I was different from my world and the family, that is because I can shape shift. I am the only known human to be able to do that so since I am able to do that my family says I am an outsider to them, all sixteen brothers 3 sisters and parents. Father wouldn't like it if I call him dad he would always tell me to call him father, that was a rule. My mother didn't care what I called her but father would make me call her mother, I never had a life outside my family's house so when I got on the train I was terrified but now that I left I saw so many different things and smelled things too. Like the old guy sitting in front of me, smells like old cigars and peppermint. And the lady on my left looks like she was a fake doll or something just because of the makeup. I look down and saw my suitcase that had my clothes and a few of my belongings. I guess i'm going to be here for awhile so I guess i'll go to sleep. Suddenly I was awaken from a loud clanging it sounded like church bells I look outside and I see people walking and horses and little children playing with a ball in the grass. I got up and went outside and saw Aunt Maggie waving with a huge smile with big white teeth. She was wearing a purple dress with white dots and her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing rubber boots. I walk to her and she seemed happy to see me, people where looking at me as if I had two heads I started to get nervous until Aunt Maggie took my arm and we walked to her cottage. I could feel the breeze hit my face and I started to shiver when I looked at Aunt Maggie she was not wearing a coat or anything warm she must be crazy it's like minus 30 out. As we reached her cottage there was a fire and it smelled like cinnamon and green apples. Everything looked like home and was nice warm and fuzzy. I went to my room to unpack and there was a beautiful bed there with a closet I neatly unpacked my stuff I put my clothes in the closet and my diary and pens on a wooden night stand by my bed, I felt happy for once and felt like I was at home maybe mother and father where right, maybe I can make friends without being an outsider and have a new chapter in life. I trot down stairs, to see Aunt Maggie cooking a stew, and humming to herself. She turned around and smiled, she told me to sit and have dinner with her, I was glad to eat because I was famish. The stew smelled mouthwatering and tasted like heaven. After dinner, I help clean the dishes and put the left over stew away. I went up to my bedroom and sat on the bed and looked around, I saw a window with rustic yellow curtains and an oak desk with a chair. It is a very admirable bedroom. Tomorrow I start school, i'm both nervous and excited. Aunt Maggie came in and said we will be going to the school tomorrow at 10 and said that she had to go to town for a little while and would be back by dark. After she left I decided to go outside and explore, I put on my brown jacket and my black leather boots. I grabbed a scarf and mittens and went outside. There was snow on the ground, and the winter breeze was chilly, I put on my scarf and went on a dirt trail of by the woods. I could hear the birds chirp there little song and hear the crunching sound of my boots hitting the ground. The snow just looks dazzling when the sun is setting. I jump back when I hear a twig snap beside me, a boy about my age steps out he was tall and had blonde hair with big blue eyes that sparkle in the sun light, and had cute little freckles across his face. We stared at each other till finally he said his name was Hugo. I told him mine was Karma, surprisingly he was not afraid of me. After a few moments, he walked with me back to the cottage and talked he said he wasn't afraid of me and thought I was cool. He said he would love to be my friend, I can hardly believe it I made my first ever friend! After I explained everything to him, he said he was sorry about what I had to go threw and said that he would come by tomorrow and walk me to school. When I had arrived to the cottage I said bye and walked in. I saw Aunt Maggie sitting at the table drinking a cup of tea. She looked up at me and asked if I had fun with my new friend, I told her everything. When I got bed, I could feel this emotion that I never felt before is it love? I'm not sure maybe it's love at first sight like honestly who knows? Before I fell asleep, all I could think of was Hugo, Hugo and his big round eyes. I woke up the next day to the smell of bacon, I get up and quickly got dressed. As I entered the kitchen I saw a plate full of bacon and eggs with a piece of toast, Aunt Maggie had set a cup of tea down by the plate and said to come and join her. I took a bite of bacon and it tasted so much better here than at home, it must be the country atmosphere. I washed up and went to go to write in my dairy.

Dear Diary,

Today I start school I am really anxious because I never went to a school before. I'm meeting Hugo in an hour so I guess I should get ready soon. I love being with Aunt Maggie, this is so different than where I lived which was the city. Maybe I am going to fit in maybe I will make more friends well anyway I am putting on a black skirt to my knees with a white dress shirt tucked in with black tights and a leather jacket i'm wearing my black leather boots to. I have a side shave hair cut so there is not much I could do with my hair but I will wash my face and brush my teeth.

After I go down stairs, Hugo is standing there with Aunt Maggie he had a light pink rose in his hand, when I walked over he gave it to me I blush and took it. I went to put it in my bedroom after that we were off to school. When Hugo and I approach the school I started to get really nervous what if people didn't like me? what if people said I was a monster or something? All of my nightmares came true right when I stepped into the classroom. Everyone was loud but when I walked in they all got quite, after a few moments of silence a boy asked why I was so pale, and than another girl piped up calling me a freak. I couldn't hold it in any longer I ran out of the school with tears spilling from my eyes, Hugo saw me and chased after me I soon ran into the near by woods and kept running ignoring Hugo's cries to stop. My heart was beating faster than ever and pretty soon, I transformed into a wolf I knew from that day on that I was not one of them. And that I would never be labelled as a normal human I heard a snap and could smell Hugo's scent close by, everyone was yelling but I kept on running I ran until my paws could no longer go on. I transformed back into a human and looked around. There was a small creek near by I walk over and splash water onto my face I look up and Hugo is standing there. He looked at me than slowly walked over, he tucked my hair behind my ear and look deeply into my eyes, he whispered in my ear saying that it was fine and that he was not going to let anyone hurt me. After he gave me a big bear hug and kissed my forehead. I knew that I was in love with Hugo and that he will truly always will be my one and only friend, he doesn't care if i'm not one of him he loves me and I love him. He will always be in my heart, we walked back to the cottage where Aunt Maggie made us a tea and I had a shower. After Hugo stayed for supper and before he left he kissed my cheek promising me he will return tomorrow with my work and help me out.

5 years later

I wake up and go down stairs where Hugo is making breakfast, I walk over and make tea for the both of us. He hugs me from behind and kisses my hair, It has been 5 years today, where I met Hugo and 5 years today when I fell in love and learned that just because i'm not one of them doesn't mean I couldn't love one of them. Hugo loves me for me and to show that love, we are getting married and to show people just because I am different, doesn't mean I can't try to fit in.

April 03, 2021 14:42

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