

“Will you marry me?” 

Luna opened her mouth in big surprise at Nino who was standing in front of her with a ring in his hands

She stare for seconds before she actually scream out the word ‘yes’ with excitement, Nino stare back at her in shock he doesn’t look exactly happy she accepted his proposal but rather he look perplexed

“What’s wrong?” Luna asked confused this shouldn’t be the type of expression she expected after saying yes to marrying him 

“Hmmm….. Luna I…” he stuttered not getting his words 

“Am I getting something wrong here? She asked her excitement gone 

“Actually... I wasn’t proposing, I was just…” he tried explaining but couldn’t find the right words to use, understanding the situation Luna dismiss him with a wave of her hands and went forward to do her business in the bathroom.

Luna sat on the water closet with her hands to her chin she look disappointed thinking about what just happened, Nino and her have been together for five years now although she never really thought he would propose but seeing him held out a ring she felt really happy and realize she’s ready to accept his proposal but when he told her he wasn’t proposing she felt hurt within her she must have hoped for a proposal from him mentally without realizing it.

“But why would he say those words and held out a ring unless… he was planning to propose to her” Luna stood up abruptly getting thrilled, that’s the only possible explanation he was practicing how to propose to her then she came in at the moment and caught him saying those words then he flip out and denied it

Luna thought feeling happy and relaxed now she almost thought something else she just have to wait for him to be ready which might probably be tonight at the restaurant where they would be having dinner since it was Christmas eve and they’ve decided to have dinner out so he must be planning to propose then.

At Five pm that same evening they both dressed up and headed out for dinner together, Luna was all smiley while Nino kept a straight face as he drive them to SOFT a place where many couples go to have a nice time together it was one of the most romantic place to propose, they got there and was asked if they have a reservation they told them they have reservation under the name Nino Crest and Luna Willow.

They settled now and order for their meal while they wait a bottle of wine was place on their table ordered by Nino beforehand they both drink a toast and had a little talk while they wait, Luna noticed Nino’s tenseness and smile she know he has always been the shy type but seeing him waver now she couldn’t help it, he must have been practicing a lot on how to propose to her.

After a while their orders was brought and they both dig in while they continue their chat even though Luna already knew what his plan was she didn’t want to spoil things, she waited patiently for the time he would propose without raising any suspicion after ten minutes she sighted one of the waitress coming with a beautiful cake towards them and she squeak and drop her fork as she stare eagerly at the cake on the tray it was brought to them and she saw the words “will you marry me?” with a ring held out on it she got up and smile sweetly at Nino who has also stop eating and focus his attention on the cake 

“This is so sweet of you Nino” she said and pull him into an embrace

“wait Luna, this is not it I think they made a mistake” he suddenly said and call the waitress who brought the cake to return it telling her its not for their table 

Luna watch as the cake was taken back on the wheeled table she look back at Nino confused and angry “wasn’t he going to propose?” 

“Why then is he practicing inside the bathroom earlier?” she thought as she sat down back on her seat 

‘Am sorry about that Luna they must have made a mistake” he apologize but Luna could feel the nervousness in his voice it’s like he’s hiding something from her and she wondered what it could be without an appetite to eat any more she ask to leave the restaurant and Nino didn’t hesitate and they both left the restaurant with mixed thoughts while they drive back Luna didn’t look happy as she was when going to the restaurant earlier, she had thought he was really going to propose to her and she will be his fiancé instead of his girlfriend after tonight she felt disappointment he wasn’t planning to, at the restaurant while she hugged him she could feel his coldness seems like today won’t end the way she had thought it would.

They got home in no time she alighted from the car and headed inside without waiting for Nino who was calling her to wait up she got to the door still sulking and open the door to another surprise waiting for her, the whole place was decorated with flowers and her favorite candies were placed on a big bowl in front of it was a small case opened she move closer and saw a ring inside she happily turn to Nino who was now by the door smiling she went over and hug him and this time he reciprocate he hold her hands and brought her further into the room he pick up the ring and put it on her left middle finger with a big smile Luna pull in for a kiss 

“I love you” she told him 

“I love you too, thanks for accepting to marry me” he replied

“Are you kidding me? We’ve been together for five now and I would like to spend the rest of my years with you” she said and admire the ring in her hand with joy all over her 

“Let’s celebrate with a bottle of champagne” Luna said and hurry away to bring the bottle while Nino wait for her.

She pick up a bottle of champagne and a wine opener with two glass cup she know she wasn’t wrong when she thought he would propose tonight she's really happy to be his fiancé they’ve been together since college and she was sure she’s making the right choice getting engaged to him 

Just as she was about to get to the living room she heard voices and stop in her tracks to listen, two people seems to be arguing about something

“Can you both keep your voice down?” she hear Nino's voice 

“Are you really going to get married to her?” 

“That’s right you said you weren’t sure if you should and now you gave her a ring and ask her to marry you, are you sure you are not making a mistake?”

“Honestly I don’t know am still confuse about getting married to Luna”

“Why did you give her the ring then?”

“Yeah, why did you propose to me?” Luna asked coming forward to meet him, hearing her voice Nino shook and turn to her together with Brian and Chelsea they look like they’ve been caught doing something bad, not giving them any attention she walk to meet Nino and stop an inch away from him

“Did you really want to get married to me?” she asked again

“Luna I can explain” he said and tightened his hands “I… well… I wasn’t sure...”

“You are still confuse isn’t it?” she asked her expression blue “why did you decide to propose and get my hope up, you should have just wait for your mind to settle” she stated and Nino could sense her anger 

“Am really sorry Luna…”

“Stop saying sorry and tell me honestly, did you really want to marry me?” 

“no” he dropped and Luna felt her heart sink inside of her, she drop the things she was holding and grab the car key from his hands with one last look at the ring she drop it on the table and walk out of the door.

After driving for thirty minutes straight to nowhere in particular, Luna pull the car to an halt and step out she walk feet away from the car she look on with a long face at nothing in particular she thought of the word Nino had said to her she felt really heartbroken she has thought he really want to spend the rest of his life with her just like she love to but hearing a no from him break her heart and made her feel so devastated

The cold breeze embrace her body as she clinch her hands together round her body for cover she ignore the cold her sadness right now is enough to beat any coldness, she waited for a long time before heading home it would soon be Christmas and she shouldn’t let her mood ruined she has thought of spending the Christmas in his hands but with the way her mind is now she doubt that even though it was his choice to get married to her or not she still felt angry with him if he wasn’t going to get married to her then he shouldn’t have raised her hope on it.

She drove back home after an hour and was reluctant to enter back into the house she open the door and entered she saw him sitting and waiting for her Chelsea and Brian are no longer with him, Luna walk inside ignoring him, he followed and entered the room with her 

“Luna can we talk?” he requested

“No am tired I’ve had enough for the day” she said and walk to the bed, Nino move to her quickly and held her from lying down 

“Please listen to me” he pleaded

“I don’t want to ok, I don’t want to hear anything more disappointing” 

“Am sorry Luna, I really am”

“For what exactly?” she asked and Nino released his grip not saying anything “I think we should let this rest and got to bed” “we planned to watch the fireworks together and the Christmas countdown” he stated 

“Well I changed my mind just like you changed yours” she said her voice getting a bit hostile 

“I didn’t change my mind Luna”

“So you didn’t want to propose in the first place, why then were you practicing in the bathroom or isn’t that what it was?” she asked her hands crossed above her stomach

“Yes I was practicing how to propose to you and then you came in and that made me shook a little bit and denied it since I wasn’t expecting it to happen that way”

“What about at the restaurant?”

“I don’t know why but I panicked a bit and lied about the cake am sorry” 

“It’s not like am forcing you to propose to me but you are making it seems like that, if you don’t to want to get married to me it’s fine”

“I want to be with you Luna, it’s just that I don’t want to get married…”

“To me right?” she asked cutting his words short

“I overheard your conversation with Chelsea telling her your biggest Christmas gift will be if I propose to you before on a Christmas eve and I thought of giving you that gift but as another thought I realize I don’t want to get married yet” he explained 

“That was just talk I hope you stop thinking about it now that you know” she said and move to lay on the bed but he stopped her again much to her annoyance

“Please Luna I want to marry you, I want to spend a lot of years together with you” he said and brought out the ring from his chest pocket

“Why? Because you want to fulfil my wish for Christmas? No I don’t want to marry you anymore” she rejected 

“What! But you want to marry me you want to spend the rest of your life with me” he was getting anxious now

“sorry I also got confused and now am not sure if I really want to spend my life with you” she said and free her hands from his hold she get on the bed and cover herself with the duvet shutting him out, without a choice and with a disappointed heart Nino left the room, Luna heard him close the door and a teardrop slid down her cheek she rub it off and decide to go to bed hoping tomorrow will be a good day.

After sleeping for a long time she woke up to the sound of music playing she look around her and remembered yesterday’s event she pull the alarm clock on the side bed to check the time 

“11:13pm!” she exclaimed seeing the time she quickly pull the duvet away from her body and got up

“How come it’s Christmas night already?” she asked herself she went over to check the date and calm down when she saw it’s still Christmas eve she has just slept for two hours hearing the music still playing she walk out of the room wondering where the music was being played it was a sweet melody and she couldn’t help but smile at the melody, she followed the sound still she got to the pavilion just outside the door and her eyes widened in bewilderment her eyes scan the whole place decorated with red roses at the center it was looking so beautiful that Luna’s eyes couldn’t resist as she walk forward in, the music was getting closer now she stop seeing Nino inches away playing the violin with so much enthusiasm she stare at him her heart melting at the scene in front of her she walk forward to meet him and watch him play the melody to the end, when the song stop Nino walk to meet her and pull her for a kiss on the forehead he raise his eyes to meet hers and stare deeply into them making it Impossible for her to look away

“I might not be sure about getting married but thinking about staying with you for a very long time and you being mine forever I can’t help but think this is the right thing to do” he said and brought out a new ring more beautiful than the others he held it up and Luna felt her heart limp in joy

“If being married is what can make you be with me forever then am ready to commit” he said with a sincere heart and Luna couldn’t help but get teary

“Luna Willow, will you marry me? For real this time” he added and Luna chuckled cleaning the tears threatening to fall

“Yes I will” she said with the biggest smile and let him put the ring in her hands they both pull in for a long sizzling kiss taking in to each other not wanting to let go

With a happy heart they both watch the Christmas countdown together in each other’s arm.

December 24, 2020 21:19

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Kehinde Jayeoba
17:13 Dec 30, 2020

Love this story


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Mind's Pen
16:07 Dec 30, 2020

This is interesting


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