I open my eyes and look over at the clock.
“Why do I continue to do so?” I ask myself.
Every single day I am scheduled to wake up at six am. Programmed into all of us, so we received the right amount of sleep. We no longer had control over the amount of sleep we take once they inserted the chip under our skin.
“We are your new gods, for there was never a true God,” I remember being told. “We know what is best for you. Your life will be much better since we are of the superior race.”
Years have passed, but I recall the statement like it was yesterday.
Should I have done it? Should I have accepted the new life? If not, I would be like so many others. Dead.
I got out of the bed that best fit me and took care of my business. Today, I remember not to flush. Do so and I experience a moment of extreme pain. Waste not. Our ancestors carelessly wasted so much but our superiors fixed that.
I took off my bedclothes and put on my wake clothes. There was no work done yesterday, so there was no need to waste water to clean off the grime. I looked in the mirror and rubbed my bald head. Once covered with hair, but too greasy so I had to wash it daily. No more for the superiors have taken care of the problem. Permanently, remove the hair. Stop the waste of water and harmful chemicals down the drain.
I leave the bathroom, the lights automatically turning off. Down the hallway to the kitchen where the light has come on. I have changed all my appliances to the least destructive of society. To the climate. Everything is much smaller and tends to take longer to get what needs to be done, but it’s for the best. I do not question my superiors because they know better.
I make my required breakfast that best curbs my appetite. Quite bland but no more harm to the land and animal life, like eggs, sausage, and bacon. It saves me from a premature death.
“We know best on what you should digest into your body,” the statement said. “Your ancestors had diabetes. We will make sure you stay away from certain food and drinks. That way we are not using precious items to sustain your disease.”
I think about why they care. Life is cheap. Many lives have been sacrificed to drop the population. Unwanted lives taken to the dark. Major illnesses have taken lives to the dark. Ones useless to society taken to the dark. So many taken to the dark. Viruses took out the weak at first. Not enough of a drop so stronger viruses come forth. My parents were lost. Humanity, like sheep, herded us to the massacre. Too late to fight the wolf. Many tried, but the superiors are now in control.
I sat down on my recliner. A dim light comes on since little light is needed to eat.
As I munch on the crunchy breakfast, I think of my dear friend, Stan. A name I never dare speak out loud. More than likely, I will not want to even think about him or get myself in trouble. Possibly not, since I am getting older so I could become one of the sacrificed to please the superiors.
I remember the day Stan paid me a visit. A knock on the door alarmed me, for loud noises are unwanted nowadays. Visitors need to wait patiently in front of the door as a light pops on in my hallway, telling me someone is here.
“Who is doing such a thing?” I asked myself. “Get themselves in trouble.”
I went to the door and pressed the switch, which slid the door open.
“Stan?” I asked. “Glad to see you, but why are you knocking?”
“Can I come in?” he asked in a frantic voice, which alarmed me.
“Of course. I should never deny anyone for what they want to do or say, no matter the age.”
“Whatever,” he said and entered my apartment.
He went into my living room and put a box on my coffee table. He reached inside and looked like he pressed some switches. The lights flickered for a second. Then he turned to me.
“We should be good for a few minutes,” he said with a grin. “Sit, sit. I need to tell you something.”
“What did you do?” I asked as I quickly sat down.
“The superiors cannot hear us for a bit, but they will find out their devices are not working so will be on their way soon. By that time, I will be gone, and you can tell them it was a glitch.”
“I don’t want any conflict,” I told him. “You shouldn’t have done that. What happened to your hand?”
Stan raised his left hand, that was wrapped up in a bandage.
“I took out the chip?” he said with excitement.
“What?!” What are you thinking? You are still alive? Trying to remove it injects a deadly poison. You should be dead,” I said, hyperventilating.
“Calm yourself down. I have a gadget that incapacitates the chip. Only for a minute, so I had to quickly remove it. Now it’s in my pocket, so it’s still with me always.”
“What you did is forbidden? They will send you into the darkness.”
“I’m fine with that,” he said, raising his hands. “I’m tired of these so-called superiors running our lives. You want to know a secret about the superiors.”
“I guess.”
“I won’t say all of them, but most of them were the type that was bullied when they were younger. They are the ones that had a miserable life from the start, so they set forth to restrict everyone else’s life. They are the ones who sucked at a sport, so they complained, and the weak banned it. Now, all these people who think they are gods are trying to rule the world. The real God they despise because they figure He abandoned them. They hope to extinguish any belief of an entity except themselves. Do you believe?”
“I don’t know,” I responded, trying to take in his rapid talk.
“Don’t you want to read a book you like? Don’t you want to eat the food you like? Do activities you like? Write stories you like? Not this dried up boring stuff they all want us to do.”
“The superiors know best.”
“The superiors are losers. Losers that want to control all. They tell themselves they are doing what’s good for this world. They are a miserable group. A dangerous group, since they can take any of us out.”
“We just need to abide by their laws, and all is well,” I said which made Stan chuckle.
“Listen Mike. I have another gadget. I’m leaving this one here. You are my best friend. It’s time to revolt. Join me and others will join to take out these superiors.”
“Violence is condoned.”
“Unless you are a superior,” he said.
“They know best.”
“They know jack shit. They think they do, but they are as simple as anyone else, but they make themselves believe they are of higher intellect. They sit on their thrones. I will knock the fools off. Superiors have been trying throughout the ages to have complete control. Technology has helped them advance more than ever this time around, but they will still lose in the end. Anyway, I got to go.”
Stan jumped up and headed to the door.
“Do it,” he said to me, pointing at the box. “Join the resistance.”
He left.
Now, it is the present I sit here eating my terrible breakfast. The box is still on the table. I stare at it. Dare I ponder it? My life is on the line. The superiors will be upset. I take a deep breath, then reach toward the box. The front door slides open.
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Very interesting speculative scenario here. If you decide on future installments, you might try depicting the rebellion's leadership as ideologically inflexible - a kind of "here's the prospective new boss, same as the old boss" scenario - and place the hero between a rock and a hard place, (a situation in which either/or is equally distasteful). I believe this would make the MC an authentically individual and heroic, and, possibly tragic, character.
Much appreciate your feedback and who knows if an idea will pop up to continue on
I loved reading this story, but our superiors probably did not. They will be here soon, and you will regret this brilliant betrayal of our superior and benevolent tyrants.
I also really hope you will include more of this story in some other prompt. I'd love to see more superior blasphemy.
Thank you for the comments! I better watch out. I could very well expand on this eerie tale
Really enjoyed your piece, Corey. I especially liked this sentence: Humanity, like sheep, herded us to the massacre.
Just about sums up humanity in today’s world too…
Thank you for the comments! Unfortunately, the process has already started, but ignorance is bliss to many.
Was already apparent to some many years ago
I like Agatha Christie’s quote: “Sooner or later, a society of sheep must create a government of wolves”
Aaaagh! Now we'll never know.
This is where you use your imagination. I can say whoever opened the door is what will make the decision on removing the chip or not
I love how you create this world thats an echo of reality!! Love your story!!
Thank you for the comment. Love your name - Dragon the Poet
Love this story....I found myself saying "do it ! Take out the chip! " at the end. Root for the resistance !!!
Thank you for the comments! Down as fictional but a lot of reality to it
Agreed !!
That's what I thought as I read this. It is here already.
Thanks for enjoying my latest.
And my Wild Things
Much of it is. Others are around the corner
Sci Fi? As a third tag? There were ideas here that got my attention and I was wondering what would happen. But I got lost when it seemed that the story didn't build to anything, unless I suppose the situation is in fact hopeless? Anyway, well worth reading. Thanks.
Thank you for the comments. You can say it’s sci fi, but some guidance to the masses is already taking place and much talk about the other stuff has already taken place. You have to watch out for chicken littles but when you hear from many then you wonder. Anyway, this was an open ended prompt so did so. Up to you on who enters
Yeah, got you on that. Thanks for reminding me. Of course it is the prompt.
Living in the U.S. in 2023, your story had a special resonance for me. Well-done!
Thank you for the comments. That is my main point in submitting stories. Winning would be a plus but not even close to why I still submit or I would have quit years ago
I lately find myself being a fan of dystopic themes and stories. I enjoyed reading it and looking into that world. Often by looking at what we find scary we learn more about ourselves and our own society. I was rooting for the protagonist to rebel although I didn't find it likely to happen for this character. Nice read!
thank you so letting me know Sue
I do love a good dystopian. Like most of the comments, I hope to see more of it.
Thank you for the comments! See what pops up
Great story. Well written and intense. A prediction of the future with a true friend paving the way for a better life. If the MC has the strength to take a different path.
Thank you for the comments! The advancement of technology is awesome, but humanity tends to never advance
It seems like one step forward and two steps back.
very well done, I have a question where do I find the app you were telling me about?
Thank you for the comments.
Prowritingaid.com. I use it for free but of course for more help they charge
A good glimpse of the AI birdcage and the current fear humanity has towards a AI future.
I was once told that humanity in the next generations would be born passive. No more manifestos, or independent thinking would be part of the biological profile.
The outer planets energy would cease to influence humanity individually, in my thoughts, maybe pluto in aquarius may herald that change who knows.
A good piece of writing.
Nice little bit of dystopia, Corey. Set part way between now and 1984 or We. It has that nice uncomfortable feeling of being only a slight stretch away from where we already are, like The Circle/The Every. Good story.
Thank you for the comments.
The conclusion I’m drawing is that he’s too brainwashed to resist at the end. I think he will continue with the “safe” route, abiding by the superiors rule. Though, he may start questioning things more thanks to Stan.
Enjoyable story, Corey!
Thank you for the comments. Many people like to live the comfortable life and don’t speak up. The silent majority. Who knows? There is always a possibility he had enough when seeing how much control the superiors had
Interesting take on the prompt! Quite dystopian, and I'm not sure what he's going to do at the end. Resistance is one option, but the again, a lot of people are more comfortable with "the devil you know".
Nobody likes being oppressed - that goes without saying. It's curious what his friend says though. There's quite a bit of disdain for "them", and it makes it seem like "they" used to be in a position of weakness.
So I wonder if this is just a nasty cycle? The oppressed rise up to fight for their freedoms - and then having won, become the new oppressors, taking freedoms from others. Maybe not, but it seems common enough in history.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for the comments. It’s a vicious cycle we go throughout history