Come, Thy Sweet Hour of Death

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt



Throughout the large corridors the redolence of despair and solitude filled the air. Moonlight illuminated the way in through the house, creating a silhouette of a young lady in the center of the room. Books and wine glasses were scattered across the floor, rage and depression were present.

    The sound of Chopin's melancholic nocturne is being played with soft sounds of fingers on a grand piano fills the lonely silence of the house. Rain slides off the windows, and wind blowing through the cracked open window, causing a whistle sound and leaves a cold breeze. Lana pours her soul out for the piano to do the talking. Each note played with emotion, not one getting left out. She gasped for air as she played, and continued on with her piece. The sounds echo off the walls to bounce back at her causing a more elegant sound. She shuts her eyes in anguish, wishing the pain she feels would disappear. The air around her filled with her pain, a soft weight of pain lifted off her shoulders. Lana’s cat, Agathe, a white Persian cat with deep blue eyes, hopped onto her grand piano. Agathe made her way to lay in front of Lana as she plays, providing a warm, friendly company. 

    Lana abruptly stopped playing her heart wrenching piece, and she starred before her, letting tears slowly slip from her glistening brown eyes. Her memories leave her speechless and wishes that it will come to an end. 

    “Maman, maman!” A little girl cries for her mother, “s’il vous plait, maman..” the tears rolling down the girl's fragile, skinny structured face. The ice cold wind breaks through from the window and into the run down house where the girl is located, causing goosebumps form all over her body. She sat in the corner of the room, bringing her legs to her chest for some warmth. A lady walked in, which sparked fear in the girls system, “Pas plus maman, pas plus!” 

Her mother had a look of despair and emptiness as she continued to whip her child, blood splattered onto her face as the girl screamed in agony, hoping someone would rescue her from this madness that’s caused by the person who claims to love her the most. “Tu t’es fait ça, Lana.” The words escaped from her mouth stuck with Lana, leaving her traumatised and lonely. She was in pain, but pain that turned numb over time. A metallic smell reeked and the sounds of crying lingers through the quiet run downed house. 

The front door opens allowing a young man to rush in, following the smell of alcohol, he finds his way to the corridor where Lana’s body lies helpless. He rushes towards the woman and hugs her tightly and apologizes for not coming sooner. The young man picks up Lana in bridal style and he rushes outside and falls to his knees in the middle of the parkway, crying for help with his best friend growing colder as each minute passes by. The sounds of sirens are heard in the background and grew louder and louder. 

    Soon after they arrived at the hospital, “you’re Avilio, correct?” The doctor asked the young man.

    “Yes, I’m Avilio. She’s alright, right? Where is her room?” He asks impatiently with a look of hopefulness in his eyes. The colour drained from his face after the response given to him from the doctor. What? No no no, she’s alright, she has to be. 

“I’m sorry, she did not make it.” Those words repeating inside his mind, every muscle screamed at him to run but he remained completely frozen. He rushes past the doctor and headed straight towards Lana’s room. Ice cold struck his body as he slowly approaches the bed but slowly backs away into the room door. He slides down the door, bringing his knees to his chest, remembering what had happened earlier.

Avilio’s phone starts ringing awakening him from his slumber, he squints his eyes to read the name “Lana P.” across the screen. He immediately picks up and asks her why she is calling him so late in the night.

“Avilio.. Do you remember the first time you approached me in middle school? You told me to stop being lonely and see the world…” Lana quietly says with a trembling voice, “I want to see the world in a different perspective now.”

He quickly sits up in his bed, “what are you talking about Lana?” a chuckle slips his mouth to cover up the concern. “Hey, Lana, are you there?” A sound of a stifled sob can be heard on the other side of the line, which then goes quiet. 

Avilio immediately puts his shoes on and drives over to her house to make sure she is okay. A cold wave embalmed him as the hairs rose on the back of his neck and his mouth ran dry as he approached her driveway. He runs to the door, knocking as loud as he could. No one answers after 5 minutes, he opens the door and felt his feet started running on their own. The sound of muffled sobs can be heard across the house, he finally finds himself in the same room as Lana. The assumption that she is okay soon left his body as she turns around, revealing a huge chef’s knife in her lower abdomen. She stood for a couple more seconds, looking at Avilio with a lifeless smile, letting her body hit the ground. 

Immediately he runs towards her helpless body and fell to his knees. He heard high

pitched screaming; he did not realize it was his own until much later. Avilio reaches for the phone and dials 911. A few minutes had gone by and they ended the phone call. His heart was throbbing in his ears, loud and irregular, he barely heard it. He barely heard Lana telling him it was going to be okay in a weak voice. 

    Avilio covers his mouth to stifle a sob, my everyday life has come to an end.. I’m sorry Lana

March 21, 2020 04:22

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