Submitted to: Contest #49

When will the truth come out ? Waiting for justice- Dr Muskaan

Written in response to: "Write a story about a person waiting for an answer to a question."


When will the truth come out ? Waiting for justice- Dr Muskaan

There are many instances which happen in our life that often ponder questions in our mind is there justice in world? Dr Muskaan was a wonderful doctor by profession who faced all the ordeals and difficulties of life with her indomitable courage and never give up attitude. It all began like a typical Bollywood film with an educated brilliant doctor girl, Dr Muskaan falling in love with a average doctor boy, Dr Vishnu. Though she was a good-looking bright girl, all hale and hearty with no dearth of good proposals for her, she had not much enough reason to choose an average looking person lame from one hand to get married. However, love is blind as they say so she went all the way from her home in Delhi her family of old mother, two sisters and a brother , to settle in a family whose culture was entirely different in terms of food habits, language, religious practises and background. She was, not accepted at all in Dr Vishnu’s family and had to face a lot of humiliation as she was always outcasted, unwanted and undesired in his family. Though she tried to adapt herself fully, even learnt his native language but he being the mean son in law was always very rude and indecent towards her family. She took it all thinking her husband loved her and it was enough for her.

Professionally, both being doctors in a good hospital they were transferred to various places and initially life seemed to be a journey full of adventure and excitement. A remarkable professor of Radiology. Dr Muskaan was adored by all her students , patients and friends. Such was her sincerity that she used to do reporting of the patients even while travelling to places, sometimes even in the dim light of the railway stations. Dr Vishnu, was more of a practical man, more inclined towards making money. He was also jealous of her and her family being open minded. Anyways, time flew and after some years Dr Muskaan became more successful in her profession and won many awards and certificates in her esteemed field while Dr Vishnu did not fare too well in his profession as he was very casual towards his patients, could not carry out medical procedures due to handicap in his hand and hence was not promoted. He decided to set up a clinic for private practise. As he did not enough money he asked Dr Muskaan to give him money for setting up his clinic. She was a good wife she helped him and also used to take Dr Vishnu for various conferences and seminars abroad. Dr Vishnu, an orthodox villager who never had a exposure like this became greedy on seeing all the lavish lifestyle and foreign trips. Whenever Dr Muskaan’s brother, sisters and mother used to visit their house he would make a very strict atmosphere. “ Don’t touch these things . Put them in a proper place” . “ I don’t like Vicky he is so lazy”. He would often taunt Dr Muskaan’s brother.

Dr Vishnu was not a very good person when it came to women. Even before getting married to Dr Muskaan, he flirted with nurses and many other women. He made advances towards Dr Muskaan’s younger sister Sarika as well but she never responded.

Some more years rolled by, life changed and extended its brutality to Dr. Muskaan as she was diagnosed with fatal disease - Cancer while she was on a visit abroad to attend one of the commonwealth conferences. In haste, she had to come back home in India and after detailed investigations came to know that her disease was at an advanced stage and had to be operated immediately as the tumor in her abdomen had grown to humongous size. However, the surgery itself was a very complicated one. However, Dr Muskaan a brave lady that she was at heart, chose to go through the surgical procedure. She informed her family in Delhi to visit her. Her elder sister rushed to her and stood by her throughout the risky surgery. She underwent the complicated surgery like a lioness all by herself and most of her internal organs were being removed (some part of spleen and intestines). However, the operation was a success and then the whole series of chemotherapy and radiotherapy cycles were observed. As she was a head of the department she used to flip between her treatment and her work and never ever neglected her patients. Dr Vishnu used to force her to prepare food for him, even when she was down with vomiting and weakness. Her disease did not come between her dedication of helping her patients anytime and she used to carry out all the procedures of doing the entire scans, MRI’s, and reporting. She even wrote a book on “Breast cancer” which she dedicated to her elder sister and patients. She had a very dear friend “DR DEREK”, who lived in UAE in company of whom she was writing the book. He also was very fond of her and loved her greatly and had promised her that he would surely visit her home in Delhi, once her book is released.

  She was always full of life, used to cook tasty dishes, invite all her friends and colleagues at home , was fond of gardening, writing , stitching, driving and what not. She was also very spiritual in nature and used to attend meditation sessions by Sadhguru regularly. Being of a different religion she used to respect and follow other religions as well. She also had built her huge palatial house with her hard earned money and decorated it inside and out. She wanted to have kids but as Dr Vishnu was impotent and not a man enough to admit it, blamed it on her and her unnecessary attention towards her family in Delhi and forced her to take hormonal tablets which might have caused the disease as a side effect who knows. She was very fond of small children and wanted to open up her own preschool once she retired from her job. As she was such a positive and strong person with her sheer determination and will power she was able to fight the disease and pulled on some years.

On the other hand Dr Vishnu’s private practise dint pick up too well and he became insecure of Dr Muskaan’s successful career even after the disease had struck her. She was also earning a lot and had accumulated a good sum of money from her salary. Couple of years somehow went smoothly and everything seemed to be in control, however as ill fate would have it her disease relapsed again and it took over a vital organ -Liver. Her condition started deteriorating day by day and on learning that maybe she will not be able to recover this time Dr Vishnu’s mindset also changed drastically. He started scheming to amass all her wealth and property along with his elder brother Radheshyam and other relatives. As she was not able to go to hospital regularly due to her pain, he deliberately used to leave her alone in the big large house in the midst of jungle. However , with the hope of pulling through, Dr Muskaan bravely managed to stay all alone in the house admist all the pain and suffering with the hope of triumphing the disease. Dr Muskaan had started realizing that Dr Vishnu had changed and he had no love for her and it was just a one sided affection from her side. She was literally helpless by body due to her disease and had to solely depend on him. She wanted to save both her life and marriage as far as she could. Dr Vishnu was a complete changed man now. Being a medical doctor himself he analysed the situation and started withdrawing money from their joint account and invested it in shares. He even started affairs with other ladies. He used to monitor her strange injections despite not having expertise to treat the disease. She hinted it to her folks in Delhi and though they would visit her house to be with her but they could not directly interrupt as Dr Vishnu was very dominating. Due to his changed behaviour, and being childless after 16 long years Dr Muskaan expressed her desire to write a “Will” as she dint want her house and other assets to go to her greedy husband or his relatives if something happened to her. As she had built the house, she wanted her younger brother and sisters to have a share in her property . On smelling her intentions and fear of losing a big fortune, Dr Vishnu pacified her to postpone the “Will” and recover first. He even he got her admitted in a hospital for treatment assuring her that she will be taken care of well in a hospital. On being admitted to hospital, Dr Muskaan called her mother and elder sister to be with her as she felt very scared and lonely. He also, agreed this time as all was a master plan of his , a pretence of showing off to the world what a good and caring husband he was.

On learning about her condition her mother, brother and sisters rushed to stay with her in the hospital. On observing after a few days that it was just a mediocre hospital with no great facilities or expertise and as Dr Muskaan was a head of the department herself and could afford a expensive treatment even abroad, her family asked Dr Vishnu to take Dr Muskaan for a second opinion at a big specialised hospital in Delhi. Dr Muskaan too expressed her willingness to go to Delhi as she had the hope that her treatment will be done under good hands, however Dr Vishnu kept on ignoring them. Dr Vishnu insisted that she stays near their house in that hospital so that he doesn’t get rid of the money. He dint wanted to spend money which was in fact earned by Dr Muskaan herself. On being forced by Dr Muskaan folks sometimes, he would persuade them to wait and that he was getting the papers ready and would shift Dr Muskaan to Delhi. He would argue with her and her family when alone with them and in front of other people he maintained a very good image of a caring and devoted husband. Dr Vishnu in order to fool Dr Muskaan even booked a SUV vehicle close to 20 lakhs by her own money (when she was so critical at the hospital) for her birthday gift assuring her that they will go on trips together once she becomes fine. She was an innocent soul and could not understand the evil intentions of her husband.

Dr Muskaan’s sisters, mother and brother were kept in the dark regarding the gravity of her disease since the treating doctors also used to confide all the details of the treatment only to him and never used to share any information to the blood family. Maybe the treating doctors were also a part of the conspiracy with Dr Vishnu and his relatives and wanted to expedite the process of ending Dr Muskaan’s survival so that they could pounce on her wealth.

 “Vishnu, come fast I am having terrible pain”. Dr Muskaan would often shout with fear on phone when Dr Vishnu used to be in his private practice. “Why what happened? I cant come now” was his reply. Even the hospital in which she was admitted whenever she used to call the nurse for any help, he would stare at her very badly . At night, when she laid down crying with pain as her mother and sister were not allowed to stay back, he was busy watching videos and obscene content on his mobile phone, while she laid painstruck and helpless. It was very unfortunate that she could not understand the monster she was living with and she confided the truth to her mother and sister during her very last days, and as her folks were more concerned on her health improvement first, dint focus on settling things with the wicked man.

 Dr Vishnu used to sign each and every document of the surgical procedures she had to go through. The hospital lacked the basic hygiene and expertise and Dr Muskaan fell a prey to lot of hospital acquired infections. Even the ICU ward was not equipped with the safety and hygiene measures for patient’s care and anyone could walk in anytime. A braveheart that she was, she underwent close to 20 surgical procedures on 3 months and bore all the pain herself but never did once let fear even come upon her mind. Once she even vomited blood close to 1 litre but instead of getting panicky as any normal person would get in that situation, she consoled her sister and mother that she would be fine and there is no reason to get worried. There were strong painkiller injections(Morphine)given to her to calm down her pain and she used to stay awake whole nights together.

 She while still bedridden used to attest all the project reports of the young PG students and used to help her patients over the phone. While in hospital, Dr Vishnu’s relatives used to visit regularly and instead of attending Dr Muskaan they used to go outside the hospital room and chat hours together in their local language with Dr Vishnu. They used to laugh and giggle while Dr Muskaan and her blood family used to be inside the room in pain and suffering. Dr Vishnu used to leave her alone for hours together to visit his clinic and patients. She argued with him that she wants to go to Delhi and get treated there but he always denied her and delayed her treatment. Unfortunately, her condition worsened due to poor immunity and she got a serious lung infection and had to be shifted to ICU for emergency. The mother, sister and brother kept on praying and left no stone unturned but Dr Vishnu was not affected at all. While she was in ICU, he used to dress up like a hero, putting on new shirts and pants and applying fragrances to meet his ladies. Infact, it appeared he was just waiting for the d-day to come. This time he dint have to wait for long. Dr Muskaan was soon put on ventilator due to her lungs and other organs being badly affected and Dr Vishnu used to smile at her and flirt with the nurses around while she was fighting for her life. On one cruel Saturday night while she was going through Dialysis she got cardiac arrest and that took her away from her family, the world and every loved one.

Dr Muskaan sacrificed her life for a monster who was with her only for money unfortunately , she realized it only during her end days. She confided it to her family but it was too late. On the night of her demise her blood family had requested the head of the hospital that as it was her last wish to be taken to Delhi for cremation, her body may not be cremated as they were making arrangements for Air Ambulance to carry on her last wish. The next morning was a Sunday and Dr Vishnu along with his cruel relatives , his power and position manipulated the hospital authorities and they released the body to him. Dr Muskaan’s family also went to the nearby local police station and had consulted but being localites they were not help infact being threatened. Her mother, sister and brother were not allowed to even attend her last rites by the cops as the husband had bought them. Later, they came to know through someone that the husband and his relatives dint even bother to cremate the body completely and left the rites in middle. She had even told her elder sister once, that if anything happened to her she wanted her last rites to be performed in Delhi.

The next day when the old mother, sister and brother went to the cremation ground to collect ashes, the husband had already instructed and lodged a complaint with the help of the local cops that the blood family will not be allowed even to collect ashes.

It was same Dr Vishnu, when he stayed at Delhi at Dr Muskaan’s house and received the news of the expiry of his father, Dr Muskaan and her family had made special arrangements so that he is able to reach his father’s funeral .Her last wish of coming to Delhi could not be fulfilled. Even her ashes could not come. Her wish of giving away her share to her brother and sister could not be fulfilled. Her folks never wanted any money they just wanted a school to be built in her name. Dr Muskaan’s blood family also consulted advocates and even lodged complaint with the cops when they came to Delhi, but the man was so shrewd he got it dismissed. Dr Vishnu and his relatives out of the lust for money had actually murdered her by deliberately delaying her treatment while she fought for her right till the end. Her husband still puts her photograph on his social media, maintains his flowery image, performs all the rituals - an eyewash for the world.

However, her blood family are now trying to build a school for her to carry her name forward. They are contacting Dr Derek continuously to get her book released. They celebrate her birthday as an event. But the question remains – Will the truth really come out? Will justice be done to Dr Muskaan ? Waiting for justice!!!

Posted Jul 10, 2020

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38 likes 9 comments

Corey Melin
18:14 Jul 11, 2020

Very sad story of a beautiful woman married to a monster. Evil always loses at the end. Good read.


Alkaa Sharma
18:29 Jul 11, 2020

Yes indeed thanks for reading


Roland Aucoin
11:55 Jul 16, 2020

Relentless cruelty and evil make for a hard story to read. The cruelty and frustrations come out fully. One can only hope that Karma has a vicious response for Vishnu. Plot well done.

Grammar and spelling are essentials for a good read. Unless your words are intentional and the grammar rough, your story would improve greatly. I use the 'free version' of Grammarly to assist my writing.


Alkaa Sharma
16:24 Jul 16, 2020's great to be read by you thank you for suggestions ....👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


Arun Sharma
16:13 Jul 12, 2020

Excellent story very nice description , Keep it up , keep on Writing. 👍


Alkaa Sharma
16:55 Jul 12, 2020

Thank u so much ❤️


Ravi Joshi
19:04 Jul 11, 2020

V touching , ...


Alkaa Sharma
03:35 Jul 12, 2020



Alkaa Sharma
15:13 Jul 11, 2020

Thanks 😊☺️☺️ everyone


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