Inspirational Contemporary Romance

Dear Esther

Dear Esther, 

How are you? I’m sure that’s a difficult question to answer right now, but being British I don’t think there’s any other way to start an email!

I was so sad to hear that you and Adam split, and under such messy circumstances… I can’t imagine what you must be going through right now. If you need anything, Lizzie and I are more than happy to help. If you need us to forward your belongings, if you’d like us to give a message to Adam, anything at all. Please feel free to write to me, or to Lizzie. As far as we’re concerned, you’re still family to us.



Hi Esther, 

It’s really nice to hear from you, and I’m glad you’re doing okay. How is everything going with the new house? I hope you’re finding lots of ceramics to fill the place, I know how much you love them.

The rest of the family is good. We’re all a bit shaken up by what happened and we’re missing you a lot. Everyone sends their love.

About Adam, I’m not really sure how much to tell you. He’s doing okay. I’m pretty sure he understands that this was his fault, but I’m not sure he’s ready to admit it yet. I’m going to spare you the specifics, and if you want to know anything else you can ask, okay?

Lizzie sends her love, too. Oh, and the dog.



Hi Esther, 

Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply. My dad got sick with pneumonia and we rushed him to hospital. He’s on the mend now, but still in the hospital, on oxygen. Don’t worry, he’ll be fine! I know what you’re like, but I’ll call you if anything bad happens, okay? So you don’t need to worry.

That’s great news, about your house! I’m so glad that you’re feeling at home there and that your landlord is so lovely. Don’t worry, it’s normal that the house feels so empty after so many years living with Adam. It will get easier. If there’s anything we can do, let us know. We’d love to pay you a visit sometime!

Since you ask… Adam seems to be moving into the mourning phase of the breakup. For the first couple of months he was a bit numb to the whole thing, but now I think he’s starting to realise that you’re not coming back. He seems down, honestly. Are you sure that knowing all of this stuff is going to help…? If I were going to give you some advice, I’d tell you to try and get him out of your head completely.

It’s a bit strange knowing you’re not just around the corner anymore. I’m sure everyone down at the cafe is missing you, too.




All being well, they’re planning on sending dad home from the hospital tomorrow! So there’s some good news for a Monday morning. Keep your fingers crossed for him :)

Your kitchen is looking great! I can see that it’s not finished yet, but the colour is fabulous. It’s very “you”. You’re giving me a mind to put a new colour on our kitchen, frankly it just looks dull next to yours! It’s great to hear that you found yourself a job that you love, too, working with animals sounds right up your street.

If you really want to know… Adam is still waiting for you. He thinks that you’ll come back to him when you’re ready. I don’t know if that was what you were hoping to hear or not… After everything he did, I guess it can’t be easy.

If you need someone to vent to, I’m always here. This email inbox is protected by the very strongest of passwords! Okay, that’s not totally true, but you know what I mean. If you need somewhere to put down your feelings, nobody will read them except me.

Let us know if you need anything at all,



I’m sorry to hear that you’re struggling. I know it must be difficult going through this without so many of your friends. Have any of them been to visit you? I can only stress again that it will get easier. As time passes, you will heal. It will be slow, but you will heal.

You don’t need to worry that time is running out for you. You have many years ahead to meet someone new, to have a family, all of that stuff. If that’s what you want, of course. Your life is yours: you can do with it whatever you wish. Don’t feel as though you need to follow a certain path or achieve certain milestones… That’s the one good thing about this fresh start, for you. You really can do whatever you want now.

I understand why you don’t want to talk to Adam. Do you want me to tell him to stop trying to contact you? I’ve seen some of the messages, I’ve seen how many times he’s tried to call you… I’m sorry.

I’m glad everyone at your work has been so supportive.

You can get through this, I promise. If you need anything, just let me know.



Hi Esther, 

How are you, love? It’s been a while since we’ve spoken. I just wanted to check that everything is okay with you.

Lizzie and I are worried.



Hi Esther, 

Lovely to hear from you, as always, and don’t be sorry about the lack of response! We just want to know that you’re okay, that you’re coping, at least. And you can always text me if you’d prefer! I do enjoy our email correspondence, but I appreciate it’s a bit old school for you younger folk. 

All the pictures you sent of the house are just lovely. It looks just about finished, now! That’s quite some project you took on, you must be proud of yourself.

I’m glad you’re getting used to being on your own. I know it’s hard, believe me, I’ve been there. You will get through this. Between you and me, I’m glad that you never responded to Adam. He needed to learn his lesson.

Speak soon, 


Hi Esther,

How are you? 

I’m finding myself nervous writing this email to you, even though we’ve talked so much over the last year. I know you asked for me to tell you when this was happening, but I’m still not sure if it’s right, I don’t want to cause you any hurt. But here goes…

I think Adam is falling in love again. He tells me he’s not, he still tells me that he’ll love you forever, that he’s waiting for you to come back to him. But I can see the way he looks at her. He’s always with her. I’ve not seen him like this since he met you… it’s only a matter of time.

I’m sorry.


Hi Louis, 

My heart broke when I read your message, but I woke up this morning feeling free. I feel like a bird finally let out of its cage after so, so long. I needed to know that he wasn’t thinking about me.

Thank you, so much, for everything.

I feel lighter than ever.

Esther x

December 04, 2023 14:11

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E. B. Bullet
17:15 Dec 09, 2023

OKAY LMAO, I don't know if this was your intention at all, but Louis' correspondence felt so EERY?? Like, they were saying so many nice things, but it felt oddly...skewed. I think not seeing Esthers replies might have added to it. I couldn't tell if any of Louis' emails were welcome or not, and the way Adam kept coming up, seemingly in apprehension, felt almoooooosstt ... manipulative???? I half expected Adam to be abusive and this was the family trying to downplay it LMAO. Maybe my imagination is just a tad too dark.... All the same, I e...


Isabella Parkin
19:05 Dec 09, 2023

Thanks for sharing this! It was super interesting to hear what you took from the story :) The eeriness behind the emails was definitely intentional; although I didn’t have anything specific in mind as I wrote it, there’s an awkward persistence in his emails and I wonder if he has an alterior motive…


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Rebecca Detti
15:04 Dec 14, 2023

Hi Isabella, thank you for sharing your story! I agree with E.B below, I found Louis quite intrusive and wondered what his intentions were with the constant updates and questions. Mmmm. I’ve encountered people like this before and I do think they should ‘mind their own business’ 😂 sorry if I’m being too harsh about Louis. Thanks for sharing, enjoyed reading and look forward to reading more!


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