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Wreington:  An imaginary place in South America

Almpus: An imaginary body with three heads, six hands and nine legs. 


                             STRANGE MANSION

It was night. Andrew, Gary, Ash, Jessica were going to Alpuk, wreington to meet Mistica, in their way to wriengton their car’s tire was punctured. There was no puncture shop nearby. They taught of calling to Jessica but there were no signals. There was an old mansion by the road, and then Andrew advised their friends to spend this night in that mansion, but it was too old. These people slowly advanced towards that mansion, they taught that none would be there. Actually, that was true. These people got inside that mansion and searched for a bed. But they were failed to find one.

Then they saw a dazzling light forwarding towards them. Suddenly it blew off and a very strange cry began to be heard. All of a sudden a light appeared

and they saw an almpus, by seeing that all of them began to run. A moment later they observed that its body is gradually increasing its size. By seeing all this they were baffled and went unconscious. After an hour Jessica woke up, when she saw around she found that body moving around leisurely without watching them. She took it as a chance to escape then she tried to wake them all and slowly all woke up.  When everybody woke they slowly started to move towards the closet behind them. Almpus saw them and began to walk towards them, by seeing this that gang it came close and ran towards the closet and they were succeeded to enter it. Then Almpus begged them to come out and started to say in this way, “Oh! Please come out I will not kill you and I am expecting a favour from you. Actually, I did not think of fearing you. But, if I had not done that you will have gone from here. So, I had to do that. The help that I expect from you is to get me my baby from the viceroy of Plpuk; to free him you need to cross Bone forest, Death Valley and in Diadem tower you will get a diadem in which viceroy’s soul is present and if you will be able to destroy it my child will be free .I forgot to say you that he has sent his dispels to get my baby. He saw my baby a week ago while he was passing through this way.      I think he desired to have one and when I was out they kidnapped my baby. Please get my baby from him, I beg you.’’

                 By witnessing all this they all came out and tried to reassure almpus although some of them were quivering. Jessica then asked where do he live in and how to get its baby out from there. Almpus replied that I have magical powers and I can predict future using prophecy but, I can’t get my offspring out of it as humans can only destroy him, if his right hand is cut of then he will die and my baby will attain liberty. Continue with your journey and I will give you some magical powers. By that Jessica can predict future, Andrew can make one hypnotised, and Gary could make one invisible and Ash can turn one in to ash.

     They continued their journey in the car which was repaired by almpus by its magical powers.

                       CHAPTER 2

                BONE FOREST

All of a sudden while they were moving in the car they saw a sign board stating 1 km to bone forest and suddenly it got disappeared. They all went panic and thinking as if they were drifted into the air and finally reached bone forest. All were thinking why this place was called Bone forest. Later they came near a huge wall –like structure but it wasn’t really wall it was a giant who was sitting near the bones and blood was flowing like rivers. Giant was advancing towards them, seeing this Gary made everyone along with the car invisible. Slowly they began driving their car through that filthy area.

                               When they were stuck in a ditch that giant came near them by hearing that sound it caught hold of car, later tried to eat it and then Andrew hypnotised it and made it to take them to the other side of the forest. After reaching he made giant to get free and Gary made car visible. After having witnessed this seen Giant rebelled against this crew and caught hold of Jessica. This made all of them angry and they started to attack it on its stomach by throwing all the bones on it. Then it started to squeeze her more and so Ash happened to use His power and turned it into ashes.

                Later, they continued themselves in car to Alpuk

                                CHAPTER 3

                       DEATH VALLEY

         It was dawn. All of them got afraid about the Death Valley, but Mistica didn’t seem that afraid as of other. Mistica and others neared Death Valley, most of them went nervous. Even though they moved threw that horrifying forest. When came a bit inside the forest they saw skeletons moving here and there they were speaking some other language which none of them understood. These people got frightened yet they continued their journey, when these people were seen by one of those skeletons which shouted aloud and made many skeletons gather around the car. These skeletons what gathered around the car started to eat the car and some of those skeletons deflated the car the car tyres.

                            These people immediately got out of the car and began to run; by watching all these people those skeletons ran back of them. Those skeletons ran faster than them and caught hold of them. Their smell was disgusting, all of them started to shout for help. Then a huge skeleton came near them and which seemed to be their leader. It asked us something in its language which we didn't understand. That seemed to know that we didn’t understand it. It ordered someone to get a knife to kill us. After the knife was bought it went to Andrew and caught his hand and pierced that knife into his hand which has hurt him intensively. He was annoyed completely with that act and screeched to Ash to turn all of them into ashes. Ash then took over the situation; he first turned that skeleton which caught hold of him into ashes. He then turned most of the skeletons into ash but he wasn’t able to kill of them so Gary made all their friends and himself invisible. Andrew was not able to walk. All of a sudden those skeletons made all of these people visible and started to attack on these people more severely and so Andrew happened to hypnotise all those skeletons an said to take them out of this Death Valley. All the skeletons bought chairs which were made out of bones. They asked them to sit in this chair and after they sat in the chair; four skeletons held a chair and carried it.

                       As they were passing through the Death Valley they saw many things which were weird. Firstly they saw a waterfall which wasn’t truly waterfall it was Blood which was flowing from that waterfalls and they saw some human corpse in that waterfalls. By witnessing all of these people got shuddered, at last they were out of the Death Valley. Andrew didn’t let them free instead he ordered them to kill other skeletons by beating each other which was further followed by each of those skeletons. After he saw everyone got killed he walked forward with their friend’s help. He said to himself that he nailed to take revenge against them for making him hurt.

                              CHAPTER 4

                      DIADEM TOWER 

        Mistica was asleep while others were sound sleep. She used her power to depict the future, in which she saw a tower having a striking similarity with a diadem. She saw two ghosts at the entrance gate that ate the people who tried to come in. At the tower entrance a toy shaped ghost was there instructing people who went that whoever will succeed will only come out the unsuccessful ones shall die inside.

                      Mistica stopped imagining as she was disrupted by Andrew. All their crew started walking towards the Diadem tower. As they neared Diadem tower Mistica informed them that if they will be able to escape from the two ghosts from the entrance then they will be safe. As they understood the oncoming danger they hatched a plan to fool them. Their plan was to hypnotise them till the entrance of the tower and then turn them into ashes. After this completes they will become invisible and enter the tower and destroy the diadem after finding it.

                  They advanced to the tower and started to act according to their plan and hypnotise them and succeeded to enter the tower finally but forgot about that toy ghost.  They were shocked to be found by that comical faced ghost even after being invisible. To a certain extent than killing them it gave instructions to them how to wipe out the diadem but it said that if any one lost in their game them shall perish in this tower.

                      Most of them were happy, though some weren’t. The ghost was holding a list of things to be done. Then Mistica went through that agenda. It consisted of three things, Firstly to kill the largest monster snake in its tunnel and obtain its poison. Secondly, to kill the pig monster by means of poison and need to get the magical liquid which was further protected by pig monster. Thirdly they shall enter into the room of diadem and if they pour the magical liquid on the diadem then the viceroy shall die. After reading that all of them came to a conclusion that even if someone will die in middle that should not weaken the strength of their crew. After having got complete strength they started their adventure.

                         CHAPTER 5

              SERPENT’S REVENGE  

                All people started to move into the tunnel, it was quite large. When they got in, some of the people started to quiver. All of a sudden a snake somewhat of size of a big rock entered, which was feared all of them and some ran back which made them fall down.          

As a sequence everybody fell one upon one. Serpent was nearing them they don’t know what to do; suddenly it went back with fear. All these people were befuddled. With that confusion these people stood on their foot and saw back, there was a snake about the size of a mountain. It saw them and advanced towards them which feared all these gang.

It tried to fall on Mistica but she escaped from that. Mistica then jumped over and reached the head of the snake. She then pierced a sharp piece of wood in its eyes. It cried aloud. She took a bottle to fill it with its poison. She kept the bottle near its fang to get some poison. She tried a lot and lot and at last it spitted some poison but it was directed to Andrew. Luckily Andrew too have a bottle which that poison was caught. All these people ran towards the end of the canal to escape. By then the snake caught hold of Andrew who was carrying the poison and squeezed him. Due to this he lost his hold on that bottle and left it off which was again caught by Gary.

                            This angered the snake and so it killed Andrew by squeezing him a lot. Andrew’s corpse was spilled all over the tunnel and his blood was also spilled.  

               His friends were woeful even though they continued their journey to make sure that their friend’s sacrifice will not go waste. After getting the Poison they moved for the pig monster.

                            CHAPTER 6

                  SWINE’S PROTECTION

They moved for the next adventure with deep sorrow in their hearts. When they moved inside the chamber they saw a gigantic pig sitting by the wall. When they entered the room it jumped up. It was quite energetic so it made the task most complicated. Firstly they tried to make the pig drink the poison but it didn’t drink. Mistica climbed over the pig and made it it drink the poison. Finally she made it to drink but the poison didn’t act on the pig and so it jumped over Mistica to kill her.

                   This act of the pig was successfully completed which means Mistica too left the world.

This caused severe changes in these two people’s mindset. Ash with lots of anger turned the pig into ash. After the Pig was dead, near its tummy there was the magical liquid which was protected by it previously. Gary took the liquid bottle into his hands. After this these two people went to Diadem room. These people looked at each other as if they weren’t going to meet in their life again and later they both stepped inside of the Diadem room.  

                CHAPTER 7

       DIADEM “S END

These people entered the diadem room and neared the Diadem. That diadem looked very beautiful and lustrous. They got attracted to that and weren’t able to destroy it but they have to do that. So, they took out the liquid and stood near the diadem. Later they poured the liquid on the Diadem and it destroyed it. 

                            All of a sudden they fell on the tiles and went unconscious. By the time they were conscious they were in the old Mansion where they met Almpus. Near them a baby Almpus and also a strange thing or better to be called as a miracle took place their friends were back to life again. After the problem got a solution Almpus went to its Planet and thanked them.                       It didn’t take the powers back what it gave to them. These people too started their journey to meet Jessica.


July 22, 2020 15:34

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Deepak Chowdary
15:35 Jul 22, 2020

loved it


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