The secret witch! by D Holbourne

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about a group of witches meeting up on Halloween night.... view prompt


Fiction Kids

Wendy, Mary, Lisa, Juli and Lynda were best friends. They went to the same local school. Neither of them knew each the others' hidden identity except for Wendy. She was the most intelligent and also had magic powers. She could read minds of others. Wendy was a witch by nature but the others were interested in witches.

On one Halloween day Mary asked.

'Shall we go trick or treating tonight?'

'What a splendid idea!' said Wendy.

'Where can we meet up?' asked Lisa

'Can we meet at the sweet shop in town? That way we can get plenty of sweets if we went a little earlier before anyone else gets there.' said Juli.

'Shall we be there by five pm?' asked Lynda.

'Yes!' they all agreed.

Wendy was the last to arrive. Everyone's mouths and eyes widened as she walked in. 'Wooooowwwww, is that you Wendy?' they asked

'Yea it is meeeee!' said in a voice that wasn't the same as usual.

Unlike the rest Wendy came looking like the true wicked witch. Her toenails were naturally long and skinny. They were painted in black, her fingernails were bright red, round her eyes had thick black lines which made her eyes bulged out, her long dress was shiny pitch black and her hair looked as if it's been blown up by a tornado. In her arms she had a hairy black cat with bright green eyes.

Lisa was dressed in black and white. The rest were all in black.

'Come on let's go in.'

They walked into the sweet shop to start their first trick or treat collection. The minute the owner saw them come, she stood far back, held a long stick and refused to entertain them. Her eyes stayed fixed at them without blinking, scared to death seeing the two fierce looking witches, Wendy and Julie. 'Please go away. I am calling the police if you do not go,' said the terrified woman. She had reputation of being nasty to poor kids who came to buy sweets. Seeing her typical reaction Wendy let the cat down. Meanwhile the rest of witches tried to calm the woman. Wendy with her hidden powers she began to hypnotise her to switch her from the fearful character to a person of calm and friendly. It worked perfectly.

'What can I give you sweet girls?' she asked

Wendy said, 'We would love to have some of each of the sweets you sell, wouldn't you girls?' The others stood dumbfounded gazing at the scene, the miraculous change from being a fearful angry woman into the most charming person. She went on filling a large bag with every kind of sweets she sold.

'Here you are, take these, enough to last at least a month for you young ladies.'

'Thank you very much!' said Wendy. Just before they left Wendy waved goodbye to the lady but in fact she was deleting the entire incident from the woman's memory.

Wendy said, 'come on girls, we must go now.' The others walked back standing rigidly like robots due to the shock by the significance of the incident. Wendy knew what was going on, but to pretend nothing has happened, she said, 'Girls, relax please.'

Suddenly Fatal, Wendy's cat came mewing aloud. She jumped to her arms and handed over a big black bag.

'What is in the bag Wendy?' , asked Juli.

'I believe the lady has given him some sweets as well.' Wendy uttered casually even though she knew that Fatal has stolen the sweets whilst they were chatting to the lady.

Wendy can be a very bad and a very good witch it all depended on the circumstances. Their next targeted place was to go to the fun fair where they sell all sorts of cakes, ice creams, sweets and many more. 'Can you hear the cry of a little girl?' asked Mary. They stopped, Wendy attempted to gauge where the sound was coming from. 'I think it's coming from behind the elementary school garden over there.' said Wendy. They rushed towards it, the sound was getting fader. Wendy became terribly anxious, she could visualise that a thirteen years old girl was being kidnapped by three young men. 'I must hurry before something bad happens to the girl.' The rest walked as fast as they could. Wendy sent Fatal in advance in order for her to get a sense of the direction. When she got there she found the girl's mouth was bound with a shirt to stop her from screaming. The minute they saw Wendy, they stood before the girl to prevent her from Wendy seeing her.

'Move!' she spoke commandingly. But she could envisage the girl's image clearly though her magic vision. Together the men came forward intending to intimidate Wendy. By waving her magical hand she was able to calm the men just like the way she controlled the sweet shop lady. Wendy undid the girl's bandaged mouth and asked her. 'How did this happen to you?' Tears began to tumble on her face but she was afraid to talk. One by one the men began to talk as Wendy had switched them to be honest people.

'We took her from her driveway. She was waiting for her friend to go on trick or treat. She lived in a mansion. So we figured that her parents must be very rich. The reason we kidnapped her was to get a big ransome. We were not going to harm her if her parents paid the ransom. By then the rest of Wendy's friends arrived. The men promised never to harm anyone ever again. Wendy took the girl back to her home. That night the five witch friends decided to have a slumber party at Wendy's home. Wendy decided to disclose about herself and her magic powers. The others pleaded Wendy to teach them to be proper witches in order to help the society and that is what they did ever since, took care of crimes and turned the bad people into good characters.

October 30, 2020 13:42

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