
Yeah, this probably marked the worst day of your life. It was supposed to be the best according to all of your married friends, but no, this was utterly the worst day in the history of human life- nay, life of all life forms, including aliens. You had been retouching your make-up out of nervousness (you were sure you had more than enough), and had needed to grab a make-up wipe, so you made your way to your mother to ask for some. And then you had seen it: your mother in a lip-lock with your fiance. It was like something out of a soap opera, and it was happening to you. Tears were already tickling in your eyes, but you clenched your fists and stood your ground.

"What is the meaning of this?" you questioned, trying to keep the betraying crack out of your voice.

They'd pulled away as soon as they heard your gasp- your mother was already crying, your fiance blushing out of guilt. 

"Sweetheart, let me explain-" your fiance began, but you held your shaking hand up for silence. 

"No. I want to hear it from her." this time, you made no move to hide the imperfections in your voice, it shook with the labor it took to keep your tears unshed, your fists clenched. "Now, honey. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner..." Your mother's voice gave no indication she felt bad or that she was crying.

How could she not feel sorry about ruining her daughter's special day?! "What? What didn't you tell me?" you snapped, tears of anger already rolling down your cheeks. "Oh, don't be like that! This was an arranged marriage anyway! You can't tell me you actually love him?" Oh. My. God. The nerve of her! 

"I was beginning to warm up to him- up until now? How am I supposed to act?! Happy?!"

"Yes!" Your mother retorted in disbelief. Disbelief, she couldn't be serious. "Ever since your father died I've had no one, I thought there would be no one out there for me to fill that gap inside my heart- than I met Jordan. You were arranged to marry, and I wanted to see what type of man you would marry. I mentally pretended to be you in my investigation, I believe I got so into character I fell in love with him." You were too shocked to speak for a while. How long had this been going on? From the sound of it, it seemed like three full years. For three years, your mother had been sneaking around with your betrothed. Un-freaking-believable. "Mother! How can I be happy when you ruined what was supposed to be our special day!?"

"At least be happy you aren't stuck in an arranged marriage anymore. I've signed the papers for your freedom of-"

"No! Did you even think about how I felt about the arranged marriage?"

"Of course I did! You did nothing but complain-"

"The first few days. You weren't even up to date... I can't believe this- no, you at all. Both of you! Lying to my face this whole time." You picked off the tiara crowning your head- the same that held the veil- and threw it on the ground, stomping on it to get your point across, and turned to leave, but not before saying: "Have fun explaining you're both lying cheaters to the crowd inside. I'm sure they won't pelt you with the decorations, seeing as they have ethics."

You're dressed trailed behind you, it's white a contrast to the bitter black of your soul.


“Do you think that was too harsh?” Your mother asked your fiance, standing there in shock, eyeing the silver tiara on the floor. “A bit. She’ll get over though.”

In all honesty, your mother felt terrible. Despite the selfish tone her explanation had, your words had made a bit of sense. Yes, she should have stayed away, but at the time she thought she had been doing you a favor. It turns out she had just ruined your life.

“Lauren, it’s okay, trust me. She’s strong.”

All she did was nod in return, still within her thoughts. Her and Jordan had fallen in love almost completely out of nowhere. He liked older women, and she liked someone with a strong mind. The way he was being so dismissive about her daughter’s feelings however, was proving he had weak emotions- or none at all. I mean, either way you looked at it, she and Jordan were the ones in the wrong. Not asking her daughter her input, not telling her- and the sneaking around and Jordan not caring, yet playing you like a fiddle were red flags on their own. Maybe this was a mistake.

“Are you having second thoughts, Laur?” Jordan asked, brows creased- he was trying to read her. 

“I mean… In a way yes.” she responded, wandering over to the couch they had been making their way to, before her daughter had interrupted. “Really? What about?” Lauren opened her mouth to speak, but a knock interrupted her. 

Her daughter’s best friend- Kim, she believed- peeked her head in. 

“Lauren, Jordan, the people are waiting. We’ve already done the march. What’s taking so long?”

“Change of plans, Kimberley. Lauren and I are getting married.” Jordan said, a broad grin on his face. “What?” both Kim and Lauren inquired in unison. “I was planning to ask you after I said no at the altar. It’s you I want to marry, Lauren.”

“What the hell is going on? Where’s my best friend?” the redhead at the door entered all the way. “She left a bit ago. Now what do you say, Laur? Will you marry me?”

Your mother looked at Kim, Jordan, the crushed tiara, and her own hands. All this time, she had been in the wrong. If she walked down the aisle today, everyone would look at her and Jordan the way Kim was eyeing them now: in disgust. Inhaling, she was ready to voice her decision.

July 26, 2020 01:49

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