
This job is going to be the death of me. I can't believe that my boss isn't going to promote me, but promote the boss’s son who has worked there for a month. I have been working like a slave for 5 years at this company, for what? A lousy $30,000 a year. I can't believe I went to college for four years for an accounting degree, to be making dirt money and barely get by. At least I'm about to have a drink at the bar at 5:00, it couldn’t get any worse right? Hey look at the time, it’s 4:59! “Hey boss is there anything else I should do for you before I go?” “Could you stay an extra two hours to finish my work?” “I meant to get the accounting reports done, but I would’ve missed my flight, also I will be gone for two weeks”. “Nice, where are you going”? “I have to catch my flight to Hawaii.” I nod, but I was thinking that this fat tub of lard did not deserve a vacation Hawaii, who only works 2 days a week. “Yes sir I would be glad”. He then left in a hurry. I was the last one out of the office. Now it’s 7:00 and I am really exhausted and frustrated. I wish my daddy owned the company so I could do whatever I wanted. Geez, this guy again? This guy is named Marvin and he is always doing random moronic things to get spare change for his drug addiction. It looks like he is predicting peoples futures for 10 cents. I feel pitiful for the guy, so I usually give him 10 cents a day, its charity work right? “Hey! Mr. Mars can I predict your future for 10 cents”? “I suppose so”. He took my hand and started tracing it. I wish he didn’t do that because it looks as if there is green fungus spreading under his nails. “I see, wow, Mr. Mars you will meet someone from your past very soon, someone that you dearly miss”. I made a face at him, probably the drugs. “Can I have my 10 cents now”? I just rolled my eyes and tossed him the dime and continued my walk down to the bar. I began thinking about someone I missed, all that came to mind was my ex girlfriend from 20 years ago, Mariah. Living in the city I don’t need a car, my house and my work are in close proximity and a little exercise never hurt. I usually stop at the Green City bar every 2 weeks on a Friday night. I get my usual, the red tornado. Its vodka swished around with a tangy cherry and strawberry flavor. When you drink it, it bursts in your mouth like pop rocks, it definitely gets you drunk fast. The guy that owns this bar, I’ve known him since high school. That’s the reason why I usually get my drinks free. I like to come here and watch the soccer games when its soccer season or I come here to shoot some pool and decompress from the long week. Tonight it’s pretty dead surprisingly. I'm already on my fifth drink, these drinks are surely catching up to me. Unsure of what to do I begin talking to random people. I peer down at the other side of the bar and notice this beguiling redhead, sipping a peach cocktail. This may sound bizarre, but I'm going to make my move. I stroll over to her and use a pickup line in high school “Hey gorgeous, from out of town”? “Maybe I am” I could tell she was white girl wasted, I just might get lucky. The room feels like its spinning and I feel like I'm going to black out soon from these red tornados. That’s when I instantaneously locked lips with this red hair goddess. 

The Next Morning

I arise with a pounding head. I couldn’t remember a thing from last night except for a ravishing redhead. I start to look around the room, still feeling drunk. I noticed that I'm not in my bed and my clothes were not on. The room was spacious with pink drapes and a closet full of designer clothes. Do I dare to turn my head to see who is in bead with me. I cringe instantly. Wait a minute, is this the “redhead” I saw in the bar? She suddenly opens her eyes and I dodged off of the bead. Her eyes went wide and she screamed. She jumped out of bead and grabbed her baseball bat from under her bead and threatened me with it. ‘WAIT”! “WHAT?! WHO ARE YOU??” “BRAXTON THOMPSON!” She made a disgusted face and said she had to go. I made a strange face. “Wait where the heck am I?” “Look let's just forget this ever happened, you need to go”. “Mariah, what’s wrong don’t you remember me?” “Of course I remember you Braxton, but I'm an engaged woman now.” That broke my heart again. It felt like a deja vu moment happened. I remember back in high school when she broke my heart at homecoming. I was coming around the corner of the football stadium to give her flowers on her becoming homecoming court. That’s when I saw the quarterback and Mariah having a sweet kiss as the people in the stands cheered them on. It completely took my breath away. I remember climbing into my pickup truck and driving home sobbing to Mariah Carey songs. Now 20 years later she breaks my heart again, some people never change. “Braxton look, I know I broke your heart, I made a massive mistake.” “I regret how everything played out”. “We were in high school, you can’t hold that against me, I was young and dumb”. “Tears streamed down my face, I couldn’t believe how careless she was. She was selfish and inconsiderate. I wish something in my life would change. Then suddenly my alarm clock went off. I sat up in bed, sweating and a crying mess. I realized it was just a dream. “Honey are you ok, I think you had a night terror”. I looked into her big heavenly brown eyes and hugged her. I took in her scent and her lovely soul. I never want to lose her. “It was a bizarre dream Mariah, I dreamt you cheated on me twice and I had a lousy job and life was a mess.” “Honey you know I love you, I would never cheat.” She held my hand close to her heart. I felt reassured enough and realized that my life is amazing. I'm glad I fell in love with my high school sweetheart and married her. We have an outstanding daughter named Bethany. We moved to Los Angeles California so that I could pursue my career as a successful music producer and Mariah wanted to pursue her graphic design dream. We just purchased ourselves a pleasant remote house on the ocean so we can sail at night. Life is really amazing and it shouldn’t be taken for granted. Cherish people and relationships more that materialistic things. 

August 11, 2020 21:01

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