A Suspicious Ending in the Woods

Submitted into Contest #37 in response to: Write a story that takes place in the woods.... view prompt



A very good friend in which I grew up with. You could even say that he and I were like brothers. Won over $11,000,000 in lottery winnings. He said that he was willing to give me $100,000 if I join him on a search for Bigfoot or Sasquatch or Yeti or Skunk Ape or Yowie or Almas or The Grassman or Wendigo or Orang Pendek or Mapingauri or Yeren. Or why he even wanted to include me on his bucket list adventure. He also offered the same deal to 4 other people we grew up with in which Ralph a professor at Morehouse College turned down. I should have to as well because I knew something about that creature from watching many, many episodes of National Geographic on TV.

I talked it over with my wife and to me she was to willing to allow me to go on a dangerous trip. There was a time in our marriage that I couldn’t go as far away as the area strip club without us having one of those don’t talk for days to one another sessions. She never once mentioned the money I would receive once I returned.

We all were supposed to meet in Northern California, in the forests surrounding Willow Creek and Happy Camp.

I called my business partner Scrappy and best friend as well first before I left. I asked him if we should do this? He said what do we have to lose. I say to myself, my life or got lost in the woods or being 1 out of a billion people to actually run into Bigfoot. All that came out of my mouth at the time is the fact that none of us had no real camping in the woods experience or any nature abilities. He just laughed and said think about the money. I did think about the money and that weird contract that I still hadn’t signed.

After hanging up. I got to seriously thinking why didn’t Lefty, just give me the money with no strings attached and if something should befall me my wife would get my gratuity. I didn’t know what to expect when I got there from Chicago, Illinois.

Scrappy got plastered on the flight and tried to no avail to convince the lovely Hawaiian Flight Attendant to allow him to join the mile high club. I could see that the 100,000 dollars he was going to received had already changed him. He had been married longer than me and I was going on 9 years.

When we got off of the plane there was a large Newmar King Aire 4553 ultra modern RV retailing at 1 million dollars, waiting on the three of us to take us into the woods. Elaine whispered in my ear that she wasn’t quite sure what Lefty’s true intentions were and didn’t hesitate to tell me to be leery of rich people who have been relatively poor all their broke ass lives. I asked her what’s that supposed to mean. She gently kissed me on the cheek and said that’s why I should have married her long ago. I guess she must have forgotten she broke up with me 3 days before we were supposed to have gotten married.

She was a somewhat successfully TV personality star, so I knew she wasn’t in any need for cash. Her net worth was pretty substantial to date.

Scrappy and I slept all the way to the camp site. I had a buyer beware amount of anxiety and Scrappy had a hangover. Elaine was acting weird as she always did when she wasn’t in control. The first day there we don’t see Lefty. He left directions for us to meet him in the woods on the campground he set up. I wasn’t liking this new arrangement at all and decided to call my wife to see if I should just pack my bags and leave. My youngest daughter answered the phone and said that mother had gone to the Lexus Car Dealer with uncle Lefty to look at a brand new car. When I called her on her cell phone it went straight to voice mail. Lefty’s phone went there like wise. Something was really rotten in Denmark as we headed for the new camp site deeper into the woods. I noticed that the deeper you go into the woods. The odder you get to feeling as if someone or something is really watching you. I may not have jungle safari experience, but I could handle myself quite will on the streets. It didn’t hurt that I spent 4 years in the Marine Corps getting yelled at almost every damn day but became a marksman at shooting my M-16 rifle.

About a little after midnight we got to the camp. There was no one there, yet there was smoke coming from the cabin chimney.

I heard a shot come from not to far away as Scrappy fell to the ground with his head halfway blown off. I got to biliously thinking that ole Yeti is a good shot. Until Elaine shouted that we’ve been hoodwinked. What a waggish kind of word to use at a time such as this my mind got to wondering.

I quickly grab Elaine and somehow get us safely into the cabin without getting picked off like them sitting ducks at an amusement park shooting gallery.

I tell her to stay low and don’t look out of the window. She sobbing somewhat as she states she needs to tell me something important. I say Elaine I don’t think this is a good time for true confessions, if you want to tell me that you and Lefty were having an affair, before we were to become as one. She shouted no that’s not what I wanted to tell you, you egotistical idiot. He’s been sleeping with your wife Ann for years. Oh, is all I could say after that revelation. I ain’t got time to think about all that right now. What we need to do is slip out the back of this place. I only think there’s one sniper out there. We need to double back around him and take him out. You still know how to shoot I ask. Does your Mammy she responded.

We slip out of the back bedroom window and double back to see Ralph ducked behind a tree. I don’t know whether to kill or wound him. I kill him. I look around and Elaine is gone. I hear a cell phone vibrating from Ralph’s pocket. I take it out and its Lefty. Is your assignment complete. I respond yes and hang up.

Where did Elaine go I wonder. Them woods wasn’t safe for no TV weather lady, let alone a woman who wore4 inch high heels in the woods.

I heard a loud scream off in the woods. I didn’t know if I should follow it or let whatever in the woods have its way with her. I told Ralph to stay put until I see what’s going on with backstabbing Elaine. She was surrounded by 3 grey wolves. I shot the leader of the pack in the head and the other two dashed off. Elaine stops screaming as we heard a scream far worse then hers. Its bigfoot I shouted!

April 11, 2020 17:07

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