Written in response to: End your story with total oblivion.... view prompt


Fiction Fantasy Drama

The Chief Minister (CM) of Rubi Isle on planet Tellus would be kept informed about the arrival of prominent citizens from other parts of the country. That day CM was told that philosopher Sez from Coaxa had arrived when CM went and received him. Sez looked outwardly healthy despite having crossed the age of 90. He walked with a stick to support himself. Only a tremor in his voice as he spoke indicated his advanced age. When told about Sez’s arrival king Fez invited him to a special audience when CM was also present. As Fez talked he said “A pundit here has forecast bad times for Rubi Isle even possibly an end to life here. May I have your views on the forecast?”

Sez said “I’ll tell you about what happened in Coaxa many, many years ago. Will you listen?”

“Of course I must listen to a voice of experience.”

Sez spoke: (The narration was laconic and was a factual communication of facts. I have made it interesting by rendering it in the style of story telling.)

A learned pundit named Wex was the compiler of an almanac and he announced that Coaxa and possibly Tellus would end as could be made out from the congruence of stars. He said that the sighting of a comet in the sky forbode more evil. He had made this prediction 6 months ago.

King Zext who then ruled Coaxa summoned Wex and questioned him. He said after counting on his fingers “Sire, 47 days from now our planet will be destroyed. It could happen due to incessant rain or by the sea sweeping over land or perhaps by an earthquake. The comet could also fall on Tellus.”

The king said “I believe you as you’re a learned man. But sceptics could say for instance the fall of a small comet would be inconsequential.”

“Sire, the comet appears small viewed from the distance. Its fall could cause considerable damage.”

The king said “If the moon fell on Tellus how much damage would it cause?”

Wex said “The moon is large but I can’t say what extent of damage its fall would cause.”

The king said “Would there be no possibility of life after 47 days?”

“Sire, when Tellus is destroyed so would all life on it. However there is a slim possibility of some life if people offer prayers while bathing in rivers and in the sea.”

Zext said “Even if one man and woman are spared life can restart.”

The Wex prophecy had reached every nook and corner of the land. While most people believed the prophecy, there were those who rejected Wex’s reading saying “All of us have to die some time. If our planet ends we go. Why worry?”

Reactions of the general public were as follows:

Citizen Chumsi wanted to get pregnant immediately. The husband said “If we’re ending in a few months from now, it would be a waste of effort: You know a baby comes only after 9 months.”

She said “At least I would like to experience start of pregnancy. Don’t waste time. It is daytime now but I’m ready. I can get you ready if you need it.”

“I was told in the market place that women wouldn’t perish and that at least one couple would be spared. I wish we would be the lucky ones.”

She said “I know what you’re thinking: You could handle the women who are spared to produce children. But you’ve difficulty handling just me.” She thought a moment and added “I need someone like Zeb.”

“How do you know?”

“You know my friend Richi. She is a widow. She told me he had handled her just once after promising to marry her. After that he had to go elsewhere on his boat. He hasn’t returned. Richi is now pregnant.”

“Alright! I’ll do my best.”

When he turned to undress, she was ready in bed.

One citizen said “I wanted to build a house but now I’ve put it off.”

Another said “I laid the foundation to build a house but I’ve aborted it.”

An agriculturist said “I’ve stopped seeding.”

The rich started feeding the poor hoping that the act of charity would cause mitigation of evil.

People were staring at the comet and there were rumours that they had seen it slowly descending.

Many were offering prayers while bathing in rivers and the sea.

A day later citizen Chumsi said to her husband “I was talking to the woman who owns the tavern. She said that men would lose virility due to the comet. What would happen to women? Let us now make full use of what you can do.”

He laughed and said “Even Zeb could be affected.”

“Yes. Don’t waste time. I’m ready for another round.”

Days passed that way and people were depressed. Then came the day before the scheduled date. Everyone including sceptics stood staring at the comet waiting for its fall. Finally came the scheduled date of the apocalypse. There was no earthquake. No rise in sea level. No fall of the comet which kept on its path.

There was jubilation that Tellus had been spared. Cautious people waited for a week before seeking action on Wex. But he had disappeared without a trace. People said he had supernatural powers and could have even boarded the comet!

King Fez thanked Sez for his account and wished him a comfortable and fruitful stay on Rubi Isle. After Sez was seen off Fez said to CM “We shouldn’t believe these prophecies. We’ll face whatever comes.”

“Sire, can I revive the coronation day festivities which were halted?’

“Do that. More than that, get the economy moving. Let those building houses or whatever continue with it. Agriculturists should start seeding and the fruit and vegetable growers should start gathering their produce. Honey is needed for making medicines and you said it was in short supply. Honey must be collected and marketed. I know that fishing has been neglected. Get it going.” The king paused and asked “I didn’t ask Sez how long he would be in my kingdom.”

“Sire, he is here to meet philosophers. I understand he would stay here for at least a month.”

“Include him in the honours list during coronation day festivities. Inform him of the date so that he stays.”

“Sire it will be done.”

“We’ve learnt a lesson. Forget about the stupidity of the forecast and the happenings following it.”


April 05, 2022 02:58

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