Historical Fiction Sad Drama

I looked up into a five-story old building that is going to be my new home, standing with me is my black and white luggage surrounding with a panda stickers (they are sooo adorable).

The building was quite unpleasant aesthetically, but then the rent is cheaper than others!

Much affordable, much cheaper! That means, less spends more savings!

Like what the saying thought us, "Don't judge the book by its cover."

Enough of that.

I am starting to feel the heat because of the shining sun above me. Calm down, sun.

I start walking through the main door, as I open the door I heard the weird sound coming from it 'ngiit ngiit' just like what I am hearing from the horror films that I have watched. The door itself is the proof how much older this building can be.

"Good afternoon!" I almost jump from startle. An old woman wearing eyeglasses, appeared.

I tapped my chest multiple times, while saying "All is well, all is well!" I am convincing myself that I do the right choice, and will never regret it at the end..cross-fingers.

"You look shocked young girl, did I make you stunned?" the old woman asked.

I am badly wanna say, 'I almost got a heart attack!' but looking at her, she is too innocent and just a cheerful old woman. Maybe she doesn't really mean to shook me.

"Hahaha, no no-- I am just...doing some beat box...with my chest?" Excuse my not so good alliby, I'm not really good at lying.

"Woaw, these kids nowadays are really talented!--Anyways, you are my first occupant for 10 years! It's been really though for me to make somebody rent from here, since it is really old and spooky." she said while doing hand gestures, funny.

First occupant for 10 years, it is. Hahahaha (laughs in panic) All is well!

"W-when should I pay the deposit?" I asked, but instead of giving me an answer she just laughs at me.

"I will collect your rent tomorrow, if you are really decided to rent the place." granny said.

Is it really that spooky?

"Ohh--kay." I responded.

A few more talks about my personal info and about the place, then she decided to go upstairs for me to finally see my room.

We turn left from the lobby, and I saw a stairs made from wood--no, a crunchy wood that is I don't know if it still can hold my body. All is well, Joy! All is well.

"May I ask, how old this building?" My curiousity pushed me to ask this question.

Granny takes her first two step, and the wooden old crunchy stairs can stay still without breaking, I am quite amaze. I follow granny's steps.

"This building was built on 1889, owned by my great great grand father who was a very popular man in this town that time." she answered.

1889. That old? Its 2021 now, minus 1889....132 years old?! W.O.W!

"132 years old?! Wow, this must be a historical museum or a historical gallery..besides of everything here is an antique, you would probably earn lots of money instead of doing it an apartment!" I suggested. My business-minded brain appeared.

Granny laughs at me--

It was not a lame idea....isn't it?!

"My grandfather died before he could manage an apartment business. That's his dream, so I'm fulfilling it." granny answered, "We're here, my grand father's room." she added.

I heard the weird horror sound again from the door.

As soon as she opened the door, a piano catched my eyes.

"My grandfather is very popular in playing this piano, aside from being a soldier, he is also a very talented man. That's why he is much popular from girls." she said.

"But, what's the reason why he doesn't fulfilled to build this into an apartment?" I asked.

Granny stopped from a moment while standing infront of a picture, I walked towards the big picture frame to see what is she looking from that frame.

"My grandfather was killed in a battle. He died with the age of 23 years old, no wife, but he has a lover which is my grandmother whom after giving birth of my mom she died-- he must've been experience a lot of things when he did survive the battle." Granny said, her voice is shaking and I think she's about to cry.

Her grandfather is same age as mine when he died, but the difference is that me is still surving, pulling myself together and trying to live by my own.

"Your grandfather is surely happy that his granddaughter fulfilled his dream. I'm sure that he is proud of you." I cheered her up. She turn around facing me, and hugged me.

I hugged her back, comforting her.

Now, I am really move about this building story, a tragic start but a successful ending...well kind-a...

While hugging granny, I looked upon the frame she was looking before. I saw a young man, wearing a military uniform. He is a handsome man, no lie, he has a very beautiful eyes, and a perfect nose and lips. How can this man died!


After a long tour, I have finally arrived to my room three doors away from granny's (or Mrs. Imelda's) grandfather's room. I also learned that Mrs. Imelda is a widowed already, but still kicking her ass off to fulfill her grandfather's dream.

As soon as I finished organizing my stuffs in an old cabinet, I throw myself on my bed.

I looked at the old chandelier above me, this place isn't that trash as I thought it would be. It is still a decent place to live, a bed, cabinet, a comfort room, a space for dining... Its just perfect for me.

I looked around me while lying on my bed, and I found an old table with a single drawer. I sat down, and reached the table crawling from the bed. (It is just beside of the bed)

I opened the drawer, and I see a necklace with a red stone in the center of the cross pendant. 'Twas beautiful!

What if--I'll try wearing it?

No! That's too absurd.

But it's too pretty.

I'll try it real quick!

I run towards my room's door and locked it, I face my mirror and wear the necklace.

My eyes sparkle as I wear it, it's simple yet very elegant.

Now that I saw it, I should get it back from the drawer.

When I am taking it off, I couldn't find the lock of the necklace--

Where is it?

I turn it around multiple times but, I couldn't find it.

Oh no, what would granny think of me after this?! Ahhhh- I need to take it off!!

But how?!

I'm still thinking how to take it off when suddenly I heard loud knocks from outside. Granny!

No. I should not open it!

But, she might think something wrong happened with me.


Fine! I need to face my consequence. I wore it, so I should take accountability.

I walk towards the door and slowly twist the door knob. As soon as I heard the clicked sound, (referring to the opened sound of the door) I quickly opened it, closing my eyes and--

"I'm sorry!" I shouted.

I am so ashamed right now.

I am waiting from granny's respond but, she didn't responded.

What's happening?--did she faint from anger... Omg!

I open my eyes, and I am startled when I saw a woman infront of me that is exactly the same face as I have. Am I still facing a mirror?

"What's with your face Leandro?" she asked, trying not to laugh infront of me.-- wait, did she just call me Leandro? That's granny's grandfather's name, if I am not mistaken.

"Huh?" I asked hysterically. Am I dreaming?

"Huh?" she copied me, same facial expression and same aura. It is annoying! I feel like the mirror's lagging.

"Don't copy me!" I said very annoyed.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry! I was joking, I didn't know you will take that seriously!" the same face me, said and tapped my shoulders.

I looked my shoulders as she tapped it---How dare is she??


I looked again with my shoulders, confirming what have I saw.

I am wearing the same uniform, Leandro wore in the picture frame on his room. I looked around, and my room turned to be as a present room of Leandro. The room turned to be a new one.

Tell me, I am dreaming right?!

I slapped my face.

"Aw!" I can feel the pain.

The same face me is still looking at me, and now she looked like she doesn't understand what's happening to me now. This is so crazy!

I close my door again, leaving her outside.

I'm sorry but I need to solve this first, same face me.

I sit down infront of the same table from where I found this necklace, and opened the drawer. Now, I saw a piece of paper with a handwritten note in it.


   I am Leandro, the owner of that body you have. I think we switched our body, unexpectedly. If you're going to ask me how, why, what?... I also don't know. But while we're still figuring this out, may I know your name?


As I finished reading it, I put the letter on my table and I saw a brown paper and a feather pen with ink on the table. Maybe this will do, I need to respond from his letter.


  I don't know what to do, I am only an occupant from your granddaughter's apartment. It all started when I wore the necklace placed inside this table's drawer. How long will this be? Also, who is the person that has the same face as me?

Btw, my name is Joy.


I put the letter inside the drawer and leave it there for a couple of minutes, before I hear loud knocks from the door again.

Oh no.

"I'm sorry, it's okay if you are angry with me. But, please visit me once you are fine okay?" she told me from outside.

She sounds sad also, but how could I face her. First, she exactly looks like my real self and second, I don't know how to act here.

After a couple of minutes, I tried to open the drawer and I saw a letter again coming from Leandro.


 This necklace! I cannot found the locked from it, I also lost this one when I was practicing in the field. The necklace might answer all of our question, you should find it when you are still there!

What is BTW? And her name is also the same as yours, but you are I think a lot naughtier than her.


I responded again from his letter.


  How can I find it? I don't know how to act, what if I commit mistake?

Also, what year is this place again?

P.S BTW means by the way.


And the letters continue.

(One week after)

Leandro and I were still communicating through the magic drawer, and my mission is still on-going.

Aside from the mission, I might say that we became closer as the time gone by. He told me a lot of things about him, as so as me.

One thing we have in common is that we can play the piano, he said that the same face me is the one who helped him learn it. I feel that I myself plays a big role to his talent.

I also learned that the same face me, which also have the same name as mine is Leandro's lover. Amazing isn't it?

Tho, this journey is so so so crazy. I find fun into it!

In my one week journey here, I am the one who take charge of his body. You know what I mean?--- I saw his body...naked.

I am not a pervert! I know what you're thinking, but you know I think that all of this has its own purpose.

I am currently on the field where he lost his necklace. And let me remind you that it is my third day searching here, this place is very huge!

I even not nearing the half of it, yes, that huge!

"Leandro!" Yes, you're right! the same face me again.

I turn around and smile at her, "Oh you're here?" Pretending that I didn't expect her here.

"Did you forget already, this day is my birthday. How could you forget it?" Now, she sounded mad and at the same time sad. Oh no! What have I done?

Well, it's not my thing to start of. Arggh! I'm turning into nuts, we need to switch our body real quick!

What should I do?

Before I could think of a thing, she already left--running away from me. This is not good, I need to talk with Leandro.

I too, ran away from the field and is running towards the apartment building. (Which turns to be as a mansion from 1889)

"Leandro, Goodmorning!" and ofcourse, because of Leandro's handsome looks he is capturing hearts of every girls here. Well, I'm kinda used to it than before.

I smile at them, and all I hear is their giggles as their respond.

As soon as I arrived home, the two maids greeted me. And because I'm in hurry, I didn't greeted back even to Leandro's parents which is currently eating.

They are maybe used of seeing this kind of scenarios.

I go upstairs, and locked my door hurriedly.

I sat down on the table where me and Leandro's communicating.

I opened the drawer, and as I expected I saw a letter from him.


 I forgot to tell you that it is Joy's birthday today, please help me to play the piano for her. Any romantic song will do.

BTW, I played the piano for my granddaughter Imelda, today. She is so happy, she even told me that 'as if my grandfather's alive' when she is hearing me playing the piano. I found it funny, 'cause she's right! I am alive, kicking my ass off living as you.

Anyways, you have to thank me later! I just cut off your bills, Imelda doesn't want me to pay as long as I could play the piano for her. You must be happy!

I hope you're doing fine.


I am smiling from the beginning until the end, reading Leandro's letter for me as if it is a love letter. He even used BTW oftenly, as soon as he learned the meaning of it. I have to return the favor now, I have to play the piano as Joy's gift.

I quickly ran to Joy's house, Leandro send me a map from the mansion to Joy's house. And, they are both a product of a wealthy family.

"Joy!" I shouted from the outside. " Joy I am sorry earlier, can you come outside for a bit?"

A young man came out--

He looks exactly as my little brother who passed away.

A man together with a lady also came out, and they look as my parents.

What's happening?

I lost my strength, and is about to passed, luckily there's someone who holds me.

"Why are you shouting, you idiot!" It's Joy--with my fam?


Is it possible that this Joy in front of me is living as my past?

"Leandro! You're here, come inside." the lady said, which resembles my mom very much.

I don't know but I ran towards them, and hugged them as thight as I can.

"Hey! If you're sorry to me, you should hug me first!" Joy said, jokingly.

I am sorry Joy, but I need to feed myself with their warm hug.

You have them here, while I lost them there.

Do I still want to switched life with Leandro?

I stopped hugging them, and bowed "I'm sorry for being reckless." I apologize.

They just laughed at me, their laughs that I am missing so much.

As I stand back, Joy's already beside me.

"It is my birthday but I have a surprise to you!" she said, excitedly.

If you are referring from mom, dad and Jack. I am so happy!

"What's that?" I asked.

She moves her hair from her chest, and I just saw the necklace which will make Leandro and I switched bodies again.

I am torned. I want to be with my family.

She unlocked the necklace and is about to put it on me, but I move back.

"Why?" She asked.

I need to fulfill Leandro's gift for Joy.

I smiled bitterly.

"I am fulfilling someone's wish." I said.

Joy's thought that it is hers.

As we go inside, a black grand piano appeared. I asked permission to Joy, and she agreed right away.

I sat down infront of the piano, and before I play the piano, I looked at mom, dad and Jack which is also looking at me happily beside Joy.

I'm sorry Leandro, but this song is for them.

I played the piano, I let out my emotions and give my very best in showcasing my talent for them.

After playing the piano, they all clapped at me.

Joy hugged me, while holding the necklace on her hand.

"Thank you so much Leandro, you made my day special. Before I forget, here's my token of appreciation." She said, and put the necklace on my neck.

I am just looking at my family while she is putting it on. They are very happy. It's my last goodbye.

As soon as she pinned the lock, I closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I returned back from the old apartment--crying.

I saw a letter on the table, it's from Leandro.

I cried out my pain while reading,--

I felt betrayed.

March 15, 2021 02:25

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