The Beginning of Alli Bellaview

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write the 'origin story' of a person who goes on to achieve great things.... view prompt



In the large city of Waterdeep in the continent of Faerûn, has a population of 13,000 people of all races ranging from human to half-orcs. Separated by wealth and social status, the highest region in population is the Southern Ward, where the poor belong.

Alli Bellaview started as a normal human living in the southern ward. She wanted to grow up to become a doctor, but later found out she can achieve more if she were to learn the ways of a cleric. She found a deity that seemed to call to her and worked for her, Selune, The Moonmaiden. She enjoys going to the temple and interacting with everyone also attending, as well as connecting with Selune. 

One night, Alli was in The Church of Selune, later than most. Praying and asking for a sign about what she was meant to do. Was she meant to heal the soldiers in her town, or should she invest her time to healing those who are her people, the poor? The moment she had finished praying, she stood up and felt light headed. She took nothing of it, but as she started walking to the doors of the temple, she collapsed and seemed to enter a dream like state; but it was different than other dreams.

There were two dark shadow creatures who telepathically told her to accept their offers and following their services and orders. Both requested very different things, but neither one was anything she was interested in. Rejecting the offers, Alli was attacked in this “dream”, slashed in the chest by one and held in the air by the neck by the other creature. When she stopped fighting as was prepared to die in this dream, she was saved by a radiant bright light. This light didn’t speak either, but telepathically spoke in a gentle tone that she can be part of “The Path of Light”, their only goal was to fight all forms of darkness. 

Before she could ask any questions, she was startled awake and felt sticky. She looked at her clothes, noticing they were very bloody. She ripped off her shirt and realized she has deep scratch marks in the location that the dark shadow figure had slashed at her chest with. Scared, Alli runs to her mother and is offered comfort and reassurance that everything is going to be okay. Alli, seemingly physically exhausted from the fight with the dark shadow creature, goes to sleep again. This time, she sees herself in bed, her mother packing bags and warning her father and little brother to pack quietly and quickly. 

She tried to wake up but she couldn’t, the bright light that saved her spoke to her telepathically again, saying she shouldn’t be afraid, but that her parents don’t understand. She watched her parents leave with a single note explaining that they have heard of “creatures” like her before called the Kalashtar and that they needed to leave to protect themselves and her little brother. The note also said if she can get away from the life of a Kalashtar, she can come to them and be happy. The night seemed to skip in the blink of an eye. Alli was pulled in from her nightmare, shooting up from her bed quickly and noticed everything she saw in the dream was true. 

She went to the local library and looked up as much as she could about what these Kalashtar are and why her mother felt it was necessary to run away with her dad and little brother. She found a fairly new looking book that gave some insight. It explained how Kalashtar don't dream, but can go to different planes of existence when they fall asleep. With this information, she laid in the middle of the library and slowly fell asleep.

This is where she found Calvin, a small gold Pseudodragon. He was being attacked by other Pseudodragons of various other colors and was bleeding enough that he very well could have been close to death. Alli threw her body on top of his gently, feeling the bites and scratches of the other dragons when she was suddenly transported back to her body in the library. The only difference was that she wasn't laying alone in the same position she fell asleep, but she was hunched over Calvin.

She wanted to question how this all happened, but she was bleeding quite a bit and Calvin was breathing very shallowly. She aided him back to health and he has since been by her side as a companion. Just like she had with Calvin, she's tried to pull something from another world again, but to no avail. Her goal now is to find out why she was chosen to take on the burdens of a Kalashtar while also following “The Path of Light”. 

She still has emotions, but she is generally too tired to show them on her face, also considering she has to hide them to the beasts she sees in her dreams from seeing her worry or fear. Calvin is the one thing that keeps her mind away from the beasts she sees, with his sarcastic telepathic comments and his mildly aggressive attitude problems. She was identified as a Kalashtar when she was 20, now at 25, she has learned to deal with the beasts in her dreams, even finding what the names of the two dark figures that attacked her the first night and the bright light that saved her.

The two dark creatures are Quori that are fighting for her in her dreams; The Hashalaq, Dream Stealers, and The Usvapna, Dream Masters. She isn’t sure why they’re continuously fighting for her, but she knows that neither can be trusted. The light that had saved her was Il-Yannah, “The Great Light”, to help her like they did when she first was in the dream state. Il-Yannah hasn't been seen since the second night when her family left. She has to fight both the Quori and the creatures that summon every night, having the magical abilities of a Cleric help out but she still comes out quite beaten and bruised. The only way she can truly have a break from them is based on how lucky she is to be able to predetermine what plane of existence she wants to be in, avoiding them altogether.

Her main goal is as its always been, heal people who need it. Still following in the Church of Selune, but also praying to "The Great Light" for help when she's in her dreams. Her main end goal is on hold however, until she can defeat the dark creatures that bring nothing but evil to the worlds they visit.

June 26, 2020 23:23

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Unknown User
23:48 Jul 04, 2020

<removed by user>


Noel Romansky
03:27 Jul 07, 2020

Hi! Thank you for reading it and liking the world building. This was actually based on a Dungeons and Dragons character I’m playing. I usually enjoy making their backstories just as much as playing them in the future. So, with myths, you can look up “D&D Kalashtar” and they have a LOT of resources about that race and their beliefs.


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PETER Inserra
22:30 Jul 08, 2020

Excellent story. A few grammatical errors but nothing bad. Keep up the good work!


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