The day both brothers were born was not a regular one, it was a tricky day for their mother; in fact, she didn’t see it coming…
Their biological father met their mother at a party long ago; a party in which alcohol was the official drink and drugs were the official food. You know, the kind of party people who lack self-love or parents’ love attend; empty hearts willing to fill their souls’ hole with whatever is at hand. This kind of party is teens’ favorite. Nevertheless, these wild parties only have an obvious result: to maintain their status quo or, what is worse, to lower it. In such a way, society will always renew individuals who always feel pity for themselves, you know, the somebody-else’s-fault blamers. Somehow, society needs them.
That particular night their father was high (too much cocaine!), and their mother was far gone (too many whiskey shots!). He was an insecure person (drugs were his anchor to this planet) looking for a one-night romance. She was socially programmed to please this kind of “men”; so, she knew she had to get drunk to be easy prey for him (conscious drunkenness is the perfect excuse to have sex without being called a slut, blame alcohol!). The logical consequence? A bastard… in their case, 2.
9 months later, on April 1st, their twins arrived. Maybe it was fate!
Their muscle father never existed, it was just a one-night romance, why would he have stayed? Their young mother couldn’t handle it either, she also disappeared; therefore, the babies’ grandmother raised them; as a matter of fact, she had also been a single mother of 6, different fathers of course!
The day the twins were born was not a regular one, the same way the Moon influences tides, Fools’ Day has influenced both brothers enormously, one twin was the low tide and the other one was the high tide.
Fate decided to make them a coin, well, at least, the two sides of the same coin; that is, even though they looked alike (2 drops of water), they were meant to be opposites without connection. Like the 2 sides of the same coin, they were made to look at and to face opposite views and realities.
Sometimes life is a bed of roses, sometimes it doesn´t give much; not because life itself is stingy but due to the social system it is caught in… different societies, different circumstances, and opportunities. On one hand, there are third-world communities in our major cities even though we are a first world country; on the other hand, the twins’ community is similar to any other community on this planet, there’s a chance to find what you need or what you’re looking for, good or bad, it’s your call. There’s always a chance…
Bobby and Art were normal kids, raised and loved by the same person, but when their birthday came, they used to do opposite things, like the 2 sides of the same coin! After eating the traditional birthday cake their grandmother prepared for them with breakfast (the only present she was able to give, thanks to God for coupons!), on one hand, Bobby used to walk throughout the hood looking for friends to somehow find a game to play or maybe a neighbor in need to help, on the other hand, Art was seduced by lazy hood homeboys who loved easy life and money a lot or who kept violent traditions without knowing these bloody traditions’ beginning or background. But whenever Bobby and Art came back home, Art always had a prank for his twin brother, after all, it was Fools’ Day.
Like the day they turned 6, Art ate “his” half of their birthday cake up and kept Bobby’s half to sell it among his kindergarten classmates, one dollar for a piece (even though Bobby wanted to share his part of the cake with them).
Or like the day they turned 9, Art stole an Alameda striped racer from the Science Lab and put it into his brother’s backpack and when Bobby opened it in Math class the snake took a tour around the classroom making everybody jump onto their desks. Bobby was put in detention; however, in the end, Art was the one punished.
Or like the day they turned 13, Art placed a bucket full of blood (that day their dog died accidentally!) on their bedroom door left just ajar for Bobby to open it and to dirty his new shirt (the one Bobby worked for 4 weekends, cleaning their neighbors’ gardens, to get the money for, he just wanted to go to his middle school with a designer shirt).
Or like the day they turned 15, Art, helped by 3 of his homeboys who restrained Bobby on the ground, decided to rape Bobby’s high school girlfriend because she chose his brother instead of him. Although Art, as a member of the local gang, was already selling drugs in the streets and schools, that was the first time Art was put in jail… no more school! Who needed it to have a bright future anyway?
Or like the day they turned 19, Art came back home (no other place to go to… or to be accepted in) from prison, he brought some presents for his brother and grandmother, stolen from the grocery store owned by a Chinese family. That day Art told the Chinese family: “This shop has the honor of being robbed by Robert Brown, at your service!”. The police officers came home to arrest Bobby but, instead, they took Art with them (give a dog a bad name and hang him). That day, after explaining Bobby’s innocence at the police station, their grandmother died, a heart attack. Bobby didn’t have a chance to face Art (Bobby never forgave Art for what he did to his girlfriend). After their grandmother’s funeral, Bobby just focused on college, becoming a doctor to save lives.
Or like today when they turned 21, Art came back home from prison, again!, but nobody was at home (Bobby was taking his last class for the day at the university). So, Art put his gun on the kitchen table, went to the bathroom, took a shower, put on some of his twin brother’s clothes, and took a nap. Art was very tired! Art was soundly asleep when Bobby got home. Today was their birthday, no grandmother’s cake this time, and Fools’ Day. Bobby thought it was a good idea to take the bullets out of Art’s gun. What a prank! Besides, Bobby always wanted Art to do no wrong. Bobby left home because he didn’t want to confront Art, something really bad might have happened.
Art woke up. There was only one thought in his mind: to make money, the way he decided to since he was a kid.
Art took his gun, his only friend. He was determined to do whatever it takes to get some money. He left home, the only home he has ever had, he made his way. Art started to walk… observing everything and everybody around, chasing his prey or selecting a good business with no security system, any easy target.
“Don’t move! The money… give me everything you have on you. MOVE! Quickly, I ain’t have no time”, Art threatened his victim.
The only problem was Art’s victim had a gun too, and she used it.
“Wrong move, pal, I’m packed”, she explained by showing her own gun. She saw it coming.
When Art pulled the trigger, he realized his gun didn’t fire any bullet. It was too late, his victim shot him in the chest. Art fell on his knees. She called 911, calmly.
“He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword”, a police officer said.
“Yeah, we know this cutie, ma’am. So, don’t worry. We know it was self-defense”, his partner added.
“I understand. But remember: ‘every time a person is killed, something dies within us”, Art’s victim sentenced.
Bobby’s neighbors helped him with Art’s funeral expenses. Art’s gang members didn’t show up this time, they were in the streets doing what they knew best: nothing! Bobby’s cheeks were dry, no tears rolling down… just a profound painful sadness.
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This is a beautiful and sad story. I thought it was also a really original take on the prompt. In popular culture, I often see twins portrayed with different personalities but not like how you've done it and I really appreciate that. Your descriptions of their differences are also spot-on. Great job!
So kind of you, Natania... yeah, sometimes children develop a very different personality even though they were raised at the same home. Thank you a lot. Blessings.
Tear-jerking nice work. Powerful words, i like the last few lines ties everything together
Thank you, JD Hernánez for your nice comment. So nice to know you liked it. Blessings.
This was a good story. To me it shows how even the same upbringing can produce two very different grown ups. And it's a fact too. Well done!!
You're right, Kanika, different people under the same roof develop different personalities. Thanks. Take care.
You’re really great with your words. This was such a powerful story. Honestly it reminds me of many stories—-maybe not twins, but with a similar sad ending. You did a great job with this.
Thank you, Nicole. I really appreciate your kind comment and feedback, quite an honor! Blessings.
Nice story. I don't know much about human twins. I feed animals on the street. Dogs usually have 5-6 puppies at a time . I have a female canine named 'Ador' which means LOVE . Ador lives with me with her 4 children who are now grown up dogs. Two males and two females. One of their sibling died when he was a few weeks old. I couldn't save him. They are like any normal sibling. They play with each other. They eat together. There is no ego fight among them. They are much better than most people I know. The street dogs I am feeding for years seldom fight amongst themselves and even if they get into a brawl they don't hurt each other badly. They eat together and don't show jealousy. I have another female canine from a different street dog. She is friendly and lovable.
Thank you. It's good to know you like this story too. Yeah, you're right, animals are at a different level, a higher one, they are not mean to each other. Thanks for sharing your story with me. And thanks for taking care of street animals, they deserve better from us, humans. We are here to protect them. Take care, blessings.
I can't really agree with you on this point. After feeding animals for more than 15 years I feel I understand them well. They are creatures of nature . My Ador has no parental bonding with her children. Another dog had puppies in the open space of a nearby office compound .When the puppies were barely a month old she found another mate. This other male dog killed several of her puppies and she did nothing to stop him or even growl at him. One of my male dogs mated with his two sisters and I had to get them spayed. This may also happen among homosepians , in a surreptitious way. When I used to feed a group of street dogs some 12 years back I once noticed that the older ones let the younger ones eat before them even though they were all hungry. In another instance one female dog came to me and asked for help to protect her babies.
I see... terrible. As I said before, now you got another prompt to write about. Take care.
Interesting story. Two sides of the same coin. Thanks.
Thank you so much. Blessings.
I love the line that describes the twins as two raindrops! And, your closing line, “…a profound painful sadness.” is so poetic. It’s a sad, sad story, but you have a beautiful way with words and sentences.
Hello Amy A! Your comment is so nice, thanks. Thanks for reading my story and for your feedback. Blessings.
I look forward to reading more of your stories!