Chapters 45-47 of "Sengoku"

Submitted into Contest #267 in response to: Your character overhears something that changes their path.... view prompt


East Asian Historical Fiction Suspense

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

These are chapters 46 and 47 of the book I am writing titled "Sengoku". This is based off real warlords from Sengoku era Japan. Please enjoy and share any feedback you may have!

A few days later, Kaiyo was walking around with a small stack of letters for Mitsuhide.

“I’m glad I decided to take the long route. The sunset by the little temple is so pretty.” She walked along, happily humming to herself.

“My apologies for such a meeting place. I know it is not ideal.” Huh? That sounds like Mitsuhide. Kaiyo rounded the corner to find Mitsuhide next to the shrine of the temple, seemingly hiding in the shadows. She noticed another man alongside him. “I hope you can forgive me, but it is necessary for our secrecy.”

“Of course, Lord Mitsuhide. My lord is very eager to work with you.”

“The feeling is mutual. Together, let us put an end to the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven.”

Chapter 46

Kaiyo stood in confusion, watching Mitsuhide and the shadowed man speak.

“Together, let us put an end to the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven.” Kaiyo was speechless. That is, until she realized she had dropped the letters. Mitsuhide turned at the sound and his eyes widened when he saw her. No.

“I-I’m sorry, I…” No, dammit! Not her! Kaiyo turned and bolted in the other direction.

“She saw us! We must silence her-”

“No,” Mitsuhide said quickly but calmly. “You see, that girl is something of a special case. She’s quite a favorite of Nobunaga and his warlords, and he will stop at nothing to keep her safe or avenge her should she be killed. I will take care of it myself.”

“You better, or our plans will be in trouble!” Mitsuhide nodded and headed after Kaiyo.

She had run as fast as her legs could carry her through the empty streets of Azuchi, turning down many corners and alleyways fearing she was being followed until finally her slipper strap broke. She nearly tumbled to the ground, but caught herself on a wall. She breathed heavily as she stood nearly doubled over, ready to emotionally vomit. What… did I just witness? Her memories of seeing Mitsuhide, hearing his words, thinking the worst. Is he really… going to betray Lord Nobunaga? But…

“Kaiyo.” She gasped and looked up to see him standing over her menacingly. It was a side to him she had never seen before. He placed his hands on the wall, blocking her in. “You heard and saw nothing.”



“I refuse…” Mitsuhide’s eyes narrowed. “I trusted you…” Kaiyo’s voice grew to a shout. “You were my best friend, and I trusted you!”

Tears in her eyes, she shoved Mitsuhide away in the manner he had taught her and ran. Mitsuhide stood there, not quite shocked, but slightly defeated. He sighed. Of all the people in the world… He headed off in the opposite direction.


Kaiyo wandered the streets hopelessly, unsure what to do. It had only been about an hour, but it had felt like a thousand. I don’t know what to do, she thought. Then it struck her. Hideyoshi! Yes, I can tell Hideyoshi! She began running in the direction of Hideyoshi’s manor. Once she entered, she rushed to his room. A maid informed her that he was in the bath and that she’d get him right away. Kaiyo paced in his room until he came in his night kimono, his hair still wet.

“Kaiyo? What’s wrong?”


“We simply came to thank you for the letters.” No! Kaiyo looked to her left to find Mitsuhide right next to her.

“Mitsuhide, you didn’t make Kaiyo run around the castle looking for you, did you? I told you to expect these letters!”

“You shouldn’t worry so much, Hideyoshi, it’s bad for your health.” Kaiyo stood there listening to them bicker for the thousandth time, and yet it did not bring her the comfort it used to. She wanted so badly to tell Hideyoshi everything, but then Mitsuhide leaned in close. “You should notice that Hideyoshi is without his sword, and so are you.”

Kaiyo looked down to see that her sword was missing. She nearly burst into tears, realizing the futility of the situation. She backed away from Mitsuhide slightly.

“Kaiyo? Are you alright?” Hideyoshi asked

She looked back and forth between the warlords several times, not knowing how it would play out if she went with either of them. She knew neither would end well for her, but one fate could be avoided if she chose correctly. I’m so sorry, Hideyoshi. She nodded as she slid over to Mitsuhide’s side and he placed his arm around her shoulders. She forced a smile for Hideyoshi, but said nothing.

“See? You worry for nothing. Come, Kaiyo.” Mitsuhide turned with Kaiyo in tow out of Hideyoshi’s room. She couldn’t bear to look back at the man whose life she just potentially saved.


Mitsuhide brought Kaiyo back to his room in his manor and shut the door quietly. She pushed away from him immediately, not knowing whether to scream or cry or both. She wanted to attack him. She wanted to convince him. Her heart had been torn in half at the thought that her best friend was betraying one of the people she was most loyal to. And threatening Hideyoshi’s life was nearly unforgivable.

“Now then,” he said, “I hope you know I took the liberty of searching your room.” Her eyes widened.

“W-what?” Mitsuhide then pulled out her backpack and spilled its contents. Her phone, keys, lip gloss, and spiral notebook with colored pens fell out. “Those things are private! You had no right to-”

“Did I not?” His expression was unreadable.

“Where’s my sword, Mitsuhide?”

“I will keep it for the time being. And do think twice about attempting to fight me, I know all your attack movements. I taught you myself.” Kaiyo was next to tears. “Clearly, you’ve been hiding secrets from all of us. Including Nobunaga. You are going to tell me what those secrets are.”



“No.” Kaiyo steeled herself against his gaze. “I’ll never tell you, traitor.” She practically spat the words. Mitsuhide sighed. I never wanted it to come to this… He moved closer to her and she kept backing up.

“You will tell me eventually. I’ll get it out of you one way or another.”

“What are you going to do? Torture me?”

“Goodness, no.” He laughed, attempting to hide its fakeness. “Did you know that what really makes someone talk is not pain, but pleasure?”


“How many secrets have been divulged in the throes of passion?”

“I-I wouldn’t know…” Dammit, he thought. He backed her against the wall of his room. I don’t want this. Not like this…

“You will learn.”

“I’ll scream.”

“Go ahead. No one will come.”

“I’ll fight you.” No, Little Mouse, please.

“You really think you could win against me?”

Kaiyo attempted to push him away, but he caught her wrists with one hand and raised them above her head. He then used his other hand to trace her collarbone and placed his knee between her legs. Kaiyo looked down and watched his hand begin to part her kimono top. Please don’t make me do this, he thought once more. She looked back up and was about to cry, but stopped when she saw Mitsuhide’s face. Is he… pushing himself?

“Why do you look so sad right now?” Mitsuhide’s eyes widened and he was speechless. He couldn’t hide his heartbroken expression. Not right now. Kaiyo sighed sadly, nearly defeated. “You don’t have to do any of that, Mitsuhide. I’ll tell you everything.”

He let go of her immediately and backed away slightly, fixing her kimono top as he went. He then gestured to his little desk and allowed Kaiyo to sit. She told him everything over three cups of tea. The wormhole, the future, the girls, everything. He sat quietly, listening to all she had to tell him. It was difficult, but he had no reason not to believe her. When she had finished, he nodded.

“We have exchanged secrets, you and I,” he said.

“Not secrets we wanted to exchange. But yes. We have.”

“In light of such circumstances, you will remain at my side from now on.”

“Excuse me?!”

“I will be watching over you to ensure you do not divulge these secrets to anyone.” So I can keep you safe, he thought.

“You really think I’m going to just comply with that?”

“If you do not wish to be executed by Nobunaga for treason, then yes.”

“Why would he… he would never.”

“Would he not? If he learned that one of his precious lucky charms was planning to leave forever in a few months? Betrayal has many forms, Little Mouse”

“I…” He doesn’t know I’m not leaving to go back to the future. Let’s keep it that way. “Fine. But I’m staying in my office to do my work, and I’m still going to my lessons with Masamune.”

“Very well. But you will remain at my side at all times.” I can’t risk her being killed. This is the only way. Even if it makes her hate me, I just want her safe. Kaiyo nodded angrily.

“Fine.” Mitsuhide sat back slightly, relaxing at her compliance. She narrowed her eyes, her voice low. “I hate you.” He had not prepared himself to hear those words yet, and he nearly flinched.

“And that should affect me?”

“I just want you to know that. And if you kill anybody I care for, I will come after you. I will kill you.”

“If you believe you can, then be my guest.” I deserve it.


“Princess Kaiyo and Lord Mitsuhide are attached at the hip!”

“I wonder what’s going on there.”

The seamstresses giggled as they voiced the rumors going around the castle. It had been a few days since Kaiyo found out Mitsuhide’s secret, and Sakura was working on some commissions. She stopped when she heard the girls.


“Didn’t you hear?” one asked.

“I think it’s sweet!” said another.

“He’s taught her everything, hasn’t he? Why wouldn’t they be close!” Sakura grew concerned, realizing she hadn’t seen Kaiyo in a few days. She got up to leave.

“Lady Sakura? Is something wrong?”

“Ah, no, I just remembered I have a question for Kaiyo. I’ll be right back.” Sakura entered the hall and started for Kaiyo’s office, leaving the giggles of the other seamstresses behind. Once she got close, she saw Kaiyo and Mitsuhide walking out of the room.

“Kaiyo?” Kaiyo turned and her face lit up.

“Sakura!” Sakura rushed over. She knew she couldn’t separate them now, but if she could just get Kaiyo alone, she might learn the truth.

“Hey, we haven’t had a night to ourselves yet since we came back from Kasugayama. Would you like to hang out tonight?” Kaiyo was about to agree when she received a secret nudge from behind. Her expression switched to apologetic.

“I… can’t. Um, I have a lot of paperwork to catch up on. Maybe next time?”

“Oh. Okay.” Kaiyo gave Sakura a sad smile, desperately hoping Sakura would get the hint that she was in trouble, but also knowing if Sakura found out, her life might be in danger.

“Come, Kaiyo. Masamune is waiting for us.” Kaiyo turned around and gave him a vicious look. She then turned back with a smile and hugged Sakura, waving as she and Mitsuhide walked away. Once they were out of earshot, Kaiyo spoke low with such ferocity in her voice that Mitsuhide all but flinched.

“First you betray my lord, then you steal my freedom, and now you deny my happiness? I thought you were odd, Mitsuhide, but I never believed you to be a villain.” She walked lividly ahead of him towards the training hall where Masamune waited. Mitsuhide sighed quietly.

“If only you knew, Little Mouse.”

Chapter 47

“What do you mean there’s rumors about us?” Kaiyo stared wide-eyed into Masamune’s eye, attempting to find any hint of sarcasm.

“It’s like I said,” he repeated, “‘Kaiyo and Mitsuhide Akechi are practically inseparable. Mitsuhide must be in love with her.’”

“But that’s not true! People can’t really believe that!” Mitsuhide sat quietly as the two spoke.

“I don’t know, lass. People in Azuchi love their rumors.” Masamune looked over at Mitsuhide. “I know you’re her instructor, but it might be worth it spending some time apart.” Mitsuhide simply shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't have a care in the world. Kaiyo groaned.

“Well, we better be off,” Mitsuhide finally said. “We don’t want to be late for Lord Nobunaga, now do we?” Kaiyo sighed as she got up to follow Mitsuhide out of the room.

“Lass?” Kaiyo looked back at her friend, concern in his eye. “It’ll be okay.” Kaiyo smiled at him before exiting his room with Mitsuhide, not any more reassured than when she first entered.


“That imperious arrogant scheming son of a bi-!”

“Woah, Hideyoshi! Calm down!” Kaiyo and Mitsuhide entered the tenshu and the first thing they heard was Hideyoshi. He looked over once he heard Kaiyo’s voice and ran to her, grabbing her shoulders.

“Kaiyo, please tell me it’s not true!”

“What’s not true?”

“Hideyoshi, I kindly request that you let go of her,” Mitsuhide said forcefully. Hideyoshi let go of Kaiyo and turned his attention to the man’s golden eyes.

“Why, I ought to…! Do you have any idea what-!”

“Enough, both of you,” Nobunaga commanded. Hideyoshi backed away and returned to his spot next to Nobunaga. “Now, then. Kaiyo. Mitsuhide. Come sit.” Are we in Court, or something? What’s with the cold, judgemental look? Kaiyo thought.

“Is there something you wish to discuss, my lord?” Mitsuhide asked.

“The rumors,” Nobunaga responded. “What do you intend to do with my female warlord?” Glad to hear that’s not going away, Kaiyo thought sarcastically.

“I intend to marry her.” Hideyoshi and Kaiyo practically jumped, their jaws on the floor. Hideyoshi was irate, his anger burning hotter than the flames of the eight hells he believed in.

“Kaiyo, you can’t possibly marry him!”

Nobunaga held his hand out to silence Hideyoshi. The tension continued to grow. The sharpest of blades couldn’t even cut through it. Kaiyo looked between all three men, all staring at her, waiting with bated breath for her to speak. There had to be a reason for Mitsuhide saying that, hadn’t there?

“I… haven’t decided yet.”

“Well now,” Mitsuhide said, feigning surprise, “this is news to me.”

“No it’s not,” she said quietly. I can’t shake the feeling that there’s more to his betrayal than what’s on the surface. I need more time to assess the situation before I tell Lord Nobunaga. She chose her words carefully. “Look, it’s my life and my decision, and I just need some time.”

“Very well,” Nobunaga said. “In the meantime, I have a mission for you. You will investigate the claims of the poor treatment of the people by one of my daimyo.”

“Of course, my lord,” Mitsuhide said quickly. “We will leave at once.”

“‘We’?” Kaiyo asked.

“Yes. I can’t bear to leave you, even for a moment.” Hideyoshi angrily grunted at Mitsuhide’s words.

“Of course you can’t,” Kaiyo said to herself. Can’t leave me with any opportunity to expose his plot, I suppose.

“Here are the details of your mission,” Nobunaga said, gesturing for Hideyoshi to hand Mitsuhide a roll of parchment. He did so slowly, not leaving any room for doubt about how he felt about Mitsuhide in those moments. “Now, then. Hideyoshi. Mitsuhide. Out.”

“But, my lord-”

“I said, ‘out,’ Hideyoshi. I must speak with Kaiyo.”

“My lord, as Kaiyo’s betrothed I request to sit in-”

“Leave.” Mitsuhide begrudgingly bowed to Nobunaga and left with a very worried Hideyoshi. Nobunaga waited until the doors closed. “Come closer.” Kaiyo stood and approached her lord, ensuring they were close enough that Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi couldn’t hear. “Now. Tell me what you think of Mitsuhide.”

Kaiyo sat there thinking for a moment wondering exactly what she could and could not divulge to her father-figure of the era. This could be her chance at escape. This could be the last moments of Nobunaga’s life if she chose the wrong words. Or the last moments of her own life, should Nobunaga believe she was in on the plot. The words tumbled out of her after she had thought for a while.

“Well… he can be really annoying. He always makes me feel like there’s more I can do, like I’m not using my full potential. He never yells, but gives me these looks that make me want to punch him in the face. He can be so frustrating, and sometimes he makes me want to scream, but…” Memories of all the time they had spent together and the moments of when he had saved her life flashed before her eyes. She sighed. “…he’s my best friend.”

“I see.” Nobunaga was quiet for a moment. “Then, I leave him in your care.”

“You mean I’m in charge of him?” Nobunaga nodded.

“You may go now.” And be careful, he thought. He decided that was better left unsaid.

Kaiyo bowed to her lord and exited the tenshu to find a very angry warlord and a very indifferent warlord on opposite walls of the hall, having a stare-down. She looked back and forth between them, not knowing who was more terrifying at that moment.

“Come, Kaiyo.” Mitsuhide gently coaxed her away from the door. They walked partway down the hall before Hideyoshi called after him.

“Mitsuhide.” Kaiyo turned to look at Hideyoshi, but Mitsuhide simply stopped. “If you hurt her, just know that I will personally hunt you down and kill you myself.” Kaiyo looked at the emotionless expression of the warlord next to her. He said nothing. He simply began walking again and gave a sad wave to Hideyoshi as the two of them left.

September 10, 2024 21:38

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