
The Game of dice, has a chance to play their role in each turn. The probability of getting five, has got a chance to play their turn twice. Probably, this is applicable in love too. All road leads to a pathway. I got my track to travel in a train of journey, A Man opposite to me ; who is bookish and suited up with tie.The title of the book, which eagers me up to see whose that guy behind the book.As a window seat lover ; my kinda of sightseeing , passed away along with him.My first approach was to speak, by lending the book from him. My words got lost, when desire is you. While,gone through the lines and paragraphs, I read his eyes and nature; Which made me blush.The concepts of lines, correlated our taste towards each other and discussion made our talks to the next level. I asked him, where your pathway leads too? Insearch, of Never ending Thirst Of Love. She was awed, That her search of love was founded. Wandering the world, needs a stop to take rest.she founded,her resting place in his heart to shelter.The lunch time arrived, she always craves for variety of items to be on her wishlist. But she expected him , what would be his taste. He had some packed food. She was quiet for sometime. The expression on her made him to ask, Shall we Share the food, we can accompany with any thing which you wish. Her sparkling smile and understanding of him about her made their journey little bit ahead.Likes and dislikes not only comes by talks it also carryover through incidents. Road and paths always have some traffic; but our tracks always leads in search of love where, we respond to those signal and track change appropriately, we reach the correct destination.She asked him , what do you think about me? The girl with a childish behaviour who reminds me of a girl next door.she won't hide her feelings she showcase it on her glowy face which makes others understand about her difficulties.where, she needs a partner to travel with her in everlasting journey. He was drawing the scenarios, he passed away I took a look of it. He was totally an compilation of traveller, adventure and a thirst within him for life.Even though, the time never passed over in this long journey, we got more bored like what to do next because , we spoked and dicussed did everything . Even though, there is something missed between us. We crossed over many stops, but we didn't realise which stop we both destined too.I thought he only had one book to read but he had many read.He is not strict in lending the books. Dawn and dusk won't meet each other . But he gave me those moments of immerse in the love with the books. The vendors by the side selling some delicacies, he is not much likely towards those.But I preferred him to buy, he tasted it and bought a pack for his home too.His thoughts like, " Not only I bought delicacies for home, I bought essence of her in this form to my home". The air was slightly windy and the clouds met to form dark one, to blow the land and fill watery. My eyeball was rotating and observing those, sticking my face at the window. He was starring at me like a day care child was in custody of him , with a cute smile on him. The rain showered, glass windows were covered with droplets; His curly hair, with a decent look admiring eyes which always wanted me to stare on him like a unseen one ever in my life. I wanted to know about this tender of nature; To explore him, indepth.To testify his patience; she made a prank, of throwing away the book as of it was boring , and blabbering about it. He was quiet and calm, handled her. He was like, she needs something in return from me , what it would be ? Such a joyful girl and active in her own way, I hadn't met ever. The way of her thirst in journey coincides in me.Ok, Can I draw a picture of yourself? He asked.she was excited, but she won't stay in one place to picturise a drawing; her activeness would be like that. He was keenly observing and portraying her thick eyebrows, brownish eyes small nose and curvy lips. A thick hair with a cap on her head and peach mixed white gown on her, with a shoes on her toes. His drawing pencil also stopped; in some moments starring at her. At the end of the picture he wrote his name. That was the first time, she came to knew his name; John fellington. Nice to know you Mr. John she thanked for his favor. What type of writings u like do u give much attention to lines or songs do u hear or the music which u prefer. He was like, I Go with flow type ;where lines made me the way to writings; which coincides with music and destiny with songs.How about u Ms? She was like, don't you want to know my name? Clara agustin; she showcased her handkerchief embroidered her name was autographed.Let's play a game she pinponted her hand and told, U say a line and I say line of continuation of it so it would be like Cold war. The Game started up like a line, Her eyes focused on his eyes starring and determines ; "We Run on a track where all paths leads to empty pathway" "where we are nothing at the end day". His reply be like "Everybody is nothing from their origin; Though we recreate ourselves in a pathway to lead the destiny". That's the moment she fall for his lines ; what is needed more than this. Sun rays shine and sparkles which makes our eyes to blink; The craze over him urge a bit.she started to write something about this journey, he also joined her." Those writings our hands joined together in scripting those in a paper of this journey made me to look her eyes straight to straight.The warmth in his soul and depth in holding hands together, made their journey life long.

- By M.Sharmila.

December 13, 2020 17:29

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Smart Tv
17:55 Dec 13, 2020

The journey..🤝


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17:52 Dec 13, 2020



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