The cemeteries keeper.

Submitted into Contest #283 in response to: Write a story with the line “I wasn’t expecting that.”... view prompt


Crime Mystery Suspense

This story contains sensitive content

There once was a man and he used to be known as the cemetery's keeper. He would wash the stones and make the graves intact with new paint jobs and flowers.

 He would be seen sitting down talking to the stones. While he ate his lunch it was a different stone each day. Everybody thought he was creepy. He wore black every day like he was about to attend a funeral. A full suit and tie. Even in the summer.

He would watch everyone from a far that went passed. Especially those who came in. He would hide near the trees and light up a cigarette. You could hear him choke from a mile away. That's how everyone knew he was there. The coughing. 

He helped the community by doing his job and keeping it clean but he would never get recognised for it. It was a hard job. Nobody knew his family.

They knew he was watching them. He hung around the grave yard at night to stop the youngsters from vandalizing the stones but he had to be careful as they were loud and in groups and could possibly be holding a weapon.

He would just scrub it off when they left. Until one day some youngish kids came by and smashed up all the gravestones and tried to dig to find the coffins and the bodies inside.

"The next day he was found dead lying among the gravestones. With his head in a bucket of water. What he was cleaning with. Whoever it was drowned him and they had a purpose. There was a rumour going around saying that he hurt some children but that was a lie! I'm detective Susan Baker and I took over this case. Two things were obvious one being the fact that this was foul play. The other I think I know who did it and I needed him to confess. This fella I speak of has just gotten out of prison. For murdering someone five years ago. He only got five bloody years. Pathetic from the justice systems side. But nobody showed up at court for him. His record was clean he had never done a bad thing in his entire life. He had strangle marks around his neck when I found him he was cold. He had been beaten before he drowned."

The coroner said he was definitely strangled to death. He had knife marks on his rib cages and a big one marked on his throat. Who ever killed him really wanted him to die. They collected the DNA and matched it with the strangle marks whoever it may have been left dirty scratch marks. With the gunk left under their nails we found a match. 

Just who I thought it was. The man has just gotten out of gaol and he got bail to his mother's house. He had no where else to go. He had a big group of friends that committed crime all over the area.

 The crime rate was bad without them. Hopefully my partner Sir John and I could take down who did it today. It was going to be a long one. Which meant that we wouldn't be with our families today which was Christmas eve. I wasn't expecting that. The boss said we could go but once again we had to protect the city. 

I put up so many Christians lights this year. Hoping to not have them vandalized to. During the festive holidays the people in my area too, would go absolutely nuts. Screaming fighting punching on doing drugs, hard drugs might I add. 

Drug dealers on each corner. The lowest act was burning someones house down on Christmas Eve leaving them with nothing. In this area this has unfortunately happened on a regular basis. Due to mainly domestic violence or vandalism the occasional brake in. I've gotten a few bravery awards due to taking down a man with a gun and saving someone from committing suicide. 

My partner is my mentor he is a good bloke. Tough. Well built. 

It was time to search for more clues. Maybe we will find foot prints or something leading to the murder area. As we arrived in the darkness we heard more youngsters roaming about and obviously destroying the head stones. We turned our flash lights on and pulled out our badges. They were horrified. Stopped in their tracks. 

"We need the names of all of you. Now!" My partner said with a scary tone.

About an hour later we had all their names. They were finally going to be charged with vandalism, each kid had to pay for the damage that they did. With their protective parents. Each of them got a fine of one thousand dollars. Each made payment plans. I wondered who would take over the grave yard now or would they just let it over grow.

The grave yard over grown it had been about a month since he passed away. The stones were dirty. Vines growing in every direction. We interrogated the fella that I thought it was but he would not confess even though we found his DNA on the man's neck.

He said the old man kissed me and I put my hands on his throat but he didn't die. Last time I saw him he was alive I didn't kill him."

I knew that was a lie. Because the old man didn't go near anybody because they could be armed with a weapon. We found a couple of foot prints we matched it with the same shoes but he still would not confess. Even after a violent interrogation. We showed him pictures of the old man's crime scene. He looked away. 

We made sure that we got a warrant out for his arrest we found the murder weapon after a big search in the creek he had dumped it in there. He had no remorse. He had his poker face on. He was put in a cell for attempted murder up until his court hearing

December 28, 2024 23:23

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13:01 Jan 26, 2025

Hello, Ashley! Your story is certainly interesting, especially I would note your commitment to justice and compassion. But what I would personally note from what you should use in a short story to fully reveal the full color of your word is that you did not give the cemetery caretaker a name, for this reason there are too many pronouns "he". You haven't revealed the caretaker's identity. Because of this, compassion for the character is relative. You poorly characterized the policeman's partner, also without giving him a name, for this reas...


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Philip Ebuluofor
19:01 Jan 15, 2025

Interesting story line.


Ashlee Osborn
04:40 Jan 17, 2025

Thanks 😊


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Hannah Lynn
18:21 Jan 08, 2025

Your story had intrigue from the start. I was instantly drawn in and able to imagine the cemetery keeper doing his job while staying away from visitors. Definitely an interesting concept!


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John Rutherford
08:06 Jan 06, 2025

I liked the way you started this story and described the victim. Thanks for sharing.


Ashlee Osborn
09:11 Jan 06, 2025

thank you :)


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Rebecca Detti
13:48 Jan 04, 2025

Oh goodness Ashlee, loved reading this and I actually feel a lot of pity for the victim. I think it’s because I recognise the sort of selfless character. I really hope it’s not too sinister! Look forward to reading more of your detective tales!


Ashlee Osborn
01:23 Jan 05, 2025

thank you so much for the comment! :) and thank you for reading


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Ana M
21:37 Jan 03, 2025

An interesting story with images unfolding one after another.


Ashlee Osborn
00:47 Jan 04, 2025

Thank you so much for reading and your comment :)


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Mary Bendickson
07:39 Jan 03, 2025

Sounds like a dangerous neighborhood Thanks for liking Spin Cycle'


Ashlee Osborn
00:48 Jan 04, 2025

It definitely is. :)


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Mary Butler
00:55 Jan 02, 2025

Ashlee, your story paints a vivid and haunting picture of the cemetery keeper and the grim events that unfold around him. Lines like “The next day he was found dead lying among the gravestones. With his head in a bucket of water. What he was cleaning with.” struck a chilling note, perfectly encapsulating the bleak and eerie tone of the narrative. The juxtaposition of the festive season against the darkness of the crime scene adds a stark layer of tension and depth to the piece. The detective's voice brings a gritty realism to the investigat...


Ashlee Osborn
00:49 Jan 04, 2025

Thank you so much for your detailed comment. I really appreciate it, :)


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Trudy Jas
16:24 Dec 31, 2024

Interesting story, Ashlee. Would love to know more about the grave keeper and his reasons for doing his job. Would have liked to have seen more evidence against "the fellow".


Ashlee Osborn
23:53 Dec 31, 2024

Hi thanks for commenting I really appreciate your feed back. I've decided to do a series about what happened a long time ago in shadows Hill. Maybe you'd be interested in reading it. As I've redone the story about the fellow. I shall be working on It today would love it if you followed on. Thank you for the comment


Trudy Jas
02:22 Jan 01, 2025

hey,, Ashley. Happy New Year. I'll check back later this week and reread your story. Would love to read more. :-)


Ashlee Osborn
00:50 Jan 04, 2025

No worries at all. I am doing a series of events that unfold similar to this one in a novel. If you get a chance when I am finished it. I will let you know thank you for commenting


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