School of Silence

Submitted into Contest #40 in response to: Write a story about friends who wind up on a misadventure.... view prompt



“Ok. Everyone listen up!” I shouted. Beth, Jack, Steven and Shauna turned around. “I don’t know what the hell is going on but we need some explanations!” I yelled. “Good idea Nicolas, let’s go ask the secretary. Oh wait! Were the only ones in this place!” Beth yelled. “It looks like we’re in some sort of school. But what school?” Steven questioned. We looked around. We were in what looked like a trashed cafeteria. Parts of the ceiling hanging from wires, roaches everywhere, rats, expired food. It’s no Harvard that’s for sure. The lights started flickering. Then it went black. We heard Beth scream. “Beth!” Jack yelled. The lights turned back on. Beth was dead on the floor. She was laying on her stomach. There was blood everywhere. There was a white board with words made from Beth’s blood saying “Read the rules.” “What does that mean?” I asked my friends. We looked around the room until we saw a poster. We got closer to the poster and managed to make out what it said. It read “If you want to be free, search for the key. Open the wrong door on/times three, one of you will lose a knee.” “What is that supposed to mean?” Shauna asked. “It means if we open three wrong doors that have no key, one of us will lose their legs and bleed to death.” Steven said. My heart sank. “There are like 20 rooms in this building!” Jack yelled. “The rule said on/times. That probably means we have to go to the third floor, henceforth on 3 as in floor 3.” Shauna said. “Well, I guess that’s the best option we got.” I said. We walked up two unstable flights of stairs. “Man, does this place give me the creeps.” Jack said. We looked around. Ten doors. Rooms 300-310. “Ok let’s be rational. There are…….Were five of us. So we should check rooms 300-305.” Steven said. “Like I said, I got nothing so let’s try that it’s the best we got.” I said. We walked to 300. Jack went to the door and opened it. The knob fell off. The PA system went on. It made a noise. We were wrong. It was my turn. We walked to room 301. I slowly turned the knob. It made a click, and the knob fell off. “Wait guys! 303 is not gonna be right. I got it! Let’s try 304.” Jack said Before we could say anything he turned the knob to 304. The knob fell off. The lights turned off. “No! Please no. No!!!” Were the last words we heard of Jack. The lights turned on. Jack was gone, but there was a trail of blood leading downstairs.”That makes 3 of us.” I said. I turned the knob to 303. It was right. I grabbed the key on the desk and closed the door. Attached to it was a note. It said “Rule 2”. “Run in the halls if you wanna get shot. Watch out for the hall monitor he’s coming in hot. If you want to survive and save your little skins, find the gun in room 105 in one of the blue bins.” It said. “What does it say?” Steven asked. I gave him the note. Shauna read it as well. We heard a gunshot followed by fast footsteps running up the stairs. “Walk!” I yelled. Shauna started running. Immediately, a bullet broke a window and went right through her chest and head. She died from a sniper. Me and steven started race walking. We went down the flight of stairs and searched for room 105. “Here it is!” I yelled. It was locked. I quickly pulled out the key and unlocked the door. “I can’t beleive that worked.” I thought. We turned the lights on. The whole room was filled with blue bins. We started searching. As we did we heard foorsteps walking down the stairs. We kept going through the bins. “I found i-” Bang! Steven was shot. Through a doorway there was a man with a clownmask. I quickly picked up the pistol and shot him 4 times. There was a note attached to him. It read “Rule three, there is no escape Nicolas!” It read. The lights turned off and back on. The man was gone. They turned off and on again. Steven was gone. They flickered off again, and five seconds later a new figure was in the doorway. An alive one. With a gun. A red light shined in my eyes making his appearence unclear.Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The investigation

“Steven Calli was found hanging on top of a celing from a noose. Bethany Anderson was found literally cut open in what was the cafeteria. Jack Von Hoene was slit in the neck, chest, the genetal, and the back. And Nicolas Seppilo was found with multiple bullets in his chest area. They all went to the same high school and all were(From what their parents said)good friends.” Officer Martin said. “So what should we do now? We got people inspecting the bodies, people getting blood samples, and we have detectives looking at the crime scenes as we speak. There is nothing we can really do.” Cheif Watson said. “Who did you question?” Cheif Watson asked. “We went to the school they went to. Leewood High. We questioned two people. The Ofiicer that guards the place, Officer Dalli, said he was celebrating his birthday yesterday.(the day the crime happened.) The traffic cop, Officer Sui said he was too busy helping with traffic since there was a wedding going on and their school is right next to a church. We tried to reach their principal but he was not responding. In fact, his wife hasn’t seen him since two days ago.” Officer Martin said. “Strange.” Cheif Watson said. “You know what was even more strange? One of the people we questioned said “when your at a red light stop, when your at a green light you go” Whatever that means.” Officer Martin said. “Well keep searching, you’ll find something eventually.” Cheif Watson said. “Hopefully. I’ll see you back at the office Cheif.” Officer Martin said. “See you there.” Cheif Watson said. End communication.

And they never found out who the killer was. 

The End?

May 09, 2020 03:39

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