A Time To Unite, Not Fight

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story told entirely through text messages or emails.... view prompt



A: Hey Brooke, I know it’s been a while since we last talked, but I was just thinking about you and wanted to see how you were doing - are you still living in LA?

B: Hey Alex, I’m doing great and yeah, I’m in LA. You still in Denver?

A: Nope, I moved back home to the hills about a month ago to save money on rent and just to all around get my life together. I’m planning on only staying in LA for a year, but who knows what will happen. It seems like my plans never really work out how I want them to...


B: Hmm I wonder what you could be referring to here...

A: Ha-ha I’ve never really been one to say exactly what I mean. ;) I would really love to see you and catch up sometime soon. After all of this virus nonsense blows over and we can actually leave our houses of course.

B: Yeah, I can’t believe we’re on lockdown or whatever. It’s fucking wild in the world right now. Nothing feels normal right now & to be honest, I got a little nervous a first when I saw your name pop up on my phone, but it’s kind of nice to be talking to you again. Don’t get me wrong - I don’t think I’m completely over what happened between us yet and I’m not sure if it’s such a good idea for us to hang out...

A: Why don’t you think it’s a good idea?

B: Oh gosh Alex, that’s a tough one - I just don’t know! Maybe it’s because you broke my heart into a million little pieces? Or maybe it’s because I’m still in love with you? Or maybe it’s because you are an ASS. Pick your poison.

A: Alright, well I guess I deserved that. But that’s why I’m reaching out now - I want to make amends with you mi amore♥️

B: Don’t call me that. I’m not yours anymore. Not since you screwed Michelle in the backseat of your dumbass car approximately 0.02 seconds after we broke up.

A: I’m so sorry Brooke. Words cannot begin to express how terrible I feel. There were things I wanted, but I wasn't getting from the relationship. And there were things I was unhappy about, but I had no idea how to communicate that to you. I was afraid. It was a subconscious self-rebellion/self-destruction that could have been avoided if I would have just stood up and said how I felt. I should have talked to you about how I was feeling so that we could work it out together, but I was a coward. I know there’s no excuse, but I just wanted to explain myself a little. Oh and don’t take it out on the Blue Stallion – she’s a classic ride.

B: Wow. That’s the most honest and vulnerable thing you’ve ever said to me. (aside from the part about your car, which made me actually throw up a little in my mouth) It’s nice to see you doing some introspection. You really thought this one through, didn’t you?

A: Of course, I did & I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. I’m going crazy without you baby. I’m not myself without mi amore by my side. I feel like a part of me is missing but I know that it’s you that I’m missing.


A: Brook please hear me out. I hate myself for what I did to you. I don’t know how to deal with emotions, people, work & all other aspects of life without you. I feel so lost...


A: Brooke please respond. The suspense is killing me.


B: Hi sorry I put my phone away for a while to try and clear my head. I’m going to have some pretty deep scars from what you did to me, but I’ve decided that it’s not worth my energy to be mad at you anymore. This is a weird time in the world, and we need to unite, not fight. I never thought I’d be saying this but it’s okay, Alex. Don’t beat yourself up about this anymore. What’s done is done and we need to move forward - it’s the healthy thing to do regardless of the circumstances.

A: Damn you’ve really changed in the past 6 months. I like it. Can we please just start over now?

B: No, you idiot we can’t start over. We have WAY too much history and besides, that’s only something you hear about in the movies - & spoiler alert it never works out for those couples. Let’s just turn the page of life and keep moving forward - onwards and upwards!

A: Therapy looks good on you, B. I have to go try and get some work done on my computer - talk soon?

B: Put in work son!

A: You’re so weird. I love it.


A: Good morning mi amore♥️ I wish I was waking up next to you.

B: Woah there buddy. Let’s tone the lovey-dovey back about 10,000 notches. I literally just forgave you for breaking my heart...

A: Ahh I want to see you so badly! Quarantine & chill?

B: No way Jose - I’m practicing social distancing and you should be too!

A: Oh, hush I’m just messing with you! I know how much of a rule follower you are.

B: Rules are made to be followed... It’s just common sense my friend.

A: OOOHHH so we’re friends again?!

B: I guess we are.

A: Don’t sound too excited!

B: You’re really pushing your luck here pal.

A: Sarcasm just isn’t the same over text message is it...


A: Free at last! You are the first and only person I want to see. What’re your plans for the first weekend out of the house in 3 months!?

B: Actually, it’s been 3 & 1/2 months for me because I started working from home before everyone else. But I actually don’t have any plans...

A: Perfect because I made plans for us. Outside your front door, there should be a box with a dress in it. I picked this one out because I know the deep green color will bring out your eyes. Get all dolled up! (or don’t because your beautiful either way so it’s up to you) I’ll be at your apartment at 7:00 PM to pick you up.♥️

B: Oh my gosh stop it. I’m looking outside right now!

B: Holy shit this dress is SO cute and fits like a glove! I look sexy as hell in it too if I may say so myself.

A: I’m sure you do, mi amore. I can’t wait to see you tonight.

B: I’m looking forward to it as well, mi amore♥️

March 27, 2020 14:40

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