The R in wrong means right or romance

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic romance.... view prompt


Adventure Mystery Romance

On a sunny, sunny day, two souls in the universe became less lonely. 

He was a lost backpacker piercing his way out of the path that seems nothing but leading him in the wrong direction. Though walking forward without knowing, he shielded himself with hope, searching to be found. 

She was a tourist with a map and a compass, yet nothing ever goes her way. In every move she makes, the deeper her feet got buried. A quicksand that pinned her hopes down, spearing her despairs in the middle of somewhere. 

Little did they know, their meeting was written in the stars, drawing the predestined divine collision. A stellar casting of a constellation by the name of we and us. 

And so, it started with a big bang. 

Under the white bulb of light in a frosty bite of the dead night was a woman in pink waiting for her ride. She kept looking at the watch embracing her wrist checking on the tick of the clock. What a goddess she was! Standing in the corner of the street surpassing the definition of beauty, more than what meets the eye. Frown upon her face, eager to get herself released from the binding chilly place. And, just when she was about to lose the willingness to wait. A car her eyes was counting the seconds for, came to stop that with no hesitations she got herself in. 

"Yul, let's just go straight home at Alsace in Colmar." then she closed her eyes to sleep.

Rubbing her ocean green eyes gently, her forehead lift her angry eyebrows, seeing an unfamiliar space. "What sorcery is this? This is not my house, Yu--" her voice was cut off by the face she was facing and a question left her thinking. Who is this man driving her car? Before she could utter one word, the nameless man spoke.

"Your mind must be wondering who could I be before I say my name let me tell you a story. I fail to keep the guidelines of traveling and got off the right track and to reclaim my bearings I've come to a stop and for that while, you, my lady, trespassed the back of my seat and decided yourself to be my passenger for the journey. As I was about to inform you that you've become a victim of mistaken identity, you drift off to your beauty rest. Oh, the name's Cristobal," he ended his dialogue with a smile. 

She was left dumbfounded on how a fool she had become because she was blinded by the fog of tiredness, she was left at the disposal of a stranger. But, she is a fine woman that knows her virtues and was brought with manners, even if the breath of embarrassment accompanied by the awkwardness of the situation lingers, she held her head high and chin up as she said, "Pardon me for my sudden intrusion and my poor behavior. Thank you for treating me well even us being far from acquaintances, I must go now to leave you on your way and to not be of a bother." quickly, she opened the door and made her way out. 

"You owe me one, at least let me know your name," Cristobal shouted from the driver's seat trying to catch her attention. She was reluctant but as eerie as it is, she felt comfort in his company. She thought to herself, 'The man wasn't so bad, he did not do me any harm and he was a gentleman. He possesses the most beguiling brown eyes, I can't stop but stare. She memorized his flawless imperfection, the image of him smiling burned in her mind. Oh well, if he is a special find, he would know the answer to my rhyme'. "I am none of your business, but meet me where the sun rises and a thousand pockets of sunshines shine," was her last words as she continued walking afar.

He knew he was left with a clue but a hint might be a good addition too. He was oblivious but he knew what she meant and he wants to see her again.

In a flower garden, was a young man looking for a familiar face with no name. Admiring the blooming flowers but an unwithering one is what's growing, invading his mind. Running back and forth through his heart. He was caught in surprise when a woman in white appeared right in front of him. 

"Found you," she whispered in the wind as her curls of waves flowed. He welcomed her with a smile reaching his eyes. "Your name?" he asked while being stunned by her radiating likeness. She grinned and walked five steps back. "You know, I think you deserve better. Hello, I am better," 

He took five step forward. "You're never gonna give me your name aren't you?" 

"All you need to do is just look up the sky, and the second is for you to wait the night," as she was pointing the azure cloudless sky.

"Must you always feed me with riddles?" 

"Where's the thrill in there if I'll just hand out the answers, and you yourself are full of questions too," 

"You are a mystery I am willing to solve for a lifetime, unwrapping the tangled words from every piece of your web that leads the map to you. And, they say the X doesn't always mark the spot because sometimes it's just hiding in plain sight, at most, in the shape of you."

South, North, East, and West. Directions where your compass takes you and sometimes you're brought to the wrong address but to the right receiver. 

They were like two flowers, helping each other grow, together with the sunny times and stronger on rainy days. Dancing in the blazing wind, never bending down and never breaking out. Singing the storm away and surviving the four seasons armed with the four-letter word. They've blossomed and sprung into the most heavenly flower they were meant to be.

This was supposed to be the part where I say "The End"  but their union was just the beginning.

September 25, 2020 11:48

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