Christian Adventure

To swipe or not to swipe.

That is the question.

How do you take a swipe?

At another.

Without ‘em lookin’



What or WHO shows up in your “inbox”. The inbox of your life. Do you like it? Are you tempted to act upon it? Take a swipe at another, another’s family because it is too (fill in the blank) tempting, not to?

Just to get ahead.

Do you have a set of personally held and healed beliefs that may prevent the child in you from just acting, reacting? Stomp. Stomp.

Worse yet.Do you seek out another because you have tired of the same old same old. Forget to read the fine print on the contract—too tired, just did not care. All important questions before the great inquisition imposition takes place with the intruders following “en masse”

“Temptation is making me crazy.”

Temptation makes us crazy.

Gotta have this.

Gotta have that.

Gotta have him.

Gotta have her.

Swipe and get outta here before it is too late.

That’s the ticket, right?

Never look back, don’t ever look back…

at the ole ball and chain wrecking plans for the future.


Perhaps one should have taken a deep breathe before blowing a family up….

into smithereens…... it may take a long while to see the agendas of those in the orbits of the past.

Fast and furiously.,Or Slow Burn.

Both hurt.

Like hell.

Social bribes abound, around and around and around.

Some to be left in the dust.

Others having that extra cookie and “cookie.”

Good for them, they may think.


It is not juridical behavior.

Claiming eyesight is bad— may be a real excuse.

May not.


Land tenure is a real thing. Space no difference.Makes no difference.

Swipe again.

Personal space is simply that.

Personal space.

Humanitarianism law states and tries to limit the effects of war.


One needs to ask on the small patches of land and the larger ones.

Who has been running the show?

Calling the shots.

Eeeking onto the balances of others the intentions to cause tension.

Opposite of: The Peace that Passes Understanding.

Creating havoc.

On purpose.

Makes me weep.

Real and honest tears.

For myself.

For my family of four. Now five.

And I cry smaller tears for the fact you still. Ya have not

”gotten it”

for your self.

But to do so, wreck, at another’s expense is







Be careful how you guide the next steps He has set out for you.

He knows.

He knows our hearts.

God knows our hearts.


Or No swipe.

He. Does not take swipes..

Lest your hands start shaking and your knees begin to buckle.

Know this.

There is no swipe in the world greater or stronger then He.

Now. You my ask, Gimme a break.. we are blaming life on not reading the fine print?

Yes. Exactly.

What is there to be Thankful, ‘bout that.

Well, it may simply come down to lies and misdemeanors. Or more gigantic issues such as diverse equableness and exclusion.

The coding is becoming quite dicey. Quite issue filled. Fine print boring.

(Did I mention a recent purchase— a hand held reading magnifying glass…the best $1.00 investment of my life—better than the Ray Bans! I assure you). This tiny little magnifying device assures me and my “noodle” can read and interpret the fine print.

just fine!

Thank you very much.


Something to be thankful for already—as we head into the season of giving.

Although that of a hedge, a hedgehog has very sharp and stunning stings.. And twills.

Let’s just show one another.

How it can be done.


No guardian angel to guide us. When we choose evil over good.

Does that also include giving one another a hard time?

about our own wants and desires and tempting looks of fate.


Swipe away at me.

For as long as you may be tempted.

I, for one, can handle your “sticky fingers.” (Of and from your sweet tooth, no doubt.)

Even if and when it has been a long time. A very long time

Of waiting for your bethrothed to come and smack you in the face.


Reality bites.

That habitat that feeds it sometimes.

The marriage of “two beautiful things”= is a contract.


Actions speak louder than words.



Gazing into the camera can take on a life all its own.


There is more to it than meets the eyes.


Can I borrow a dollar.


A cup of sugar.


Your husband.


He looks mighty tasty.


Your wife.


Cept she is so in the way.


And. She don’t look deserve-ing of him.


Says who?


Doing the hard work and then turning the bad guy over to you, does sound rather enticing. Yes. No. Maybe.

Swipe. back at ‘ya.

But as with so many terms and conditions in the fine print of our existences.

Perhaps you should have paid more attention to your T’s and c’s. And stay less concerned about mine.


Back at ‘ya


Tempting can make us crazy.

Really crazy.

Jealously rides in the getaway car with the green-eyed monster riding shot gun.

Keep tellin ‘ya….

Was. Not. Born. Yesterday.



In all its forms nowadays, bit or paper or coin for promissory note(not to be confused with the marriage of two beautiful things contract)

Still.Is the root of all evil.

In any way, shape or form: Money is and always will be the root of all evil.


Your choice.




Your choice.

Imposition and intrusion upon another causes temptation to smack another in the noggin’.

Come hell or high water.

Makes very little difference at this point.

Who thinks they are calling the shots.

For what reasons and why.

Restraint. Is a gift that keeps on giving.

Some folks are still paying for past mistakes.


”My God, how did I get here.”



Of course.

It pays to be the hunk in the crowd.

The best hunk.

The hunky hunk.

Please get your head out of the gutter.

I, personally,was speaking of chocolate.🙂

Perhaps too much on line dating has caused you to be unable to read the fine print of our lives.


The bizarre comes in the mis handling of the information.

You can borrow my new magnifying glass anytime.

I welcome you, your questions, your challenges.

I have walked with Him and him, for a very, very long time.

He has always showed me how it’s done😃🥸🤓🧐

November 25, 2023 13:19

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