Freddie Cat and Charlie Dog

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story told entirely through text messages or emails.... view prompt



Hey Charlie! 

Something strange is going on around here. 

My human has been home for several days. 

It's starting to really annoy me. 

I am thinking about escaping. 

Hi Freddy, 

Why on earth would you want to escape? 

This is AWESOME!!! 

I LOVE when my humans are home for a long period of time.

I have been waiting for this moment my whole life. 

Waiting for what moment? 

The moment when everyone 

is home with me for days on end.

It's been fantastic 

You're so weird. 

Do you think that maybe our humans are sick?

No, I don’t think so.

My human never cleans when she is sick. 

Or does the laundry. She is even getting it put away 

before I can even get a chance to lay in it.

I thought she liked my soft beautiful cat hair

all over those warm fluffy towels. 

Something must be seriously wrong. 

I will have to investigate further. 

Stay tuned!

What did you find out? 


Is it bad news?



Are you there???

I am really getting worried Fred!!! 

Why aren’t you responding???

Have you escaped?

Where are you?


Sorry! I took a nap!

A nap??? It’s been five hours Fred!

Do you know how long five hours takes to count?

I think it would probably take five hours!

I have been very VERY worried!

I know I am all out of sorts with my human home. 

She is messing with my nap schedule. 

I usually have eight hour naps. 

We need to find out what's going on. 

I can’t live like this.

Maybe they are going on vacation. 

Ugh, this isn’t good. I think I am going to be sick. 

A vacation would be terrible. 

 I will have to go to the kennel for like an eternity.  

This is the worst day of my life Fred!! 

Just the worst day ever!!!! 

I need to find a shoe to chew on to relieve some stress.  

I may even fake a limp.

The worry will keep them from their vacation. 

Right? Wouldn’t a limp keep them home? 

I don't think that a limp would work Charlie. 

I personally would if LOVE if my human took a vacation!!!! 

That would truly be wonderful. 

Somewhere far far away. 

I will have the apartment all to myself.  

Let's pray for humans to go on a vacation. 

Wait...what is a kennel? 

A kennel my furry feline is like a jail for dogs and cats. 

There are cages, and cold hard floors and the other dogs are so noisy 

with their barking and constant crying. 

And my feeding is completely off schedule. 

This will cause me some serious stomach issues. 

Doesn’t eating a shoe cause you serious stomach issues? 

Not really. I just get yelled at! 

I get yelled at for playing with the toilet paper. 

I take the end of it and run all over the house. 

But I think we are out. 

So lets get back on track. Are there any suitcases being packed?

No, I don’t see any. I think they are still in the attic.

 They haven’t even been leaving the house. 

Come to think of it, I have not chased the school bus in over a week. 

Those kids on the bus must be missing me. 

Especially the bus driver. 

He honks the horn at me to say hello and waves his fist at me. 

My human has not left the house either. 

She has been talking to people on the computer. 

Her boyfriend hasn’t been over in 2 weeks. 

Not that I am complaining. 

Hopefully my special treats in his shoes 

have finally made him realize I am the baby of the house here. 

Special treats? Never mind, forget I asked. 

Well regardless of the reason, 

 I am a very happy dog with everyone being home all the time. 

We are playing games, watching movies, 

Baking, doing puzzles and taking walks. 

I have also been getting lots of belly rubs and treats. 

That all really sounds dreadful. 

Except the treats. 

I do love me some treats. 

The best part is and I am so excited about this, 

I have played ball every day this week. 

Sometimes twice a day. You should come over. 

I’ll pass! And cats don’t play ball!  

No one seems to be coming over to our house either. 

What's wrong with that?

I love when company comes. 

I bark to welcome them and I get more belly rubs! 

I hide when company comes. 

Not even my human can find me!

You know for a cat you really are grumpy!

I get that a lot.

So if there aren’t any suitcases that must mean no vacation?




Are you there? 



Did you fall asleep again?


I’m here, I’m here. I was chasing my tail. 

Then I was really tired.

Then I needed a nap. 

Then I was hungry. 

Then I had a bath!

OMG! I am so sorry that you had to take a bath. I hate baths. 

I had one last week because I was playing with a skunk. 

My human was really mad. 

I love baths.  

And never ever play with a SKUNK! Pee-ew! 

Why do dogs do that!? 

Play with skunks?

It was a rhetorical question. 


Forget it. 

I thought the shunk was a cat!

There is no mistaking the difference between a cat and a skunk!!!!!

The difference is huge! The SMELL for instance!

There is a little bit! :)


Just kidding!

So it seems that all humans are staying home 

these days to stay protected from a virus going 

around making some people sick. 

What does that mean? 

Should I be worried? 

I am scared now!

Don’t be scared Charlie. It just means that your family loves you 

and wants to spend some time at home with their favorite fur baby.

    Thanks Freddie! You're a good friend!

Stay safe my friend!

You too! 

 I have to go it's time for dinner and

 a movie with my purrrfect humans!

I see what you did there! Clever! 

Chat tomorrow!!!

March 24, 2020 22:20

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