
It is all about dreams. When I was a kid, I was watching tv all the time exactly series about teenagers who were my idols that time. They were beautiful and smart, they have a good lifestyle and they were simply free. That's what I really needed in my life .I was feeling inspired, excited and impatient to end my school and live that life. Their life seems full of actions and adventures. I hated fighting with my parents to go out and asking for permission every time, to eat whatever they want and to order me to study all the time, I was waiting the moment to leave my home and staring my independent life as all teenagers supposed to do. My life in school was good, I had friends and we had fun together. But still I was missing something, I feel I am older than my age. Anyway, years were passing quickly and I did my best to not failing any class to be able to go college as soon as possible. Here we go I had graduated and finally I am ready, super ready to leave. I am spending my last days at my parent's house. I have chosen my college, the hostel where I will live and I am going to be the independent lady who does whatever she wants whenever she decides. I started packing my clothes and the other things I will need, my album of photos , oh let's watch them, look I was so sweet surrounded by my parents, they look so happy to have me. This photo at the parc , I was already doing my first steps and look to this one at my birthday party at home, mom, dad, brother, bestfriend and neighbors... We look too close and very happy. Let it be, I have to finish packing. I am going to take this red dress, I love it, it's mom's gift in my last birthday. And this book from my dad to learn about self confidence, I have to take it I know I will need it. "Don't forget your winter shoes and your coat"- mom says . We are actually at summer and she thinks about winter, she is so smart and kind, I think I will miss her precious advices and her over protection. Anyway let's carry on. My laptop, my pens, books, glasses... oh I need an extra battery, that was my dad's advice all time " always take an extra " I remember when I was at school, one day I was invited to have lunch with my friends and I felt shy to refuse but I was not having enough money to go back home so I spent all my money and then all my friends left and it wad raining that time, I had to wait more than two hours to find a bus. Due to that accident I have learned from my dad to never lose all your stock. He is actually a mature and responsible man. Look at pictures on my wall, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Oprah Winfrey... I am crazy about them. This pink bed going to miss me but no more pink now, I am a teenager not a baby. Lexi my beautiful dog, you're my daughter, you're my partner in crime. I used to talk with her and sometimes I ask her for solutions. She doesn't reply for sure but I can understand her.

What's happening I am hearing a lots of noise, oh welcome to my friends, they came with some gifts to say goodbye. I am feeling overwhelmed and I am having tears in my eyes. I will miss this people. We are friends from childhood and we share all moments together. Tonight we are going to prepare lunch together so I will take off packing and take place to the kitchen. We passed a good time in cooking and we discussed our future plans and I am convinced that life is based on these moments. The dinner was in the garden and we had talked aboud memories and all our scilly thoughts, we cried and then we laughed like crazy people. They left like everything around me is leaving these days.

I slept at mom's arms like a baby. She was saying some advices as usual, she talked about my characters and how much she loves and trusts me. I felt nostalgia and I was not ready to leave. What happened to me, some days ago I was excited to start a new life, I think I loose maturity, is all people feel that the moment they leave people who love? Maybe because it is really now I am going to leave , it is not a dream anymore ! Anyway let's sleep now. "Good morning baby girl" this what I heard. " It's your day" my mom was saying. But is it really? I don't feel happiness. I don't want to leave, I want to stay here with you. I was trying to say this to mom but no they will think that I am not that responsible and mature girl, they will feel afraid about me. Okay let's prepare my luggage and make boxes in the car. Some ours later I am totally ready to say goodbye to my room, my house, my neighbors and my life in my native city. We are on the road hearing " Hotel of California " song, it's my best by the way and we are silent. After two hours of driving we are finally in front of my hostel, it seems new and big. I like it. We put my all things in my room and it's the hardest moment, I hugged my family so tightly, I wanted to cry hard but I had to be strong enough in front of them, I said sorry for any bad thing I did and I promised to make them proud of me. My family left. I am lonely here but not for a long time. Let's start my dream life.

August 08, 2020 00:58

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We made a writing app for you

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