They don't trust me

Submitted into Contest #80 in response to: Write about a child witnessing a major historical event.... view prompt



 15:02 PM 


 BOOM! A loud sound could be heard from the east, west, north, south of the town. Not only that but it could be heard from 500km away from us. 

  “Watch out!” My mother had pushed me away from the derbies that were about to fall.

  “I’m so sorry, we should have believed you,” she apologized.

  “Dad, where’s dad? Camila too, is Aunt Clara dead?” My body couldn’t stop shaking.

  “W-we’ll find them, d-don’t worry…” We then ran out of the house. 

  “Mom! A boat!” 

  “Not so fast kid!” wait, this voice.

  “U-uncle Rogers?!”

  “I am Sam so what of it?”

  “C-can’t you help me find my father and sister?”

  “Look for them? I need to get the hell out of here!” 

  “B-but you were so kind to us.”

  “So?! This is a god damn raid!”

  “I told you and you laughed at me!”

  “We all make mistakes kid.”

  “Look out!” A man’s scream of terror could be heard.

  “N-not again…” 

 The sky was filled with heavy metal objects. It has wings on them and four small wings on its snout. Yes it was a plane, and it’s about to drop something…

A  day before, 6:03 AM

  “Bye mom, I’m going to play with my friends now!”

  “Be Careful.”

  “I will!” I then left the house.

  “Hey John!” Greg patted me in my back.

  “Sup, what are we going to play now?”

  “Hide and seek?” Greg suggested.

  “Let’s call Mary and Mark first.”

  “That’s a good idea.” 

 We then passed by an alleyway and onto the main street. It was as crowded as usual, butchers, groceries, restaurants, cafes, and much more were open as usual. We then walked by a grocery and then-

  “Kids, want some?” It was uncle Rogers. 

  “Thank you very much Uncle Rogers!” Greg and I thanked him.

  “Be careful now,” he wished us well. 

  “We will.” 

 We then reached a particular house, it was quite a house. The biggest out of them all, in the neighborhood that is. KNOCK! KNOCK! We then knocked on the door.

  “Mary, you there?” I called for her.

  “Coming!” She answered.

  “Now let’s go and pick Mark up,” Greg suggested.

 We then arrived at Mark’s house.

  “Mark! Let’s play!” Greg called him.


 There was no reply whatsoever, we hadn’t noticed it yet. The house was quiet, very, very quiet. Too quite for a house around here. Usually Mark would immediately reply, did they move out?

  “I-is Mark not here?” Amy was concerned.

  “I think so,” I sighed. 

  “Well, it’s just the three of us then, shall we go play hide and seek?” I suggested. 

  “Oh no, why do I have to be the seeker?” Amy complained, she had lost the game of rock, paper, and scissors.

  “Don’t forget to count till a hundred,” Greg reminded her. 

  “I will.”

 I then ran and ran, I spotted empty barrels and I then hid there. A few minutes had passed, maybe I should get out? Wait, Mary’s sneaky. I’ll just wait here and wait for a little longer. I fell asleep. 

  “Mary? Are you done yet?” I opened the lid.

  “W-where am I?! Did I fall asleep?!”

 I then saw a window, an  unfamiliar scenery could be seen   beyond the window. I saw a couple of men in green holding a gun in their hands. w-wait…. Is this a barrack?! For real?! What am I supposed to do now?

  “Alright boys let’s move the barrels!” A man commanded. 

 Shit, what do I do now?! Is this a warehouse?! I then quiety got out of the barrel and hid inside the storages. I could see the men taking out the barrels one by one. I just wanted to go home…

  “Genocide? B-but sir,” A man had complained, w-wait his voice seemed familiar….

  “That’s the orders that I have received from the higher ups, if you have anything to say you can talk to them,” a man with a weird english said.

  “Genocide? What is it?” I muttered.

  “Are the bombs ready?”



Oh no, are they going to come here? Will they find me? As I expected….

This could be the end of my life… 

 I saw a man in his 30s, he has blond hair and blue eyes. A weird accent and a beard, what made it worse was that he saw me. I’m doomed.

  “All clear.” 

 W-what, all clear? He then dropped a piece of paper from his pocket, wait this is no paper. It’s a map!

“Is this the escape route?” I muttered to myself. 

 A few hours had passed since I hid here. Mark, Marry must have been worried sick. Mom and dad, I wonder what they’re doing now. I’m hungry too… I then gathered up the ourage to leave the hiding place that I hid in. I silently walked out, I looked around the warehouse. All clear, no men, no cars, planes, nothin. Are they gone? However, there’s this boat that I must have gone in earlier, I hid inside the barrels again. My suspicion was true.

 By night time I got back home.

 Wait, did I forget something…

 Oh no! A bomb’s coming! I stole a bicycle and rode back home. Damnit!

  “Mom!” I screamed.

  “Where have you been, young man!”

  “Mom! This is not the time for dinner!” 

  “It sure is! Now get your hands washed!”

  “Bombs! Airplanes!” I tried to warn them.

  “What did you mean by that?!” 

  “Listen to me! They’re going to kill us!”

  “Kill us? Who will?!”

  “The government!”

  “Daddy, you better scol him too! You took him to too many movies!” 

  “Mom, listen to me! Dad!” 

  “Your mother’s right, you have watched too amany movies.”

  “Fine! Suit yourselves!” I stormed up to my room.

  “Brother!” Camila hugged my legs, she was only 4. Camila…

  “Damnit. Camila, listen to me.”

  “What is it?”

  “Let’s run away from here, they will bombard us.” 


  “Oh forget it,” I then slammed my door.

 Surprisingly, they haven’t made their move on us. The sun had come again yet there were no signs of them coming. Or so I thought... 

6:07 AM

  “Good morning ma’am,” I heard a familiar voice through the window. 

  “Greg! Marry!” I rushed down.

  “Let’s go to school now,” I pulled their hands.

  “What’s the rush?” Greg asked.

  “Listen, remember when we plyed yesterday?”

  “That’s right, I wanted to ask where have you been? We looked for you all day,” Marry complained.

  “That’s the point. I was at the barracks,” I informed them.

  “Barracks? No way, liar,” Greg thought that I had lied.

  “Listen to me! I really did!” 

  “Now, now Kev,” Marry tried to cool me down.

  “They’re going to drop their bombs on us!”

  “You watch too many movies dude.” 

  “I don’t!”


 We were on the streets. I had pestered them to go and tell their parents to pack their things, damn if the adults would listen. Wait…. That’s right! Uncle Rogers!


  “Listen to me uncle!” I called for him.

  “Now, now. You’ve been here for 2 hours haven’t you? Your parents must be worried sick.”

  “Fine! Suit yourselves!” I stormed off from his store.


  “Take it easy dude.”

  “Yeah, Greg’s right. Besides, why would they bombard us?”

  “I don’t know why but I know that they will!”


  “Shit, I have to force mom!”

  “Oh hey Kev,” it was Uncle Roger. I ignored him and entered my house.

  “Mom! I told you to leave now!”

  “Kevin! Where are your manners?! Your aunt is here.”

A strange yet familiar sound could be heard throughout the sky, I immediately got out of the house.

  “Mom! I told you so!”

A fleet of airplanes could be seen in the air.

15:02 PM 


 BOOM! A loud sound could be heard from the east, west, north, south of the town. Not only that but it could be heard from 500km away from us. 

  “Watch out!” My mother had pushed me away from the derbies that were about to fall.

  “I’m so sorry, we should have believed you,” she apologized.

  “Dad, where’s dad? Camila too, is Aunt Clara dead?” My body couldn’t stop shaking.

  “W-we’ll find them, d-don’t worry…” We then ran out of the house. 

  “Mom! A boat!” 

  “Not so fast kid!” wait, this voice.

  “U-uncle Rogers?!”

  “I am Sam so what of it?”

  “C-can’t you help me find my father and sister?”

  “Look for them? I need to get the hell out of here!” 

  “B-but you were so kind to us.”

  “So?! This is a god damn raid!”

  “I told you and you laughed at me!”

  “We all make mistakes kid.”

  “Look out!” A man’s scream of terror could be heard.

  “N-not again…” 

 The sky was filled with heavy metal objects. It has wings on them and four small wings on its snout. Yes it was a plane, and it’s about to drop something… 

  “Run!” Mom carried me and we ran as fast as we could yet it was futile, the plane then dropped another bomb and just like that.


February 13, 2021 03:49

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