
My sister’s stick scraped the dirt on the floor, as she drew stick people. Just then my Master came in, and said: “ Get to work dirty scums!”

“Yes Master,” we say as my sister drops her stick in fear. I get my broom and start sweeping well my sister just stands there in shock. I think it’s because our Master called us “ Dirty Scums,” but we’re used to that because we’re black and we’re slaves. “Come on Nia,” I say as I start making the bed.

“ Fine Andres,” she says in the tone she makes when she is annoyed.

“Just get to work,” I say.

Just then I hear a creak in the room. “What was that,” says Nia.

Just as going to answer back I hear it again but louder. “I hear it again,” says Nia.

“ I do too,” I say.

“I’m scared Andres,” says Nia.

“ Your fine let’s investigate.”

“Okay,” says Nia.

Just then we hear the creak again. “ Come on let’s go,” I say.

“ I said okay,” says Nia.

Just then we hear it again but very loud this time. I start checking the floor but there is nothing there. Nia is checking the walls and says “I hear it.”

I find my knife I hid and cut open the wall. Just as fast as I cut, it makes a door. I call my dad in. “ Yes,” he says

“ I need to get back to work.”

“ Can you see that door,” I say.

“ What door,” he says back?

Maybe Nia and I can only see it I think. “You can go back to work then Dad,” I say.

Then my dad leaves with a grunt. After we are sure he’s gone I whisper to Nia “ I think only we can see the door.”

“ Come on let’s go inside,” says Nia.

As we get inside the door shuts tightly behind us. I try to open the door but it’s locked. I say to Nia, `` We have to keep it locked.”

As we walked down the tunnel I began to see light. “ Look, light,” I say.

We keep walking as Nia says “ What if the Master sees we’re gone.”

I say back “ He might do something to father but we are free now we can’t go back.”

Five minutes later we reach the end. I open the door, but all I see is grass. “Now what,” says Nia.

“ I don’t know,” I say back.

Then I think there must be a way out of here. “ Come on let's search around,” I say.

“ Your right, there must be a way out,” says Nia.

We search for about an hour when we finally find a way out. We opened the door and saw a very big flat land and we decided to make this our home. We gather logs and sticks we find in the forest and make our home. Just then Nia starts crying. I ask her what's wrong. She reminds me that we didn't bring father with. She collapses into my arms. Just then we see a figure running toward us, it yells " Adres! Nia!"

" Father?" we yell back.

" Yes," he says.

" Father!" we yell again.

We ran over to him and we hug until the sunsets. Then we make a fire and talk. I say " How did you get here?"

"That is for when you're older," he says back.

We build beds under the stars and Nia goes to sleep very fast. Father and I talk until midnight.

The next morning we wake to the smell of bacon. I know there must be a dead pig somewhere but I don't tell Nia because she doesn't like stuff like that.

Nia and I walk over to father. We eat bacon and eggs. Finally, we have time to have a talk. "Father," I say " How did you get here, can you please tell us."

"I thought I told you when you were older I would tell you," he replies back.

I say back " Fine

"But I will," he says.

"I made that door so we could get out into the world and be free". " And the creaking noise that was your mother's spirt, she and I made that way out when Andres was just a baby."

"Then how come you couldn't see the door," I say

" I could I just wanted to have you see the way out your selves," he says. " Your mother loved you very much that she is actually here right now listen."

Just then I hear a soft creak. " She is saying how much she loves you," father says.

"Well can you tell her that I love her very much," I say.

"Okay," he says. Then he whistles a tune. Again we hear a creak.

" She says thank you," he says again.

"Thank you, mother," I say, feeling a soft wind blow past my ear.

And that’s the story of how my sister and I found the door to freedom.

The End

March 23, 2020 21:27

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Peace Nakiyemba
21:59 Apr 01, 2020

This is a good story. I'm glad you had fun writing it. Writing should be fun. And it is an easy enough plot to follow, slaves in need of freedom. I like the spin you put on the prompt. I think your story told the reader more than it showed. Some things leave more of an impression when the reader comes to that conclusion on their own. For example that part where you say we are black and we are slaves... Maybe you could have described their skin, like her chocolate-coloured hands reach for the broom or said we are a different skin colour fr...


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Aubrey Linder
01:29 Mar 31, 2020

I hade a very fun time writing this story, I hope you like it


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