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December 1, 2016

I was just walking slowly and peacefully around my house when I decided I wanted something to eat. Looking in my pantry I didn't have much. I only had a small amount of cheese in my refrigerator. 'Maybe I can make a mini pizza' I thought. I'd only need a few ingredients. So I pulled on some clothes, a hat, shoes, gloves, and a mask before leaving my house. I walked to the nearby supermarket to pick up the dough and sauce.

I went into the store that had a large OPEN sign on the door. Looking around, no one seemed to be in there. I just brushed it off as we're in a global pandemic. Walking towards where they keep all of the pizza related items, I started getting the sensation that someone was watching me. I grabbed the sauce and the dough, along with a few extra seasonings, and headed to checkout. I was feeling almost sick at this point, and was about ready to drop everything and run out the store but I was persistent. I walked over to the first self checkout station and looked around again. Glancing quickly to the back of the store I saw that the lights were beginning to shut off. I left the sauce and dough and quickly made my way to the exit. There was a huge snowstorm outside. I saw a small child laying on the ground at the door. She looked up at me.

I bent down and quickly picked her up. I called out loudly into the store to see if any parent was there. Silence. I looked back at the child. I could've sworn she had green eyes when I first picked her up. But now her eyes were blue. I wrapped her up in my hat and quickly ran outside into the blizzard as the store was now almost completely pitch black. Looking around outside all I could see was white. I carried the child the fifteen minutes home. By the time we'd gotten back to my house, we were knee deep in snow. This made what would normally be a fifteen minute walk turn into a twenty minute walk. I set the little girl on my couch and started calling around my neighborhood. No one was answering their phones.

I glanced over at the little girl and her eyes changed again. They were brown now. I was getting kinda scared at this point. I decided to try and talk to the child, I asked her where her mommy was. Silence. That’s understandable. She couldn’t have been more than a few months old. I took her into my bathroom and sat her in the sink to give her a quick bath. I noticed her eyes again. Changing. Fading from their current brown color to a more reddish color. I felt myself scream, loudly. Before scooping her up and putting her outside. I slammed the door and shakily went back inside. I sat down on my couch and thought about what I’d just witnessed. I decided that I no longer felt hungry so I just took a quick shower and went to bed.

December 25, 2016

Christmas morning. I’d love Christmas so much more if I had someone to spend it with. I wanted a nice dinner. I hadn’t left my house for about twenty-seven days. I wanted a nice dinner but this time I was driving to a different supermarket that was a little further away. I looked around and saw a lot of people out on the streets. I took this as a good sign and decided to go. I pulled up to the store and was grateful to see that it was open. I went inside without paying much attention. I walked around grabbing different foods to give myself a nice dinner. Then the lights went out and the store was pitch black. I felt myself try to scream but I couldn’t. I looked around in a panic and tried to run but stayed in place. It’s like my feet were glued to the ground.

I heard the sound of laughter. I turned around and felt myself go pale. That same girl was standing in front of me. She just looked older. Her eyes were completely bloodshot and she had a crazed smile on her face. She just kept staring at me. Then she started screaming, she flew towards me and then the lights turned back on. I quickly sat up, realizing I was on the ground. There were people standing all around me looking extremely concerned. There was an ice pack on my forehead. I looked around in confusion, wondering what was going on. 

People were starting to walk away and someone asked me if I was okay. I just nodded and quickly left the store. I ran out into the street to see snow covering everything. There was a pretty bad blizzard. Looking out into the street I saw the girl standing there. Along with three other girls that looked almost exactly like her. I was panicking at this point and started shouting at them. I wanted to know who they were and why they were following me. I started walking towards them and heard the loud sound of a blaring horn. 

I felt myself get shoved back. Looking in front of me I saw a boy. He looked like he was only a few years older than me. He asked if I could see them too. I stared in silence. The blizzard cleared up in seconds and I finally saw where I had walked. I’d walked straight out into traffic without even realizing it. He pulled me up to my feet and pulled me off to somewhere. He unlocked the door to a pretty rundown house. He shoved me down onto the floor and I realized there was no furniture anywhere. He began to speak. His name is Jack. He saw the girls for the first time last year. He thinks he knows how to get rid of them. I told him when and where I first saw them. We would go there tomorrow. 

December 26, 2016

Jack and I walked down to the original supermarket. We shared a quick glance at each other before stepping into the dark store. The girl appeared in front of us. Her companions appeared not long after. We stared at them and they stared back. The first girl seemed to be back in her baby state. Jack started walking towards her. I reached out to try and stop him but he insisted on going over to her. She looked at him and her eyes faded from green to blue. As they had when I first saw her. 

Jack leaned down and picked her up. He turned back to me with a small smile and I felt myself scream again. The girl's eyes were now completely black. Her eye whites were black and she seemed to be crying some form of ink. He dropped her and passed out. I turned and ran away. I ran all the way back to my home and was met with the other three girls. They turned to look at me with the same face. I stayed frozen in place. The snow was building up around me. It was up to my neck in just a few minutes. I felt myself growing colder and colder. The girls just stared as the snow completely covered me and they just watched as I froze to death.

July 28, 2020 19:54

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1 comment

Phil Manders
14:06 Aug 06, 2020

Hi Alaina I did like this story although now I’m a little scared to go outside in case there’s a girl staring at me with black eyes 👀. Something for you to work on to help improve is try a little less telling and a little more showing.....it’s really tricky to get this right but it will definitely make you a better writer. Well done keep writing!


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