Horror Suspense

This story has no happy ending. At least not for you. You are the ones that create problems and solve them with war and destruction. Your cruelty towards all you touch, see, breathe, causes horror, scars me, haunts me. Destroys me. You call me beautiful, yet intoxicate me, say you’re grateful for all I’ve created, and you slaughter all the beauty, all mortal souls. You spend millions on killing parasites, still you are the worst kind, disgusting miserable leeches.

At first, I was furious. I sent you many signs, warned you. I gave you a chance. You built heavy, deadly machinery, called it “necessary”, announced the “Industrial Revolution”. Created wars, slaughtering each other, and me, for money, for power. You said “in the name of God”, but I’m the only God here. I watched how greedy you are for predominance and superiority, your twisted priorities caused you to be the evilest creatures I’ve ever made. I tried to warn you - sent hurricanes and disasters along your way. You blamed it on tiny straws, ignoring the choking gas you create, toxic waste blacks out all the blues beneath you.

Your kids, too young and more educated than you expected, protested, cried for help until you silenced them. It was too late anyway. I’ve been quiet for too long. I must get rid of the parasites before they kill themselves and take me with them.

It started with what you call “Global Warming.” You may notice a similarity between you and me - when we have a disease, we raise our temperature. Don’t let the resemblance fool you. We are not the same. I’m a goddess, superior, powerful, kind. You - a tiny spot on the face of the Earth. Nobody, a brutal nothing.

With the temperatures rising, you got further agitated. You took off more wars - the third world war, fourth followed only 5 years later, fifth - three more years. Soon you killed many of your kind - only 3 billion of you left to see the end of humankind - your heaven, my hell.

With less money, less food, you grew more covetous, continued slaughtering and murdering innocent. 2 billion. The gorgeous disasters became more brutal. Sudden hurricanes that even the richest couldn’t hide from. Rains that drowned you, destroyed your home. The sweet taste of revenge! Only 1 billion left.

You still didn’t learn your lesson. In fact, you had different priorities. You had to exploit ones “beneath you”, using religion to excuse yourself from enjoying all massacres. Making pointless rules to benefit you. Executing, torturing, terrorising, repeat. 300 million.

What you knew as Greenland and Antarctica melted into extinction, most flooded to death. The wealthiest had a unique plan, though - called it Noah’s Ark. Unlike the story in the bible, you saved no one but yourself - who cares about Nature’s stunning creations, right? Only a few thousand greedy sadists ended up alive.

Initially, you impressed me - minimal brutalities; you were even helping each other out. You can imagine, knowing your capabilities, this feeling of humanity did not last long. With the lacking food, and the undrinkable water, the first bloodshed came. Then the second. Third. Fourth. You monsters couldn’t stop yourself, wanted more blood on your hands. Mass murder. Another one. And another one. Oceans filled with corpses, human venom, and thick black slump, and a vessel in the middle of nowhere, with only 200 ruthless killers.

Your hunger for superiority grew with day. I would’ve thought it will bring you together, make you realise your mistakes. It was quite the opposite. When your leader got sick and died, the boat divided in two. At first, I thought you’d figure it out by voting. You only used this to cheat, kill, declare war. Good God, another one! 50 of you settled for whatever scumbag you chose as your ruler, the rest - tortured or thrown out of the ship.

He turned out to be even worse than expected; announced himself as a “King”, everyone else - his servants. You don’t obey, you smile at him the improper way, he kills you himself, slowly and painfully. Something he quite enjoyed. You could see in his cruel eyes that would expand when a massacre happens. The possessions you brought in the vessel were laughable, exposing just how stupid your priorities are. Plenty of money, gold, guns, bombs, and other man-made useless things. Why would anyone need useless wealth when there are hardly any people? The “King”, as he named himself, had no mercy. Sick men, women, children falling all around him. Some were starving to death while he was having feasts, some dying from infections and diseases while he was using the medicine to “comfort” himself. In the end, it was only him. Alone, sitting on his throne surrounded by worthless papers and shiny stuff he once relied on the most, he got bored. No one to please him, whether it would be through sexual favours, torturing slaves, or partying with the select lucky few. He was now regretful. Knowing he made a big mistake, that you all caused your extinction, he executed the last person on the Earth, this time quick and painless. No more ruthless entertainment.

You could have avoided it. If you weren’t so possessive, if you knew what matters, you’d still be here, happy, grateful. You’re built wrong. Too smart, creating new materials, alternative systems, finding and discovering everything but kindness. Yet too aggressive, brutal. The instincts you once had, before all your discoveries, when you needed your brutality to survive, were no longer demanded. But the boredom got to you, so you looked for violence, entertainment. Money. It was all about wealth. You didn’t care who you slew, or why. The God you were worshipping was an excuse to murder, terrorise, hate. You could have been better. Create fantastic things. Help each other, and other species living with you. You could have saved me, saved yourself.

I’m free at last. No more violence, no more barbarity. Look what you did! Your actions buried all in thick blackness. The air - grey, unbreathable. No one breathing, not a single living soul. Thunders and rains hitting this hell of a place, the occasional hurricanes that pushed around corpses and dirt. It took billions and billions of years for me to recover.

Finally, with most of the toxins gone, there was life potential. Small, brainless, yet more intelligent than any human, swimming around like nothing happened. Life starts all over again.

Some land appeared eventually. Now the Earth, decorated with not only clear blue, but green, red, yellow, orange, was more beautiful than any individual would imagine. Once some species evolved to go on the shore, I really saw how different it was. Kindness, that once was nowhere to be seen, was now all around me. Something the human species cannot even dream of.

April 18, 2021 22:07

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21:17 Apr 30, 2021

This is really good!


Iskra Lazarova
10:36 May 02, 2021

Thank you!


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Ran Stites
15:38 Apr 27, 2021

I absolutely loved this, please I need to read more.


Iskra Lazarova
13:21 Apr 28, 2021

Thank you so much! That means a lot to me, I didn't feel confident to post it.


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