Contemporary Holiday Inspirational

What else can be the best example for every one of us across the globe experiencing a confined and quarantine life during Corona pandemic lockdown to protect our life from this contagious disease? As life was normal for everyone across globe till february'2020, but as Corona - Covid19 pandemic suddenly erupted across the length and breadth of the globe since March'2020, each working and non-working as well as educational-institutions going children were confined to a house or a room following 'work from home' concept to adhere to the norms laid down by respective country's governments to protect their citizen's life. The day-to-day activity were performed from the house or to be specific from your living room itself by using latest technological gadgets, such as Android mobile phones and its various application apps such as zoom app, webinar, etc. to perform duties and responsibilities.

Prior to Corona pandemic, I was teaching in a school as Math, English, Science and Commerce Teacher. I have to wake up every day at 6.00 AM in the morning, be ready to catch my school bus at a pre-specified bus-stop at 8.00 AM and reach school at 8.45 AM, then attend morning school prayer from Monday to Saturday at 9.00 AM, then attend first school period as class-teacher of class-12 at 9.30 AM for 40 minutes and gradually per day attend 6 periods in all in class-9 to 12 with half an hour lunch-break in school, then catch the school-bus at 2.45 PM to reach my residence at 3.30 PM. Then take home tuitions for 2 to 3 hours. But the spread of Corona Pandemic changed the whole equations and these all activities have to be performed on-line sitting in my room. So, in a nutshell, it can be summarized as the whole new situation was the outcome and repercussions of 'CORONAPHOBIA'.

As my life became used to a 'lockdown situation', I converted my living room as an 'Office-cum-Residence Room' with Desktop Computer System, Webcam, Mike, Latest Android Phone with best Zoom Camera and sound system,etc. As all my school-teaching duties including conducting on-line classes has to be performed from my Room, everybody in my family realized my Room resembling as a small classroom or school, i.e. 'Phrontistery At Home'. Although all family members were fortunate to be together for almost a year due to which our family bonding strengthened as happened with every family member across globe. We were able to focus, inculcate, nurture and pursue our intrinsic hobbies which in my case were to become an author although I have been a voracious reader of renowned author's fiction and non-fiction literary crafting. In fact, Corona Confinement Period has given me a lot. It has made 'Santosh Kumar Singh' a more realistic thinker, so that he has become a better creative thinker. I realized my hidden potential, were able to learn new art of how to self-publish your self-written books, art of crafting front and back cover of a Book, self-design and self-create your own layout and format of a Book, so that your reader genre can develop a liking and taste of your natural generic writing styles.

This (sometimes solitary) confinement gave me enough time to think and act on new topics or explore new possibilities in literary field with experimentation, do a detailed research and analysis of the prevailing trends among authors and readers, media surveys including social medias. My single room became a literary hub, to be specific an e-hub. On an average per week I have read a new book during last one year in my room which was till now unexplorable for me majority of them were particularly e-book. I was able to learn and acquire new skills of cooking and gardening. I decorated my room like never before with better hygiene, look and feel. Every family member were in a better way able to share their feelings and know each other better. I developed a habit of frequently asking them that on which topic shall I write in future so that they will buy my book to read. We also have a thorough discussion about creative imaginary fictional stories including suspense thrillers.

My father being a mythological book reader would always encourage me to write mythological books from your own perspectives. He encouraged me to read Booker Prize Winner's Books. Similarly my spouse encouraged me to write romantic fiction stories or children's short stories. She also suggested various ingredients as inputs to make my book more interesting and attractive. During surfing on the Internet in my room I gathered plethora of information about various government schemes to financially help the needy during pandemic situations. Some of the schemes I have never heard of. As socialization was restricted to control the spread of this disease, I took advantage of this situation to enhance my social media friends across the globe to gain some new knowledge through on-line interactions. Sometimes I felt that my room has become a global village hub. I could understand their culture better by watching YouTube videos. I subscribed many foodie channels on YouTube videos and enjoyed watching them and also learned many recipes.

Another area which I accessed through Internet sitting in my room during Corona pandemic was subscribing and watching tourism YouTube channels. I was able to explore more than 1000 new tourist places across the globe by watching their YouTube videos. I was able to better know their social and family life, their culture, their marriage system, their traditions and value systems, etc. I was able to learn, how their elders are treated in their society? How their children are educated, groomed, nurtured and inculcated social-values? I could in a better way understand their overall society by watching such videos. So, in a nutshell I can say that Corona pandemic has given me a lot and has taught us a lesson that how to survive in a pandemic situation by following government guidelines. I also understood that our government is our real well-wisher so that we could save our life. We should be thankful to our respective governments that they handled this pandemic situation meticulously with efficiency and effectiveness. That’s what I learned in my room in solitary confinement during Corona pandemic which in my word was a real "CORONAPHOBIA".

Each one across the globe would agree that everyone out there is cursing "Corona".

Of course there are reasons to that :-

·        Economy slowed down.

·        Many people lost their jobs.

·        All of us had to stay away from our close friends for long period.

·        many lost their loved ones (very painful)

Yes, it was difficult and that's why people say that 2020 sucked.

But, there is a different perspective to it.

As they say, there is blessing in disguise.

I think Dalai Lama said this- When one door is closed for you, don't get anxious, because God might want to open the other door for you.

Let's look at the FIVE lessons that CORONA PANDEMIC taught us this 2020.

1. Connection improved

Yes, the period of social distancing and isolation made us connect with our close family members. Pre-corona age, everybody was busy in building connection with others, but the family bonding and connection was getting lost somewhere.

While we have now thousands of connections on FB, LinkedIn, but the real connection and bond amongst the close relations is degrading.

The forceful lockdown made everyone quarantined in their home, and these helped family bonding become closer, especially between parents and kids- as they got time to understand each other better.

2. Slowdown deepened perspectives

Stay away from people with not much to do slowed the life immensely. This was a great time for introspection and looking deeper inside ourselves.

People almost had forgotten the art of staying with themselves as there was always something out there to look for...

Of course the digital consumption increased, but still slowdown gave people a different perspective to become mindful of their inner being.

3. Health Improved

People obviously got more hygiene focussed and started eating healthy.

The fast-growing 'eating-out' culture got a big jolt as people started to enjoy home-made healthy food.

In fact there are many controversial studies out there that shows how different types of processed foods and preservative are taking a toll on our health.

So Corona forcefully taught us the healthy habits - that was otherwise too much difficult to learn.

4. Realized that "Life is precious"

Despite being regular inventions in science and everyday new technological innovations coming, Covid-19 proved that there is some power beyond man's control.

It realized human that life is precious and everything is not in human's or science's control yet.

People realized how to handle this invaluable life and started to find joy in small things.

People realized that seeing someone on just a zoom meeting can't ever be compared with hugging them physically.

5. We became massive learners

This forced period of isolation and social distancing made people finding ways to utilized the time.

While many got trapped in binge-watching the entertainment, a vast majority of people started to consume educational content and started attending online conferences.

The time that used to get wasted while driving to and from offices and work, people started to use that time effectively and learned and implemented new things in their life.

Who doesn't want to take control of their lives?

Who doesn't want to live their life on their own terms?

I do.

I know you also do.

In fact, everyone does.

Why so?

There is a psychological reason behind it.

A theory of self-determination was evolved a few decades ago to understand what makes humans happy. Corona Pandemic has taught us across the globe that how to have an alternate source of Income to counter such Pandemic Situations.

​This theory explains three things that makes humans happy even during such Corona Pandemic where almost three million lives have been lost, millions have lost their jobs, their near and dear ones and also have lost their livelihood.

1.     Autonomy - We want to take charge of our lives and don't want to be told what to do (even children don't want so)

2.     Mastery - We all humans want to become masters in whatever we do.

3.     Connectedness -- All of us want to feel a sense of connectedness with others on some common grounds.

You see that's why people love freedom and autonomy in their lives which was absent or was in limited access during Corona Pandemic due to ‘Social Distancing Norms’ imposed by respective Governments.

I believe that life will never return to the way it was in early 2020. This doesn’t mean that conditions won’t improve and that a brighter future isn’t ahead.

All I’m suggesting is that the world as we knew it isn’t coming back.

With all the uncertainty and troubles on our tiny planet, I wanted to create this piece for you with some of the primary rules for remaining positive in a pandemic.

Rule #1: Avoid News Addiction

The job of the news is to terrify you. Studies have shown that people who watch the news are actually less realistic than possibilitarians because they get a skewed version of reality.

Yes, it’s smart to check in every few days or so on what’s happening so you can protect your family and pivot in your business.

But spending hours each day watching events you cannot control is toxic. And causes you to miss out on the opportunity that this time of exponential quietude presents to do monumental work that moves the world higher.

Rule #2: Install a Victory Hour

The first hour of your day has an outsized effect on the positivity of the hours that follow. Own your mornings and you win your days should be the buzzword.

I encourage you to start with sweaty exercise and then include some time for prayer, meditation, journaling and reading.

If you’re interested in an exceptionally valuable and truly transformational online course to help you rise early so you battle proof your optimism.

Rule #3: Keep Perspective

Plagues have happened before. Human beings made it through them and often used the hardship to breed innovation that upgraded society.

This too shall pass. You can leverage the challenges to remake your heroism, increase your creativity and build an even better life for yourself and those you love.

“Never waste a crisis,” advised Winston Churchill.

Rule #4: Be a Giver

Losing yourself in the service of others is a beautiful formula for becoming happier as we navigate the pandemic.

Find a crusade. Detect a mighty mission that will consume you, taking your mind and heart off of the messiness that’s all around us.

To lead is to serve. And to help is to prosper.

Rule #5: Practice Positivity Rituals

Taking an Epsom salt bath in the evening or investing in a few flowers for your dinner table or having a family meal to appreciate all you have are examples of ceremonies that will scale your enthusiasm in hard times.

We have more power to shape our lives than we know. And exercising this majestic force not only raises our own lives, it serves as an inspirational example for all around us.

In the spirit of enthusiastic service around your highest 2021 ideals, I strongly encourage you to apply the following 5 steps post Corona Pandemic so that 2021 is YOUR year.

#1: Record the single most important project that you absolutely must deliver.

This is your Mighty Mission for 2021. Forget about trying to make 100 things happen. Just produce one outright masterpiece and amazing blessings will unfold.

#2: Note your five central personal values.

Happiness and elite productivity appears when you work and live under your own terms and standards.

#3: Set your three most essential goals for the key dimensions of your life (personal growth, family, work, fitness, financial, spiritual etc.).

#4: Build out each quarter of 2021 by setting ten deliverables for every three month block so you reverse-engineer your ideal 2021.

#5: Schedule time blocks for your deliverables and action steps on your month-to-month calendar.

Please give yourself a full day in isolation to do this. Your results of the next year will confirm this decision is worth it.

Ultimately Corona Duration during last one year taught us that how during a pandemic every country fought together to save humanity and human life on earth.

Hope you readers liked my real and practical true experience and exposure in my room during Corona pandemic. Good Bye.

March 10, 2021 14:27

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