The Riverboat Man of Shari River

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Set your story on (or in) a winding river.... view prompt


Fiction Romance Fantasy

The Riverboat man of Shari River

By JA Lafrance

Have you ever heard the story of the riverboat man of the Shari River? They say he lives on the river and only communicates with the people that live deep within the riverbed.

There have been people that say they’ve seen him, but there has been no actual proof until today.

My name is Lynn, and I am the first person to witness the riverboat man and all his fury. The story begins one dark, stormy day, as I was walking my dog down by the river. I had stopped by the river’s edge and allowed my mind to wonder about the pain that was waiting for me at home.

I had just laid to rest my last living relative and was left with not a soul who cared for me. I had no friends, no children, and the last love interest I had left me with a debt that could sink anyone.

I had just let out the first sob when a man approached me. His eyes were a gorgeous crystal blue, his head was bald, and his beard was white. He had muscular arms and a scowl on his face that should have frightened me, but it made me feel safe. His eyes looked at me like I was a treasure he had found, and I knew if I felt this comfortable with him, I could only hope that the future would be better.

I knew I was getting ahead of myself, what with all the stories of how much hate the riverboat man had towards the people who would stare.

“My darling, what has the sadness in your eyes?” the Australian accent shocked me, but I could feel my demons settling down.

“I lost my only family, and now I am alone in a world where being lonely should never exist,” I whisper, as I slowly raise my hand to wipe the tears from my cheeks.

“We are two souls who know what being lonely is like.” His hand engulfs mine as he brings it to his heart, flatting my hand with his and allowing the heat from his body to flow through my hand and into my body.

“Do you believe in soulmates?” stepping closer to his body and raising my face to his.

“I never thought about it until you called to me. Your sobs broke my icy heart, and all I wanted was to take away your pain. I have seen plenty of women on this riverbank crying, but never has my soul wanted to claim one, until you.” His head lowers to mine as his other hand wraps around my hips and draws me in tighter.

“I should be afraid of you. All the stories tell me I need to be, that you hate everyone but the mermaids that live in the river bed. But I feel so safe in your arms.” He pulls me closer to his body.

“Soon the people will fill the banks to trying to get a glimpse of the riverboat man. Come with me and let’s get out of here. Let’s become a team. Two souls meant to be.” He whispers as his lips meet mine, in a soul connecting kiss.

“Are you sure?” I whisper, my eyes still closed as I feel my heart connect with his, my soul permanently bound to a man from the first time that I laid eyes on him.

“You’re mine, my darling. I will burn the world down, to have you in my life. I need you to say yes. But I will not force you to come with me. We will just be two lost souls missing each other. I can’t stay here any longer.” As he pulls away, I can feel a panic setting in. His leaving means that the one person with whom I feel safe will be gone.

“Can I bring my dog?” I look down at the little teacup husky, who is looking at the man and wagging his tail.

“Of course, my darling. What’s his name?” He bends down and scoops up my tiny dog and offers me his hand.

“My name is Lynn, and her name is Hera.” He smiles.

“My name is Joe, let’s go, my red-headed darling. A life of pleasure and satisfaction awaits you.

I grip his hand and follow him into the river. As the water surrounds me, the panic sets in.

“Joe, I can’t swim!” The urgency in my voice causes him to pause, turn to look at me, then close his eyes and start to hum.

The water parts and three beautiful mermaids appear. They smile at Joe and as he continues to hum the song; they shake their heads.

“Joe has told us of a soulmate. He has spoken of this soulmate for years, and we always just assumed that he was a lonely man, set to drive the riverboat up and down the Shari River. He tells us he has finally found his soulmate, and she cannot swim. Are you she?” the blonde one asks.

“My name is Lynn, and Joe is the calm to my storm,” I whisper as I watch Joe hold up Hera, and the dog floats in the air as swirls of wind and clouds surround the dog.

“What are you doing to my dog?” I turn and look at the brunette.

“We are doing as Joe has asked.” She opens her palms, and I watch as each mermaid lays its hands on top of hers.

“All you have to do to be with Joe is lay your hands on top of ours, and your souls will be forever connected.” Their voices sing to me, and I follow their directions. Watching Joe as he smiles, never taking his eyes from me.

“Two souls shall forever be one.” The mutter repeatedly.

I lift into the air, and as the feeling of light takes over my body, the air drains from my lungs. When my eyes fly open, and a burst of light breaks from around us before I descend to the river's bottom.

“Two souls who shall forever be one.” The three mermaids disappear into the river as Joe and I continue our journey to the river bottom.

My life with Joe has been perfect. There is no more loneliness, and my heart and soul will forever feel full.

June 11, 2021 20:51

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