Shallow Hearts : The Sisters

Submitted into Contest #253 in response to: Write a story that contains the line, "I wish we could stay here forever."... view prompt


Mystery Horror Fantasy

Amelia and Selena were sisters with an unbreakable bond. They were always there for each other through thick and thin, no matter what. But their lives had never been easy, and they had faced more than their fair share of adversity. Their mother had passed away when they were young, leaving them in the care of their father, a man consumed by his own grief and vices. The house, once filled with laughter and warmth, became a place of shadows and sorrow. Unable to cope with his loss, their father turned to alcohol and gambling, eventually abandoning the sisters to fend for themselves. Amelia, the older of the two, had always been the more rebellious one. She often got into trouble, her fiery temper and defiant nature clashing with authority. Selena, on the other hand, was the peacemaker, always trying to protect her sister from the consequences of her actions. Despite their differences, they loved each other fiercely, creating an imaginary world to escape the harsh reality of their lives. When their father left, they were shuffled from one foster family to another. Each new home was a reminder of their abandonment, and they clung to each other even more tightly. Amelia’s troublemaking intensified as a way to cope, while Selena’s protectiveness grew stronger, trying to shield her sister from the world’s harshness.

One night, when they were still children, Selena found Amelia with bloodied hands, standing over the lifeless body of a young boy. Amelia’s eyes were wild, her grip on reality momentarily lost. Torn by the horror of her sister’s act, Selena chose love over morality. Together, they disposed of the body, a dark secret binding them even closer. This event caused a ripple effect, and the two sisters retreated even deeper into their imaginary world. Years passed, and the sisters grew into young adults. Amelia’s fiery spirit remained, but it was now tempered by a sense of guilt and darkness. Selena continued to be her protector, though the weight of their shared secret hung heavily on her soul. They often spoke in whispers about the boy, their voices laced with a mixture of fear and regret.

One evening, as they sat in their small apartment, something strange began to happen. The air grew thick and heavy, a sense of foreboding settling around them. They felt a presence, something or someone watching them, whispering to them, inviting them. Their curiosity was piqued, and they couldn’t resist the pull of the mysterious force. As they followed the presence, they found themselves drawn into another world. This time, it was different from their imaginary escapes. The air was thick with mist, and an eerie silence enveloped them. They walked through a dark and mysterious forest, the trees towering above them like silent sentinels. As they made their way through the misty woods, they saw a faint light in the distance, beckoning them forward. They cautiously approached the light, and as the mist cleared, they saw a small town with a large Victorian mansion perched on a nearby hill. They held hands as they walked out of the forest and made their way across a grassy field towards the town. The town seemed empty and desolate, a darkness watching them from the shadows. They saw a lonely church next to an old playground, and an oil lamp hung from a pole near the church. As they approached the church, a raven landed in front of them. The raven had been following them from the moment they stepped out of the mist. It perched on a nearby tree, its black eyes watching them closely. The sisters felt a chill as the raven spoke. “I am The Raven,” it croaked. “I am here to welcome you to Shallow Hearts.” Amelia smiled, her curiosity piqued. “Look, sister, it can talk.” Selena, more cautious, asked, “Are you the one who has been whispering to us, calling us here?” The Raven nodded. “I merely extended an invitation.” “But why?” Selena pressed. The Raven tilted its head. “This is now your forever home. Welcome to Shallow Hearts.” It cawed as it flew off into the darkness, “Find Elizabeth. She is waiting for you.” Amelia and Selena made their way through the cobblestone streets of Shallow Hearts. They wandered through its empty lanes, feeling eyes watching them at every corner. Shadows seemed to move in the corners of their vision, and strange whispers followed them. They reached an old manor surrounded by a rusty iron gate. The manor’s windows were broken, its facade crumbling, and its garden in a state of eternal decay. A single loud whisper drifted on the wind, “Welcome to Ash Manor. I’ve been expecting you.” The manor’s gate creaked open, inviting the sisters to enter. As they stepped inside, they felt a chill run down their spines. The interior of the manor was dark and cold, the air heavy with the scent of decay. They felt as if they were being watched, but every time they turned around, there was no one there. They wandered through the mansion, the silence oppressive. They heard footsteps behind them and felt something cold breathing on their necks. But every time they turned, there was only darkness. Finally, they reached the top floor of the mansion, where they found a locked door with two locks. Suddenly, they each had a key in their hand, as if materialized out of nothing. A voice softly whispered, “Open the door, and you may never leave. The choice is yours.”

Selena and Amelia looked at each other, and without saying a word, they unlocked the door. The room was illuminated by candles, and in the center stood Elizabeth in a long, red, flowing dress. Black tears ran from her black eyes, forming a dark pool in front of her. Elizabeth spoke, “And so destiny has unfolded once more.”

There was a brief moment of silence before Elizabeth continued, “I have been longing for you, waiting for you, for a long time. Fate has guided you to me, to Shallow Hearts.” Selena whispered softly, "I wish we could stay here forever."

Amelia, entranced by Elizabeth, also spoke up. “Yes, we want to remain here. We want to call Shallow Hearts our home.” Elizabeth answered, “And so it shall be.” She held out her hands, and the black pool in front of her, made of her tears, came to life. Black tentacles began to form and rise from the puddle, slowly slithering toward Amelia and Selena. Elizabeth spoke again, her voice a soft whisper, “You will be my sisters, two witches, two harbingers of darkness. One with the power of the moon, the other will be the darkness that accompanies the moon. You are now a piece of the story of Shallow Hearts, forever bound to this town. You are the balance between light and darkness, as one cannot exist without the other.” The tentacles enveloped the sisters, wrapping around them until only darkness remained. But even in the darkness, the sisters knew that their story was only beginning. They felt a strange sense of peace, knowing that they were together and that they had found a place where they belonged. As the tentacles receded, they found themselves changed. Amelia felt a new power coursing through her veins, a connection to the moon’s energy. Selena felt the darkness within her, a shadowy force that complemented her sister’s light. They looked at each other, understanding their new roles and the bond that had deepened even further. Elizabeth watched them with a satisfied smile. “Welcome to your new home. Shallow Hearts will shelter you, but it will also demand your strength. Together, we will protect this place and keep the balance.” The sisters nodded, their resolve strengthened by their transformation. They knew they had a purpose, a role to play in this dark, mysterious town. They were no longer lost souls; they were integral parts of Shallow Hearts, bound to its fate and its dark magic.

As they left Ash Manor, the town seemed to come alive around them. The shadows no longer felt menacing but familiar. The whispers became guiding voices, leading them through the streets. They understood now that Shallow Hearts was not just a town but a living entity, a place where the broken and the lost could find a home, even if it meant embracing the darkness within. Amelia and Selena walked hand in hand, feeling the weight of their new responsibilities but also a sense of belonging they had never known before. They had each other, and they had Shallow Hearts. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, confident in their bond and their newfound powers. The Raven watched from a distance, its black eyes gleaming with satisfaction. Elizabeth had chosen well. The sisters were strong, and their bond would only grow stronger in the face of the town’s many mysteries and dangers.

Shallow Hearts was alive, and its heart pulsed with the souls of those who called it home. And so, the sisters began their new life in Shallow Hearts, ready to face the darkness and the light, to protect the town and each other. Their story was just beginning, and the echoes of their past would shape their future in ways they could not yet imagine. But for now, they were together, and that was all that mattered.

May 31, 2024 18:29

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Myranda Schustz
18:43 Jun 23, 2024

I know we are limited on our word count when we publish stories on here but i really think given unlimited words this would be a fantastic series! I would like to dive into their backstory more and the adventures that lay ahead! If you continue this story id like to read it!


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Georgia Stawarz
12:36 Jun 09, 2024

wow this is so cool!! Creepy too, I liked the flow of the story and how it gradually revealed more about the girls' lives together.


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