Drama Horror Suspense

Anchor town is now in terrible, crazy, chaos!

Last time our heroes ran from their old math teacher zombie. They are now sadly hiding in the old Dino museum on the second floor. The three friends and small Dino pals are scared and waiting for the next thing, waiting for a glorious idea.

  James stretches out his arms yawning waking up just to the sunrise in the morning, he realizes him and his friends have slept there on the soft fur rugs comfortably.

  Allie hears James Loud rude yawn and it wakes her up also. Allie decided to shove Penny until she sat up as well.

 " Where is turtle stertle ?"Penny ask.

 " Oh I'm sure stertle tool your Dino pal turtle is okay ".James not yet had P ennyconvinced.

  Allie then looks around and notices their small Dino pals were now missing. "Come to think about it, where is Carrie and ryan? Where are our Dino pals?"

  James start to search the old room. Penny was now worried as well, so she went to the room next to theirs. " Guys come check these cute dinos out. " Allie and James joins penny in the next room. Dino pals were having fun playing together.

 "Oh how cute!"says the three friends in unison.

 Then stertle the dino turtle jumped off the dusty bookshelf he was on period when turtle jumped off, a few books came falling down and almost landed on the other two dinopals ! James walks over to start cleaning up the mess of book pile. "wait! What is that book in your hands? "Penny says confused.

  "Is special looking book... James go ahead and read it "allie suggest intrigued.

  "might as well, since we are stuck here." James agrees with them then opened it begins to read.

  "The talent fruit of anchor town... A rare fruit that appears once every hundred years. Don't try to eat the fruit! In the past centuries many have ate the fruit to obtain its power. Every time it has been eaten it mutates the human into something deadly! Mini don't believe the fruit even exist... But history has shown it has many times, each time mutating and infecting humans. "

  Their eyes widened with shock.

"This is why period.. there is the answer! "

Penny claims excitedly

  "We need to show this to the mayor because this is important. "Allie says.

  "Or scientist might be able to help. "Penny replies.

 Allie picks up Carrie the flower puss and walks downstairs to the first floor.

the three friends begin their trip outside with Dino pals in their arms... This time it was much more silent. For a moment they thought they were sick... Until a zombie starts to turn towards them. 

 "Oh no!" Penny yells. then a bunch of zombies come from all directions due to Penny high pitch yell.

  "They can hear us! Try not to much noise "james demands.

  They look for a way out but, can't find a way. as the zombies close in and circle around there, things started to seem hopeless. Allie tries to comfort the trembling flower plus in her arms a zombie get close to Carrie's and Slashes at them but misses. Carrie lifts her flower tail and sprays her acid spores. These zombie begins to shake. they were astonished to see the results of her burning acid spores... A human?

  "What in the world? "Allie says...

  "There are too many of them. "James yells.

  "Look over there! "Penny and turtle squealed, Sally the T-Rex was running and attacking everything and everyone. Even humans.

  "Ryan! No!" James yells at the tiny Tara as he sacrifices himself by leading the zombies heard away.

  They were all sad, especially james.

 "He is a tiny slashing hero.! "Allie declares.

 "we are not supposed to be saved by Dino pals. We are supposed to save them. "James cries.

  " we don't have much time, let's show carrie, and this book from the museum to the government. "Penny says.

 Sally the T-Rex was sad and growling low. She started to slow down. Then the ground shook at Sally flopped over in the spirit..

  " Sally? Oh no!" Alley says 

 James runs over to the big T-Rex and gives her a pep talk. "Let's not give up! we can find you a safe place away from the zombies. We have the cure and history with us! We can end this zombie apocalypse, but together. "

  Ellie and Penny could not believe their eyes when they saw James return period he was writing on the back of Sally the T-Rex.

  "Come on guys! Let's save anchor town! Let's save our Dinos from the zombies! "

  Allie and Penny take Carrie and turtle up on top of sally. They begin to head straight to Anchor Town Dyno Court house. Zombies were running and attacking but, with Carrie's flower tail acid spores, and Sally's new attitude, nothing could stop them.

  They all six arrive at the gate. They all demanded to be let in Anchor Town Dino courthouse.

  "We have the cure! "James, allie, and Penny all shouted.

  "Roar! "Says Sally the T-Rex Carrie, and turtle.

  "How did Sally escape the zoo!? "Guild a terrified guard .

  Later they were all safely in the gates, away from the green glowing eye zombies. Sally was happy to relax in the courtyard finally.

  "Thank you sally, now we are all safe and now we will slowly fix this chaos James bow his head and let Sally rest.

  they later were in the main office... "After reading this book, and you're showing me Carrie the flower puss can save humans with her acid spores... I've decided to go with your plans to save our dinos! Thanks to you three heroes! Are dinos will be saved from the zombies! "The mayor announces.

 "In the end... "Allie says.

  "We have dinos to think "says penny.

  Dinos actually are the heroes in this story, dinos are the one saving the humans from the zombies. "James says with a smile.


December 16, 2020 17:31

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