the story of a tyrant

Written in response to: Write the origin story of a notorious villain.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Sad

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

TW: Death.

Carmine held her Moms hand as they went through the town market, she smiled up at her Mom, who smiled down at her. Carmine knew that her Mom would be thinking of her Daddy, who was working at the palace as the Emperor with Empress Anastasia, his wife, her Mom had said.

"Why can't we go with him," Carmine had asked many times.

"Because its dangerous," her Mom would always say

Carmine looked up at the pearly white palace now, wondering what could be so dangerous about it, she and her Mom could move in with Daddy and Empress Anastasia and her son, Argyle, they could be a large happy family! Carmine had told her Mom this many times, but was always shot down and told to never bring it up. Carmines Mom stood at the stall, selecting meat to cook for dinner when she looked down at Carmine.

"Daddy is coming home today from work so he can have dinner with us," Mom said.

Carmine gave a smile, "yay! Daddy's coming home!"

"who is the Daddy of Ms. Carmine here?" The Butcher asked.

Mom just smiled and paid for the meat.

. . .

Later that evening, Carmine sat in front of her Mom as her long red locks with the slightest dash of black were brushed out and put into a braid. Carmine was stuffed into a nice shirt and trousers, and told to sit in the living room as her Mom cooked a meal. Carmine waited patiently on the sofa and read a book to keep her occupied, soon enough, the smell of dinner wafted through the living room and Carmine got up to sit at the dinner table.

Moments later, there was a knock at the door, and Carmine quickly changed her course, sprinting towards the front door an flinging it open, to fin her Daddy standing there.

"Daddy!" she said happily, hugging his legs.

"Hi honey," Daddy said as he picked up Carmine and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Carmine looked into her Daddies Sea green eyes that resembled hers, and his crow black hair that stopped at the nape of his neck.

"Corbin!" Mom said as she approached and gave Daddy a kiss.

"Izora," he said, pulling her long red hair behind her ear.

"You weren't followed right?" Mom asked.

"Yes, I wasn't followed," Daddy replied walking inside the house.

Carmine and her family sat down at the dinner table, where her Mom plated them some food on each plate, and slid them over to each of us.

"This looks delicious dear!" Daddy said as Mom sat down.

"Thank you hun," Mom replied as she took her own seat.

"Daddy! I went to daycare yesterday!" Carmine said, bouncing in her chair as she ate.

"Did you!" He exclaimed, looking at Carmine with a sweet smile, "what did you think?"

"It was nice! There was so much to do that I couldn't do it all in one day!" Carmine went on, "and the Teacher is super nice as well!"

Carmines Mom and Daddy listened as Carmine rambled on about her Daycare experience, she talked about the kids, the activities, and the teachers.

"That's amazing darling," her Mom said, holding her tiny hands in her own, "Now how about you go get dressed into your pajamas and you, Daddy, and I could read a bedtime story together?"

"Okay!" Carmine exclaimed as she rushed to her room and quickly put on her Pajamas, as she came back down the hall, she could hear struggling.

"Mom, Daddy-" gun shots rang out and Carmine squealed, ducking down instinctively.

"Mom! Daddy!" she screamed as she crawled forward, she finally made it to the dining room, and she hid behind the hall frame, and she saw royal soldiers milling about, eating the food in the fridge and stealing anything valuble while Empress Anastasia stood in the doorway.

"withdraw," she said calmly, and the soldiers retreated, taking many valubles with them. Carmine stayed silent as she approached the bodies of her Mom and Daddy, their heads had holes in them, and blood spilled everywhere.

"Mom, Daddy, wake up," Carmine cried, tears starting to spill down her face, "Mom! Daddy! Wake up!" she screamed more forcefully, They didn't budge, they laid on the floor like dead weight as Carmine shook their arms.

"No, no!" She cried out, falling forward onto her Mom's chest, "Don't leave me!" It was no use, she was a few seconds too late.

"Mom, Daddy," she whispered.

. . .

3 years later, we find 7 year old, Orphaned Carmine milling about the streets of Zaidor, Glaring up at the Pearly palace that was in the middle of it all. Carmine had learned how to survive on her own, scrounging for food and pock picketing Oblivious passer bys. She turned to a double doored tavern that was bursting to the rims with noise. Carmine entered and saw a bar fight happening on the left side of the room, and people watching and cheering it on on the right.

Carmine ambled up to a barstool and sat on it, the bartender noticed and walked towards her.

"Kid, I'm afraid I'll have to remove you, no minors are allowed in here,"

"I know this is a Mafia base," Carmine said aloud, the bartenders face paled as he stared at me,

"what do you want from us so you'll keep your mouth shut?" The bartender asked.

"I want to join your Mafia," Carminesaid simply.

The bartender laughed aloud, "yeah right,"

"if you don't take me to the boss right now, I'll go out on to the streets and screa-" Carmine began, but the Bartender cut her off.

"Fine, fine, I'll take ya to him," he said, coming out from behind the bar and leading me up a creaky set of wooden stairs at the back.

Carmine followed until they stopped in front of a door, The Bartender knocked,

"Mr. Dankworth, someone wishes to speak with you,"

"Send them in," a raspy voice replied.

Carmine pushed past the Bartender and entered the room, and was immediately slapped in the face with the smell of smoke, the man sitting at the desk stared at Carmine as she took a seat.

"Why are you here, child," The man asked.

"I wish to join your Mafia," Carmine said.

"Hell no," The man replied.

"I'll report you to the police if ya don't,"

The man was silent, thinking and assessing Carmine.

"I could shape you into a good Underboss, what can you do?"

"For a 7 year old, I can handle a knife pretty well, and I can fight," Carmine replied.

The man nodded and smirked, "well, why do you want to join?"

"Simple, I want the Empress dead, she killed my parents."

The man shrugged, "That's a good reason, but how can I know you won't betray me?"

"I have no one else to turn to for help," Carmine Replied simply.

The man thought this over agin once more before turning back to the young girl, "Welcome to The Dankworth Family Mafia."

August 15, 2024 04:04

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