LGBTQ+ Science Fiction

Regina drove her Jeep Wrangler down Moon Speed street, obeying every traffic law because she didn't want to get a ticket or hit someone. 

Her techno music volume was high, and enjoying the music as she was heading to the flower shop. She had the biggest smile after finally getting rid of her ex-girlfriend twelve hours ago. 

Then another song came on and began with the lyrics, "I feel Alive." 

Last night was the beginning of her rebirth. 

She remembers standing a few feet away from her after Grace dropped a bombshell, and Regina felt like she had been a soccer kick in the stomach. She opens her eyes and finally sees what her first love has become and begins to take a mental count of all the people who were right about the kind of person Grace is. 

"I don't believe this." Regina whisper. 

"I'm sorry, but that's all I could give." Grace told. 

"Your offer makes me want to have claws come out of my fingers and shred your vital organs.." Regina said.

She growled and then broke out in hysterical laughter.

 Grace felt she was in danger and was paralyzed by fear. She lowered her head in submission, and it was an insult to the ginger because only wolves in her pack  

 "You've wasted my time and my patience!" Regina said. 

"Do you think lowering your head would stop me if I want to kill you? 

I refuse to give in to my impulse!" Regina walked up closer and grabbed Grace's neck to force her to stand eye to eye.

"How dare you insult me with a proposition for a polygamous relationship!"

 The thought of it was so disgusting.

" I can't believe you accept his lies and spread your legs! 

You crave his kiss and tongue. I bet you try to convince yourself as you look in the mirror that whatever you have with him is real and then fix your smear lipstick while cleaning off any fluid that shot out from his penis. 

We were real!" Regina remembers screaming those three words and feeling her Wolf wanting to end her ex's existence. 

  "My Mom did the same thing with my Father, and it made her vulnerable to be killed by whatever male. Luckily she held her position with broken bodies at her feet.." Regina told her. 

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I can't!" Grace cries out those words. 

"You are nothing but a shell of Grace. She was my first love, not you." Regina said and got into her jeep to drive home. 

These events are why she feels alive today. 

Regina hops out of her vehicle and turns the ignition off.  

The young Crimson-haired woman knew she had to start repairing her image in the eyes of the pack in. She is in line to become alpha. She must show that her decision-making isn't unstable. 

She must repair the relationship and sees Jasper standing behind the counter with a genuine smile. Grace has chosen him as her mate.

"Good morning Jasper." Regina acknowledges him said as she walks up to the counter. 

"Good morning, my Crimson Mi Amor." He greeted her, and she stopped for a minute. She's amazed that this man calls her such loving pet names. 

     "How could you continue to talk to me in those words after everything?" Regina asks. 

"I play the long game, and people our age don't believe in it." he told her. 

"Where's your mom?" Regina asks. 

"I told her to take the morning off." He said, but there was another, and Regina knows. 

It's a subject that isn't important right now. 

"What can I do for you?" He asks. 

"Roses are for my mother." she said. 

He turns his body and then picks up a pre-arranged dozen roses from the table to put in front of her. 

"I was hoping you were coming in so I could give you those for her. Last night when you told Grace off went viral. A lot of people who love you wanted the whole world to see how toxic your ex is.." he said. 

"I feel like I been born again by ending it with the Empty Shell.." She said. 

Giving her that name is my grieving process, but I think of my future with you.." Regina said, and Jasper surprised the redhead with a passionate kiss which was welcome.

"You have no idea what you're in for. Please come by later, and I'll show you. I have to go." Regina tells him. She leans over to kiss him again and turns around to almost bump into someone. Regina sees it's Princes Godspeed, the heir to the Wolf Clan. 

"Your highness, I'm so sorry." she apologizes to Princess Godspeed. 

"It's okay. I was watching and the attraction you have for this human." Princess Victoria said 

"My human." Regina told her and left. 

Five minutes later, Regina parked in the driveway of her house and exited it. 

Sitmousanly the neighbors were out and gave her a nod with a comforting smile.  

Her mom was standing in the kitchen waiting for coffee, and her offspring made her way over to her mom with flowers. 

She accepts them with open arms, then places them on the table and sees Regina get on her knees. 

"I have been a royal class bitch trying to justify my relationship with that toxic empty shell that looks like the one I loved." Regina stops to find the right words for the sentence.

"My tone with you was inexcusable, but I believed in....." Regina was looking for the next word. 

"Stand up." Her mom said and gave a comforting hug to her daughter. 

They sat down across from each other. 

"My ways aren't yours, and so we will fight. 

I never took your tone to heart, but you must be careful about who you want as a mate now.." She told her daughter. 

 "I kissed Jasper." Regina told her. 

 "He's broken because a man violated him in his home." Her mom points out. 

"I want to give it a chance." Regina said to her. 

"I hope you prove me wrong." Her mother said. 

"Where's my sister?" Regina asks. 

"She's out in the garage doing vocal exercises for show choir this year, and you owe her a big apology for taking the shell's side on another issue." Her mom reminds her daughter. 

Grace's spoiled diva sister Leah won Regina's support claiming she didn't steal Regina's sister Kendall's diary. The entitled diva had copied sentences from it as lyrics for a song in a regional competition.   

"I ran into the princess." Regina said. 

"My sister Davina gave birth to that angel that honors the lineage by becoming a warrior like us. " Her mom said with a smile on her face.

"She's protected the clan beautifully with drape in blood. Victoria fights with the true champion of Pinnacle city. They have killed the parasite of the supernatural and won the heart of that champion. You will join them on the front line daily. What are you going to do about the empty shell??" Her mom asks. 

"The shell is coming to pick up everything I want to give back." Regina said. 

"When it comes back, and you need support, I'll be upstairs." Her mom said. 

"I got this." Regina told her and then went upstairs. 

She saw the big cardboard box labeled, "Return to the shell.". 

  Regina went into her bathroom and took a shower. She was putting together a fetching outfit for Jasper.

The outfit consists of a Red Pinnacle Jersey that Grace had given for her birthday. She matched it with a black Leather slit skirt and crimson-colored ankle boots. Grace gave her the jersey, but Regina will keep it. The short red Booties show off Regina's legs and drive Jasper sexually crazy. 

Minutes later.

She goes downstairs with the box to the front porch and throws it up. It lands on the ground. 

Some fragile items had shattered on impact.

Grace was coming around the corner and pulled up in front of the house. Her boyfriend Nathan was driving. 

The walking empty shell got out of the car and saw the box right in front of the expensive heels which went with the dress. 

"Seriously." It said in Grace's voice. 

"Having it around except for the jersey reminds me of losing Grace.." Regina said. 

"I'm Grace!" It told her, and Regina began to walk back to her house.

She couldn't stand the sight of the shell and began to walk after her. Regina's neighbors surround the couple, and they would ready to pounce.

"No." The young would-be alpha yells, and they all back off. Regina's mother opens the door with a smile on her face. 

 "You will make a great alpha." 

March 30, 2023 15:38

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John K Adams
17:01 Apr 06, 2023

You depict a culture which is foreign to me. It was an interesting peek. Though there is much discussion of love and affection, the formality of the dialogue displays little warmth, Perhaps because of that, I did not connect with the MC.


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David Sweet
14:03 Apr 04, 2023

Thanks for sharing. If I could offer some advice: 1) you start off in past tense "She drove" then switch later to present tense "She remembers." For consistency choose one or the other. 2) Some of your quotes end with .." When writing a quote it should be punctuated with a comma unless the end of a quote in a paragraph. For example: "It was horrible," she remarked. OR "It was horrible. " These are just minor and easily corrected mistakes. Thanks for sharing your story.


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