Drama Friendship

Every Thursday night I would sit down with my dad and watch movies. Julie would sit with her brother and watch tv. Our houses right next to each other, we could hear the delay between her sesame street and mine. We would open up our windows and sing the opening lyrics to each other. “Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street!” As we grew old, I could hear her tv blasting cartoons and Disney channel originals. Sometimes I wanted to go and watch with her, but I loved spending time with my dad, and she loved spending time with her brother. I would squint my eyes and wince as I watched Die Hard and Silence of the Lambs with my dad. That's when I found my heroes. When Julie wanted to be a famous musician and an actress, I wanted to be a cop. Once, when Julie wanted to be president, she gave me a promise ring. She said it was because she wanted everyone on capitol hill to know why I got special treatment. I knew that wasn’t the reason, my dad left. He always fought with my mom and he told me it was what everyone did when they loved each other. I loved him and we never fought. I loved Julie and we never fought. I still can’t watch Die Hard but I’m still a cop. My dad could never take that from me. 

I could feel the hard hit from the concrete sidewalk get lighter and lighter as I walked up to the old familiar doors. I walked up to Julie’s door with a wide grin across my face. I knew Julie hadn’t been doing well, but I couldn’t help it. My dream had come true. I adjusted my belt, and knocked on the door 4 times. 4, not 3, our secret knock. I could hear somber steps towards the door. Julie slowly cracked open the door. Her face, though keeping a tight frown, loosened for a second. She looked down, looked up, down again, and back up before she mumbled her first words to me in 3 months. “So, you actually became a cop.” 

“Sure did!” I quickly responded, bouncing from the balls of my feet up to my toes. She opened the door a bit more, offering my entrance. I glanced at her hand. The ring is still on. I stepped into her house, kicking away empty trash as I walk towards the living room. I saw her brother, laying on the couch. Leukemia, stage 3. I felt bad for Julie. Our Sesame Street gang was dwindling. And, this was something I couldn't fix with a promise ring. Maybe dinner. I told Julie to be ready by 6pm. She wasn't ready.

I always took the same walk to Julies house. I would walk around the corner so I could see my dad’s house, pass the mini mart, and then walk a few more blocks, take a right, and I was there. I liked to check up on my dad, he didn’t know I was there, but that's what I liked about it. I got to see his new family, see how they didn’t fight, see how much happier he is. That was the worst part about Julie’s brother. I got to see my dad, know he was happy. After Julie’s brother goes, she can only assume he’s going to heaven. I know he is, but I know Julie isn’t sure. 

Today, I started walking to Jule’s house a bit early. As I walked past my dad's house I noticed something strange through the window. Hands up. A gun. Panic. I sneak the pepper spray from my silver clutch and run into the house. I yell “Freeze” the gunman points at me. They are wearing a makeshift mask. They drop their weapon. They stare. “On the ground” I shout. They reach for their face “On the ground” I say again. They move to the ground, throw the gun across the room, and reach for their mask. As they slowly take it off, I feel weight collapsing onto me like an anvil. “Julie?” I ask.

My thoughts were gloomy as my captain’s order rang again in my head, “It's for the greater good.” I’ve known Jules my whole life, she might be a bit of a mess but I wasn’t sure if I could betray her like that.

I look over to my side and see her looking at the ground, tears rolling down her face. The grey carpet reflecting off of her dirty blond hair. She’s rambling about how brother is finally living his life once again, and needs the money to stay alive. I start to drift off in my thoughts and stare at my fathers family photo. How can I break that relationship? The positivity that had been gone for so long now finally rotten. I still remember us as kids, fighting over a raggedy teddy bear, and now here we are. 

“Katie, are you still there? Earth to Kate?” Julie asks. I snap out of my thoughts quickly, turning towards her again. I didn’t realize she asked me a question. I could see the concern in her eyes, as she continues, “ I know it's been a rough couple weeks for you. How’s the Academy been going?” 

I start to remember why I asked to meet her for dinner in the first place. Filled with anxiety, I look down and mumble, “yeah, it’s been going well.” The worn down promise ring that Jules gave me when we were kids feels cold and heavy on my finger. 

“Katie, are you sure you’re okay? If you don’t say anything I’m gonna leave” She says again playfully.

I sigh, remembering that she knows when I’m nervous. I sat there for a couple of minutes, not sure what to do. We sat there in silence until I couldn’t take it any longer, “I get why you had to do it.”

Her brow furrows, “What?”

“I get why you had to get the money. For you to help your brother. I get it. I,” I start to break down,” I just want you to know that...I’m….sorry.” 

Realization was on her face for a second before she frowns again. She looks at me then back at the now black sky, “what are you trying to say, Katie?” 

“I’m sorry,” I pull out my phone but she grabs my arm, stopping me.

“Katie, please...don’t. I had to,” she pleads, “I had to.”

“I know,” I said. A tear drips from her chin as she lets go, her hands falling back down to the ground. I put the phone up to my ear, thinking about the last couple of years we had together. After a few dreadful rings, a familiar voice asks me what my answer is. 

“I want to report a robbery, it was me.”

November 13, 2020 18:29

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Violet Waters
00:46 Nov 21, 2020

I liked this story. I thought the emotion between the characters felt well developed, and the 'Sesame Street Gang' tie in throughout the whole thing was really creative.


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Shea West
23:28 Nov 18, 2020

Interesting twist there at the end. There really is that fear when you grow up that life will separate you from your friends depending on the paths one takes or what's thrown at them.....


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