Fiction High School Mystery

The year is 2182, and with the advancements of technology, artificial intelligence, and a basic understanding of the human species, It is now possible to predict every single person’s behavior and what they will do next. First, let me take you back to where all of this came to be. A group of scientists are able to amalgamate their knowledge of human behavior in the year 2182. They come up with an extremely complex formula involving strands of hair. This takes a turn for the worse when the average citizen figures out this formula and is able to predict the behavior of anybody they want.

“John!!” My Mother yelled as I raced down the stairs. 

Today was the first day of my senior year, and I couldn’t be more excited. All these years of hard work, I only needed to get through this final easy year and I’d be off to college. “I’m here, Mother, you don’t have to yell every morning,” I remarked.

 “I just want to make sure you aren’t late for your final first day of k-12 school ever,” she responded. I grabbed my keys and backpack and walked towards the garage. This day had a weird feeling to it, and boy was that an understatement.

“BEEP!” My friend Sam started honking at me as I pulled into the school parking lot. He was in an oddly good mood for the first day of school; he usually isn’t much of a school or morning person. “Hey, man,” I said as I pulled up right next to him. “Did you hear about that new formula/testing that can be done to predict a human’s behavior?” he asked. I thought about it for a minute and honestly couldn’t think if I had heard about it or not. I’m not much of a news person. “No, what even is it?” I expressed. 

“It’s weird, and apparently only the government at the moment knows the formula and can do the testing.” At this point he’s telling me this as we walk into the first hour. We have gotten really lucky over the years being in classes together considering all the classes available to students at our school. “Rumor is that they pluck a few hairs from someone and that's all they need to conduct the test or complete the formula.” He said kind of hesitantly. The bell for the first hour rang, and it was time to pay attention.

At some point, I could feel myself dozing off or just not paying attention as I had the mentality that it’s my final year of high school, I already got into college, I don’t have to worry about this year at all. Finally, something that got my attention. A strangely dressed man entered the classroom. I wondered how he was given the visitor’s pass to get into the school. He looked directly at me. And  Told the teacher that he needed me for something and it was urgent. Next thing I know, I’m in the hallway. 

He looked at me and spoke, “Hello, John, I’m an assistant at the lab downtown and we need you for testing. This is mandatory and you will not be able to decline.”

 I stood there in a state of shock. I had never heard of anything like this before. “I… I’m confused, sir.” I said stuttering. 

“I know son. I already contacted your parents and they are aware of the situation. You should be honored we chose you as a testee; this is a massive step towards understanding the human mind.” We kept walking at this point. I still have no idea what is going on, but I’m going along with it in hopes that it’s either cool or I can do something that helps people. We step into his car and start driving towards downtown.

Fifteen minutes later, we both haven’t said a word to each other. I’m just stuck here wondering what this test is really going to be and if it will harm me in any way. Finally, he parks and says, “Okay, we’re here; you can get out now.” We step out of the car and walk-in. He sits me down and says, “We are now going to be predicting your behavior for the next 48 hours, and we will do this by using strands of your hair.” A light bulb goes off in my head to what Sam said this morning about the government conducting this experiment using the strands of hair. The rumors were true; the government is actually predicting the behavior of people.

 I get excited and say, “So the rumors are true?” 

The official, who still hasn’t told me his name. He looks at me confused at first, and then realizes what I’m talking about. He looks at me funny. “Yes, son, they are. This is a great advancement and development for the human race, now it is time for your test.”

He grabs a few strands of my hair and takes them into the back of the laboratory. It feels like ages before he returns and he looks enthused by my results. He sits down and says, “Okay, so for the next 48 hours your behavior will be that of someone who is truly enjoying life and is pursuing happiness.” I look at him and think yeah I’m really happy. There’s so much good in my life. I sit there and wonder though was this truly the final testing or is there still gonna be more advancements to all of this. He looks and says, “Okay I will take you back now. Thank you for your time.” I look at him and nod. 

That night Sam calls me and we talk about what happened. I tell him about the rumors being true. He tells me we need to come up with a plan so that we can obtain the formula for testing to do this for ourselves to see what is truly going on in everyone’s life. I agree and we start devising a plan.

To be continued……...

December 17, 2020 22:33

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