Coming of Age Friendship Sad

Once upon a time, there was a strong friendship bond between two boys. Miku ,who was a poor boy and deni the rich one. Miku always shares good and new experiences and teaches deni to try it.

They always had a good memory . They used to play with each other ,but deni's parents was always against their friendship as miku was poorer than them and below their standard. His mother always thought miku could distract deni's study, and couldn't achieve anything. Deni's mother always cursed and scold miku to break their friendship, but they don't want to break. Miku was a poor boy with no parents, he was orphan, but he really like to study, and to become a good businessman. Deni's mother always cursed him that he could never achieve it and instead thought that he will stop deni to achieve his dream. Deni and miku used to meet somewhere in secret places where their parents wouldn't know where they are. But at last deni's mother came to know and so she decided to put deni into boarding school so, that he will be away from miku. On the day on going to boarding school, deni was upset and sad because he didn't got the last chance to meet and say goodbye. Unknowingly, miku was hiding behind the tree near the road with full of tears in his eyes. When the car left, miku runs towards the car and told deni that " don't worry my friend , we will meet again at any cost bye! bye!. After 20 years , Deni any his parents were having harsh time and suffering from financial problem. They lost their house, car, property as his father bussiness went down. Deni , and his mother (became old) were going home after marketing. On the way , deni was on a phone call suddenly his mother got slipped and was going to fall, but a young and charming man, almost like the age of deni saved him. She was pleased and thanking him to save. She praises him and asked "what's you name son" ? with that old face. The man replied ,"didn't you recognize me, I'm miku deni's childhood friend. Deni's mother was in a shock and started to utter and said you are miku?. Miku smiled and said, yes aunty. When deny came, his eyes was full of happy tears and hugged miku. Miku said,come on my friend I'll drop you. They all sat in the car. On the way deni's mother said, " I'm really sorry and feel apologize for whatever I've told you in your young age. Please forgive me for my bad words. Miku smiled and said,"No, you don't need to apologize, instead you are one of my reason I'm in this position. From you I got some target point to achieve it and as I have promised deni that I will meet him one day at any cost, this is the time we met again. They reached deni's home , deni's mother said son miku, would you like to have a lunch with us? Without Hesitation miku replied "sure I'd love to. They went inside and deni's mother cooked for them. After the lunch they were having a good time and conversation. Miku asked,"what about deni's marriage, he didn't married yet?. With that sad face the mother replied, " he was in a relationship when we were not in financial problem, but as we started losing , deni was unable to fulfill the needs of her, so she always scold and argued with my son. So I scold her why you always scold my son , you are his fiancee and should respect him and I slapped her. After that she told "she can't live in a family where they cannot fulfill her needs. So she breaked relationship with deni. Miku said ,that's so sad and I feel sorry for my friend. Don't worry aunty I will make sure and promises deni to celebrate and settle his marriage. Deni stood up suddenly and with nervous and shame face he asked , miku ! Can you manage a job for me in your company. Miku stood up and said, yes my friends, instead I was searching a qualified person to be my manager , I would love to see you as my manager. They all were very happy . After months, Miku adopted a sister her name was Arianna she was just 9 years old. They were living happily. One day miku was having a urgent meeting and suddenly got accident by a truck. He was in a serious condition and some people took him to the hospital. When deni and his family , including Arianna got to know , they crushingly went. They were in full of tears and sad. When the doctor came out from the operation room, deni asked, " what happen doctor is he okay? Doctor replied, I'm sorry she was in very serious condition and he only left few minutes to survive, so you can talk him lastly now. After haeting this Arianna fainted and fall on ground. Deni carried her and went I inside the room, they all were full of blue. Tears was falling like a rain. Deninsaid ," miku my friend , get up fast you can't leave all of us. You promised me to celebrate my married and now you are going away like this . I'll never forgive you. Miku with some consciousness replied,"oh dear friend! I'm really sorry ,I can't celebrate your wedding forgive me. But please be happy and keep my Arianna happy and make her to achieve her dream. Uncle ,aunty (deni's parents) take care of yourself , deni and arianna . Even if I die I will ne always nearby hou. I can never forget you people who made my whole life with full of memories and fun. Please take care and forgive me!. His last Breathe stopped. They all were shocked and couldn't believe that miku was no more with them, who made their life into good one.

After years of passing , deni became a good and successful businessman. He was married . And living a happy and prosperous life. Arianna became doctor and was happy alone. Deni's parents became very old and they used to sit in wheelchair. They became a happy family once again.

- Rinya bagang

October 21, 2020 08:24

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