Submitted to: Contest #53

Meant To Be

Written in response to: "Write a story about summer love — the quarantine edition."


COVID-19 kills more than 25,000 people...

Stay home, stay safe, don't forget to put on a mask before leaving the house...

Social distancing is important...

I scroll down on my phone, reading the headlines in Google. I remember when I first heard about the COVID-19 virus in December, initially in Wuhan, China. I don't think anyone expected it to infect the world like this. Sighing, I opened Instagram and watched stories of my friends. Considering everyone's stuck at home, they have just kept memes of 2020 being a disastrous year or their daily activities of what they do at home or pictures of themselves hanging out with their own pets. Nothing new.

I log out and go to my art account, where I see a whole bunch of likes on my latest sketch of Tanjiro and Nezuko from the recent anime I watched, Demon Slayer. I read the comments with everyone saying how they love my sketch, heart-eye emojis, asking me what I'll draw next. I try to reply to most of them as possible, however, since my followers have gradually increased in a one year span, it's getting difficult to reply to everyone. I only made this account when my friends suggested it but I never expected so many people to like my art works. Plus most of the sketches were of anime characters and, apparently, many people liked it.

I received four messages and I quickly clicked on the icon. Three were from my own friends while the fourth one was from someone new. Out of curiosity, I click on the username @sagittariusartist101.

@sagittariusartist101: Hey :) I stumbled on to ur account a month ago & I rly love ur work, they inspire me 2 draw

@ArtM2001: Hi, & thank u, rly appreciate it :)

I check the person's account and apparently, this person's art skills are great. The person drew anime characters, a few from Death Note, Attack on Titan and Naruto. Also, there were a few sketches of dragons, flowers and skulls, which reminded me of tattoos on paper. Really surprised that someone like me who only does pencil sketch could inspire this person to draw, I liked three of the posts and followed the person and then I typed another message.

@ArtM2001: Tbh, ur artworks r better than mine, I don't see how I inspire u lol


I was chatting with my friend, Suvanna at 10:30 P.M. She sent me a message saying how awesome the new drawing I made is and told me to sign up for this art contest which she saw in facebook.

@ArtM2001: Idk bout that

@suvanna19: Ok, think bout it, its next week tho

@ArtM2001: Alright

I got a reply from @sagittariusartist101.

@sagittariusartist101: Lol, thank u 4 those likes & the follow. Srsly tho, u inspired me 2 make my own art account :) & perhaps u shouldn't compare ur art with mine, ur sketches r very detailed & awesome

@ArtM2001: Wow, when I 1st made this art account, I wasn't expecting anything from it

@sagittariusartist101: Y not?

@ArtM2001: Well, 4 one thing, art is only a hobby 4 me, nth srs

@sagittariusartist101: Srsly? U could b a fantastic artist! Look at the details on ur work!

@ArtM2001: My parents don't think this has scope in the world

@sagittariusartist101: Kidding me right? Tell that 2 ppl like Da Vinci or Picasso

@ArtM2001: Well...times change

I don't know why I was discussing my career life with a stranger. When I was thirteen, I had told my parents that I wanted to become an artist, however, they told me that's not a decent job. So, after studying business studies for two years in college, I'm taking a gap year due to the COVID-19 crisis. However, business studies was kinda boring for me, but my parents did have a point. Finding a subject based on scope would be easy for my future.

@sagittariusartist101: My parents tell me majoring on eng isnt gonna take me anywhere, in fact they said I should've taken IT or sth but I'm interested in literature & arts. I think u should follow ur dreams

@ArtM2001: Easy 2 say, but that's not the case here

@sagittariusartist101: Just saying, u get one life & ur living 4 other ppl...but I guess I understand what u mean. Btw, what's ur name?

@ArtM2001: Y?

@sagittariusartist101: Curious

@ArtM2001: Maya, & urs?

@sagittariusartist101: That's a beautiful name. I'm Kevin

So he was from abroad, although my head kept thinking about how he complimented my name.

@ArtM2001: Where're u from?

@sagittariusartist101: Melbourne, Australia. U?

Oh wow.

@ArtM2001: Nepal

@sagittariusartist101: The country where Mt. Everest is?

@ArtM2001: Yup

@sagittariusartist101: Nice

I rolled my eyes and typed,

@ArtM2001: I don't like this country

@sagittariusartist101: Y? It's an amazing country, my elder sister went there b4 with her frenz, she says the place is fantastic

@ArtM2001: Idk, it's a poor country, has less opportunities & stuff, too much political conflict, I'd rather b abroad

@sagittariusartist101: Quite rich in natural beauty tho & political conflict? Which country has a clean history in politics? There might b less opportunities, but there's always sth u can find

I smiled at his words and typed,

@ArtM2001: Ur quite an optimist

@sagittariusartist101: Realist tbh, but it's all bout perspective

@ArtM2001: True, but still

@sagittariusartist101: *sigh* nth ever seems interesting when it belongs 2 u, only when it doesnt

I laughed and typed,

@ArtM2001: Lol, well, is there sth u dont like bout ur country then? Cuz that seems impossible

Kevin didn't type anything for a while. He was probably thinking. Then finally, he typed the message,

@sagittariusartist101: Well, personally, I dont like our accents

I laughed at that and typed,

@ArtM2001: Lmao, I cant take u srsly rn

@sagittariusartist101: Lol, but its true. I'd rather have a British accent honestly. Anyway, need 2 go, ttyl alright?

@ArtM2001: Ok sure

What an interesting guy.


@sagittariusartist101 sent a message.

I opened it and saw that he drew a quite fancy version of the Dark Mark from Harry Potter. He sent a message right below it.

@sagittariusartist101: Well? What do u think?

@ArtM2001: Brilliant

@sagittariusartist101: Lol, idk y I heard that in Dan Radcliffe's voice

I laughed, just imagining it, then typed,

@ArtM2001: Lmao, but it is

@sagittariusartist101: Thank u, btw, how's ur Ryuk & Light's sketch going?

I looked at my sketch on top of my desk which was halfway complete and typed,

@ArtM2001: Pretty good, need 2 shade it

@sagittariusartist101: Can I see?

I stood up and went to my desk. I clicked a picture and sent it to him, with a message saying In progress.

@sagittariusartist101: Brilliant, as usual

@ArtM2001: It's not even complete yet

@sagittariusartist101: Knowing ur drawings, ik it will b

I felt my cheeks flush. Kevin and I have been chatting with each other for a month now. And I don't know why, but I looked forward to his messages. Plus, he was so nice, sweet and understanding. He was funny too, always making me laugh. My phone buzzed as he sent another message.

@sagittariusartist101: Btw one of my frenz proposed 2 me, I was quite surprised

I blinked as I read his text message, feeling my heart clench.

@ArtM2001: & what did u say?

@sagittariusartist101: Well...I rejected her

I sighed out loud, suddenly realizing that I was actually relieved. What the hell, Maya?

@ArtM2001: Oh, that's sad

@sagittariusartist101: Yeah well, we don't rly click tbh, idk y she even likes me, we're not meant to b. But anyway...can I ask u sth?

@ArtM2001: Sure

@sagittariusartist101: How many guys have u dated?

Pressing my lips together and feeling slightly embarrassed, I typed,

@ArtM2001: None

@sagittariusartist101: Srsly? A kind, talented girl like u doesn't have a single bf in the past? Seems unlikely

@ArtM2001: Well it's true, wby?

@sagittariusartist101: 2 gf, but didn't last long

@ArtM2001: Oh

@sagittariusartist101: Yeah well, nvm, I'm looking towards the future now. So...what's ur type?

Why in the world is he asking me this?

@ArtM2001: I dont think I have a type, I mean the crushes I've had, there's nth in common with them

@sagittariusartist101: Oh, I see, but u know what? I like girls of ur type

Okay, I was seriously blushing right now.

@ArtM2001: Is that so?

@sagittariusartist101: Yup, hey, maybe once all this world crisis is over, u can come 2 study in Australia, we can meet up & as a greeting I can give u a bunch of sunflowers

I smiled and appreciated the fact that he remembered my favourite flowers which I had told him once before.

@ArtM2001: Lol I'd like that very much


It's been four days and Kevin has still not messaged me. I texted him yesterday but he hasn't even seen it. It doesn't seem like him, he would reply by the end of the day. I looked at the messages.

@ArtM2001: Hey

@ArtM2001: Everything ok?

He finally replied on Friday.

@sagittariusartist101: This is unfortunate, but me & my mom have been tested +ve 4 the COVID-19, I'm currently at the hospital

I read the message four times letting the message sink in.

@ArtM2001: Will u b ok?

He didn't send anything right away and then he typed,

@sagittariusartist101: Idk, but dont worry, Ik things'll b fine :)

Feeling afraid, I typed back,

@ArtM2001: Take care of urself, I wish u & ur mom good health

@sagittariusartist101: Thank u, I'll text u once everything's fine ok?

@ArtM2001: Ok


Two weeks past and he still didn't text anything. I was feeling thoroughly anxious and afraid. I had told Suvanna about Kevin and she had told me that he definitely had a crush on me and used to often tease me with him. But now when I told her about his case, she said through the phone, "Well, he could still be in the hospital."

"I know, but I just feel so scared."

"Maya, it's gonna be fine alright?" she replied.

"I hope so."

"But you know," Suvanna said slowly. "Looking at the state of the world...well, don't get me wrong there are survivors. know, he could...well."

"He's not dead," I stated bluntly.

"Maya..." Suvanna said, but I wasn't having it and I cut the phone.


Two months later, Kevin still hasn't replied or anything. And, I didn't text him back either. Suvanna told me that he might be gone but I still had my hopes up. I prayed for him and his mom and it was while praying that I realized that I liked him. A lot. And his absence hurt. I only wished for the best. When July began, I gave up hoping and let the thought sink in that he was gone. I had to move on, he wasn't going to reply back. I unfollowed him and deleted the chat, feeling tearful.


A few years later

"Huh, finally," Suvanna said, sitting down on the park bench with her cappuccino. "The assignments they're giving us is too much."

"And you're still procrastinating?" I asked, sighing.

"Well, she's a professional at it," Dean, Suvanna's boyfriend, said, shaking his head then looking at her fondly. "You better complete your assignments when it's due."

"Ugh, you guys," Suvanna said. "I need a break."

Dean and I exchanged glances and looked at the view. Australia sure was beautiful. After things were finally normal, I sent an application form to University of Melbourne and surprisingly, I got a place in the university. Suvanna decided to enroll in the same university as me and we've been studying here for over two years now. I thought of Kevin as I enrolled but now he's just a part of my memory.

"Maya? Can you do me a favour?" Suvanna asked.

"Sure," I said and she handed over some money.

"Can you get me a new notebook? Mine's about to finish," she said, sipping on her coffee.

"Fine," I said, walking towards the shop. I'd usually refuse but she's been studying late at night trying to complete a few assignments.

I opened the door and walked in, looking for a decent notebook when my eyes fell on a cute sunflower keychain. I was about to take it when my hand brushed against someone else's, who seemed to buy the same one too. I turned to see a handsome guy, with brown hair and blue eyes look at me.

"Oh sorry, were you going to buy the same thing?" he asked, standing up as I did.

"That's okay, you can buy it," I replied.

"Nah, you can have it," he said. He looked at the keychain and added, "The flower just reminds me of someone."

I looked at him and said, "Oh, well, it's just my favorite flower so...yeah."

He glanced at me carefully and asked, "It was her favorite flower too."

"Whose?" I asked, curiously.

"This girl I like," he said, shrugging. "What a coincidence."

"Yeah...I know," I said, not taking my eyes off him. "Is she your girlfriend?"

"Oh, well no, I met her online," he said. "You see, me and my mom were kept in quarantine for a month where she passed away. On top of that my phone's battery had died, so I couldn't keep in touch with her. When I was finally able to go back home, I didn't see her profile. I don't know, I think she blocked me or something, I couldn't find her account again. Haven't talked to her since." I stared at him with disbelief. There was no way...

"Well, you can buy that," he added with a small smile, keeping his hands inside his pockets. "I'm just gonna find something else for myself, I mean there are other things I haven't checked yet right?"

"You're...quite an optimist," I said, remembering an old conversation.

He stared at me then, with his mouth hanging slightly open. In a small voice he asked, "No way...Maya?"

"Kevin," I said, smiling wide.

Posted Aug 06, 2020

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6 likes 2 comments

Lynn Penny
21:16 Aug 09, 2020

This was cute, I liked it. Great job!


16:50 Aug 10, 2020

Thank you so much :)


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